

更新时间:2024-02-12 21:26:14作者:自考教育网



1. 什么是favour?



2. favour的发音与拼写


3. favour的同义词及例句

- 同义词:preference, liking, support, approval

- 例句:

a) I have a strong favour for chocolate ice cream.


b) She always shows favour towards her youngest son.


c) The company has received a lot of favours from the government.


d) Can you do me a favour and pick up my dry cleaning?


4. favour与favor在美式英语中的用法区别


5. favour的衍生词

- favourable:形容词,意为“有利的、顺利的”。

- favourite:形容词,意为“最喜爱的、首选的”,也可以作为名词使用。

- favouritism:名词,意为“偏袒、偏爱”。

6. 常见短语

- do someone a favour:帮某人一个忙

- return the favour:回报恩情

- in favour of:支持、赞成

- out of favour:不受欢迎、不受青睐



首先,让我们来解释一下“favour”的意思。它是一个名词,意为“喜爱”、“偏爱”、“好感”等。例如,“I have a favour for chocolate.”(我对巧克力有偏爱。)


除了“favour”,还有一些同义词可以表达相似的意思,比如“preference”(偏好)、“liking”(喜好)、“favoritism”(偏袒)等。例如,“I have a preference for tea over coffee.”(我更喜欢茶而不是咖啡。)

在日常生活中,我们也经常会用到这个词,比如说请人帮忙时可以说“I need a favour from you.”(我需要你帮个忙。)或者当别人向我们请求帮助时可以回答“I'll do you a favour.”(我会帮你一个忙的。)


1. "Favour"的意思是什么?

"Favour"是一个多义词,它可以作为名词、动词和形容词使用。作为名词时,它的意思是“偏爱、好感、恩惠”,常见的短语有"in favour of"(支持、赞成)、"do someone a favour"(帮忙)等。作为动词时,它的意思是“支持、赞同、喜爱”,常见的短语有"favour with"(给予)和"favour someone with something"(给某人某物)。作为形容词时,它的意思是“有利的、受欢迎的”,常见的短语有"in one's favour"(对某人有利)、"in favour of someone/something"(支持某人/某事物)等。

2. "Favour"怎么读?


3. "Favour"的同义词有哪些?


4. 英文例句:

- I have a strong favour for spicy food.


- The judge ruled in her favour.


- Can you do me a favour and pick up my dry cleaning?


- The new policy is in favour of small businesses.


5. 中文例句:

- 我对这个城市有种特殊的好感。

- 裁判做出了对她有利的裁决。

- 你能帮我个忙,去取干洗衣服吗?

- 这项新政策对小企业有利


1. In favor of(支持,赞成)

例句:The majority of the committee was in favor of the new policy.

2. Favourable to(有利于,有益于)

例句:The warm weather was favourable to our outdoor activities.

3. In someone's favour(对某人有利)

例句:The judge ruled in the defendant's favour.

4. Show favour(偏袒,偏爱)

例句:The teacher should not show favour towards any particular student.

5. Return a favour(回报恩惠)

例句:I will definitely return the favour you did for me.

6. Favour with(给予特殊待遇)

例句:The celebrity was favoured with front row seats at the concert.

7. Be in someone's good/bad favour(得到某人的喜爱/不喜爱)

例句:She is always in her boss's good favour because of her hard work.

8. Win someone's favour(赢得某人的欢心)

例句:He won his girlfriend's parents' favour by helping them with household chores.

9. Favourably disposed to/towards(对...持有好感)

例句:She is not very fond of cats but she is still favourably disposed towards them.

10. A token of favour(一种恩惠的表示)

例句:The king gave a token of his favour to his loyal subjects on his birthday.

11. Fall out of favour with(失宠于...,不再得到喜爱)

例句:After the scandal, the politician fell out of favor with the public.

12. Currying favor with(讨好,巴结)

例句:The employee was caught currying favor with the boss to get a promotion.

13. In someone's good graces(得到某人的欢心)

例句:She is always in her grandparents' good graces because she visits them regularly.

14. Favour someone with(给予某人特殊待遇)

例句:The manager favoured the new employee with a better office and higher salary.

15. A favour of fortune(幸运之事)

例句:Winning the lottery was a favour of fortune for the struggling family.

16. Favourable circumstances(有利条件)

例句:The company took advantage of the favourable circumstances to expand their business.

17. In favour of(支持,赞成)

例句:The majority of the committee was in favour of the new policy.

18. Do someone a favour(帮某人一个忙)

例句:Can you do me a favor and pick up my dry cleaning on your way home?

19. Return someone's favour(回报某人的恩惠)

例句:She returned her friend's favor by helping her move into her new apartment.

20. Favourable outcome(有利结果)

例句:Thanks to their hard work, they were able to achieve a favorable outcome in the project


1. Prefer - 比较喜欢,偏爱

例句:She seems to prefer chocolate over vanilla ice cream.

2. Support - 支持,赞成

例句:I fully support your decision to study abroad.

3. Approve - 赞同,认可

例句:The committee has approved the new budget proposal.

4. Benefit - 有益处,好处

例句:Regular exercise has many benefits for both physical and mental health.

5. Privilege - 特权,优待

例句:As a VIP member, you will enjoy many privileges and discounts.

6. Assist - 协助,帮助

例句:The team worked together to assist the elderly in their community.

7. Promote - 促进,推广

例句:The company is looking for ways to promote their new product in the market.

8. Advocate - 拥护,支持

例句:She is a strong advocate for animal rights and welfare.

9. Favoritism - 偏袒,偏爱

例句:The boss was accused of showing favoritism towards certain employees.

10. Partiality - 偏心,偏爱

例句:The judge was criticized for his partiality towards the defendant during the trial



