

更新时间:2024-02-12 21:14:15作者:自考教育网



1. 发音:[ˈfeɪvərɪts],重音在第二个音节上。

2. 同义词:preferences、likings、choices、top picks。


3. 例句:

- My favorite color is blue.


- Pizza is one of my favorites.


- What are your favorites?



1. favorites的定义


2. favorites的同义词

Favorites的同义词包括:darling, beloved, dearest, cherished, preferred等。它们都表示某人或某物在某人心中占据特殊地位,受到特别喜爱。

3. favorites的例句

(1) My favorite color is blue.


(2) He is her favorite actor.


(3) This book is one of my favorites.


(4) Ice cream is a favorite dessert for many people.


4. favorites与like之间的区别

Favorites和like都可以表示“喜欢”,但它们有着不同的用法。Like通常用来表达一般性、普遍性的喜好,而favorites则更强调个人偏好、特殊性。例如,“I like all kinds of music.”(我喜欢各种类型的音乐)与“I have many favorites among classical music.”(我在古典音乐中有很多最喜爱的)。

5. favorites的衍生词

除了名词和形容词,favorites还可以衍生出动词和副词。例如,verb. favorite(收藏、收藏品)、adv. favoritely(喜爱地)。

6. favorites的用法注意事项


(1) 它是一个复数形式的单词,因此后面的动词也要用复数形式。

(2) 它通常与介词of连用,表示某人或某物是“最喜爱的人或物”的一部分。

(3) 在表达自己最喜欢的东西时,可以使用“I have many favorites.”或“My favorites include...”等句型


1. favorites的意思


2. favorites的发音及读音


3. favorites的同义词


4. favorites的例句

(1) My favorite color is blue.


(2) This book is one of my favorites.


(3) She keeps all her favorite photos in a special album.


(4) Ice cream is a favorite treat for children.


(5) He was the crowd's favorite to win the race.


5. favorites作为形容词使用


(1) This is my favorite restaurant in town.


(2) The teacher's favorite student always gets good grades.


(3) The singer's new album is already a fan favorite.


6. favorites作为名词使用


(1) She added the new song to her favorites playlist.


(2) The museum has a special exhibit featuring the favorites of famous artists.



1. All-time favorites: 最喜爱的,永远不变的选择

例:My all-time favorites include pizza, ice cream, and action movies.

2. Personal favorites: 个人最爱,私藏物品

例:These books are my personal favorites that I always keep on my bookshelf.

3. Childhood favorites: 童年最爱,童年回忆中的喜爱物品

例:My childhood favorites were always cartoons and sugary cereals.

4. Instant favorites: 瞬间成为最爱,一见钟情的东西

例:I tried this new restaurant last night and it instantly became one of my favorites.

5. Hidden favorites: 隐藏的最爱,不被大众所知的物品或地点

例:This small coffee shop is one of my hidden favorites in the city.

6. Guilty pleasures: 内心最爱但又感到内疚的物品或活动

例:Eating a whole tub of ice cream is one of my guilty pleasures.

7. Old favorites: 老朋友,老熟人,指长期以来一直喜欢的东西

例:I recently re-watched an old favorite movie from my childhood and it brought back so many memories.

8. New favorites: 新欢,新发现的喜欢物品或活动

例:I just tried this new workout class and it has become one of my new favorite ways to stay fit.

9. Seasonal favorites: 季节性最爱,每个季节都会有不同的喜欢物品或活动

例:During the summer, ice cream and beach days are my seasonal favorites.

10. Ultimate favorite: 终极最爱,最喜欢的东西

例:My ultimate favorite thing to do on a lazy Sunday is to binge-watch my favorite TV show


1. Beloved: This is a synonym for favorites, which refers to something or someone that is loved and cherished. For example, "The book quickly became one of my beloved favorites."

2. Preferred: This word can also be used as a synonym for favorites, indicating something that is chosen or favored over others. For instance, "This restaurant is my preferred favorite for Italian food."

3. Treasured: Similar to beloved, this word conveys a sense of value and importance placed on something, making it a synonym for favorites. An example sentence could be, "The old necklace was one of her most treasured favorites."

4. Adored: This word expresses strong affection and admiration, making it another alternative for favorites. For example, "The actress was adored by many and quickly became a fan favorite."

5. Chosen: As a synonym for favorites, this word highlights the act of selecting or picking out something as a favorite among others. A sentence using this could be, "Out of all the options, this was my chosen favorite."

6. Preferred choice: This phrase emphasizes the preference and selection aspect of favorites. For instance, "My preferred choice for dessert is always chocolate cake."

7. Go-to: This informal term can also be used as a synonym for favorites, indicating something that is consistently relied upon or favored above others. An example sentence could be, "This brand has become my go-to favorite for skincare products."

8. Top pick: This phrase suggests that something is the best option or choice among all others, making it another alternative for favorites. For example, "This movie was my top pick among all the films released this year."

9. Favored: Similar to preferred and chosen, this word conveys the idea of being selected or favored over others as a favorite option. A sentence using this could be, "The novel quickly became one of the most favored favorites among readers."

10. Most-loved: This phrase highlights the strong affection and admiration for something, making it a synonym for favorites. An example sentence could be, "The painting was one of the most-loved favorites in the museum's collection."

11. Go-to choice: Similar to go-to, this phrase emphasizes the reliability and preference aspect of favorites. For instance, "This brand is my go-to choice for comfortable and stylish shoes."

12. Preferred selection: This phrase combines the words preferred and selection to convey the idea of choosing something as a favorite option. A sentence using this could be, "This is my preferred selection from their menu."

13. Admired: This word suggests that something is held in high esteem or looked upon with great respect, making it a synonym for favorites. For example, "The artist's work was highly admired and quickly became a favorite among collectors."

14. Chosen favorite: This phrase puts emphasis on the act of selecting or picking out something as a favorite among others. An example sentence could be, "The singer's chosen favorite song to perform was always a crowd-pleaser."

favorites是一个十分常用的单词,它可以表示“最喜爱的事物”或者“收藏夹”。它的发音为[fey-vuh-rits],读者们可以多加练习来提高自己的口语水平。在日常生活中,我们可以说“I have a lot of favorites, but this book is definitely my favorite.”(我有很多喜爱的事物,但这本书绝对是我最喜欢的。)此外,我们还可以使用一些相关短语和搭配表达自己的喜好,比如“all-time favorite”(永远的最爱)、“personal favorite”(个人最爱)等等。当然,在不同场合下也可以使用其同义词来替换,比如“beloved”、“darling”、“cherished”,它们都能够传达出对某物或某人特别钟爱的情感。作为网站编辑,我非常感谢您阅读本文,并希望能够为您带来一些帮助。如果您喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多有趣、实用的知识!祝愿大家在学习英语过程中都能找到自己最喜爱的方法,并取得进步!


