

更新时间:2024-02-12 21:20:28作者:自考教育网




1. fēi vǒu ěr (非凡尔)


2. fú wéi ěr (福维尔)


3. fǎ wéi ěr (法维尔)


4. fēng wéi ěr (风维尔)


5. fù wéi ěr (富维尔)


6. fā wéi ěr (发维尔)


7. fǎn wéi ěr (繁维尔)


8. fú wéi ěr (服维尔)


9. fēng yuè ěr (丰约尔)


10. fú xī ěr (福喜尔)



1. “favour”的英文发音为[fey-ver],重音在第一个音节上。

2. 这个单词是一个名词,意为“偏爱”、“喜爱”、“支持”等。

3. 它也可以作为动词使用,表示“赞成”、“支持”、“帮助”等。

4. 在美国英语中,它也可以作为形容词使用,意为“有利的”、“受欢迎的”。

5. “favour”的复数形式为“favours”,同样的发音。

6. 这个单词的近义词包括:preference、liking、support、advantage等。

7. 与“favour”相反的是“disfavour”,意为“不喜欢”、“不赞成”。

8. 该单词的反义词包括:dislike、opposition、disadvantage等。

9. 在英国英语中,“u”的发音比较明显,可以听作[fey-vuh]。

10. 除了作为名词和动词外,“favour”还可以用来构成一些常用短语,例如:

- in favour of:赞成、支持

- out of favour:不受欢迎

- do someone a favour:帮某人一个忙

- return the favour:回报恩情

- curry favour with someone:讨好某人

11. “favour”的词源可以追溯到古法语的“favor”,意为“善意”、“喜爱”。

12. 在英国,人们通常会用“favour”来表示对某人的好感或支持,例如:She's always been my favourite child.(她一直是我最喜欢的孩子。)

13. 在美国,这个单词也可以用作谦虚的说法,表示自己并不在乎或不需要某种东西,例如:No, thanks, I'm not in favour of sweets.(不,谢谢,我不喜欢吃甜食。)

14. “favour”的常见用法还包括:

- be in favour of:赞成、支持

- be out of favour with someone:失宠于某人

- show someone a favour:帮助某人、给予恩惠

- ask a favour of someone:向某人求助

15. 总结一下,“favour”是一个多功能的单词,在不同语境下可以表示不同的含义。它既可以作为名词、动词和形容词使用,也可以构成一些常用短语。熟练掌握其发音和用法有助于提高英语表达能力


1. "Favour"的基本含义


2. “Favour”的用法

a. 作为名词时,“favour”通常用来表示对某人或某物的喜爱或偏爱。例如:

- He has always shown a strong favour towards his youngest son.


- I have a particular favour for classical music.


b. 作为动词时,“favour”的用法更加多样化。它可以表示以下几种含义:

- 支持:She favoured the idea of starting a new business.


- 帮助:Could you do me a favour and pick up my dry cleaning?


- 赞成:The committee voted in favour of the new policy.


- 偏袒:The teacher always seems to favour the smartest students.


3. “Favour”的双语例句

a. The boss has always shown a strong favour towards his son, who is also his successor in the company.


b. Could you do me a favour and lend me your car for the weekend?


c. The majority of the audience were in favour of the new proposal.


d. The judge was accused of favouring one side over the other in the trial.




1. In favour of 有利于,支持

例句:The new policy is in favour of small businesses.


2. Favourable to 有利的,赞成的

例句:The weather conditions are favourable to outdoor activities.


3. Favourable outcome 有利的结果

例句:The negotiations resulted in a favourable outcome for both parties.


4. In someone's favour 对某人有利

例句:The judge ruled in the defendant's favour.


5. Show favour 向某人示好

例句:He always shows favour to his favorite students.


6. Return the favour 回报恩情

例句:She helped me with my project, so I wanted to return the favour by helping her with hers.


7. In one's best interests 符合某人最大的利益

例句:It is in your best interests to study hard and get good grades.


8. Favourable conditions 有利条件

例句:We need to create favourable conditions for economic growth.


9. Win someone's favour 赢得某人的青睐

例句:He tried to win his boss's favour by working overtime.


10. Favourable reviews 良好的评价

例句:The movie received favourable reviews from critics and audiences alike.



1. Preference - This word has a similar meaning to favour, as it refers to a liking or choice for something or someone.

Example: My preference for Italian food is well-known among my friends.

2. Support - When someone supports you, they are showing favour towards you and helping you in some way.

Example: The company's decision to support my idea was a great favour to me.

3. Approval - This word can also be used as a synonym for favour, as it implies acceptance or agreement with something.

Example: The manager's approval of my proposal was a great favour and boosted my confidence.

4. Benefit - When something is beneficial to you, it can be seen as a form of favour, as it brings advantages or gains.

Example: The new policy will be of great benefit to our employees, which is a huge favour from the company.

5. Kindness - This word refers to acts of goodwill and generosity towards others, which can also be considered as favours.

Example: His kindness in helping the elderly lady cross the street was greatly appreciated by everyone who witnessed it.

6. Assistance - When someone offers their assistance, they are providing help and support, which can be seen as a form of favour.

Example: I am grateful for your assistance in preparing for the presentation, it was a huge favour to me.

7. Privilege - This word has a similar connotation to favour, as it refers to special treatment or benefits given to someone.

Example: It was an honour and privilege for me to attend the exclusive event, thanks to your kind favour.

8. Blessing - When something is seen as a blessing, it is considered fortunate or beneficial, which can also be interpreted as a form of favour.

Example: Being able to travel around the world is truly a blessing and I am grateful for this opportunity that was granted through your kind favours.

9. Patronage - This word refers to the support and encouragement given by someone, which can be seen as a favour towards a particular person or cause.

Example: The company's patronage towards local charities is a great favour to the community.

10. Assistance - Similar to assistance, this word implies help and support offered by someone, which can also be considered as favours.

Example: Thank you for your kind assistance in organizing the event, it was a huge favour to me


