

更新时间:2024-02-12 21:03:53作者:自考教育网



1. fault的含义



2. fault的定义


3. 如何读音


4. 同义词及例句

- 同义词:mistake, error, flaw, defect, blunder

- 例句:

- I take full responsibility for the company's faults.


- It's not your fault that the project failed.


- The car broke down due to a mechanical fault.


- Don't always find fault with others, learn to reflect on yourself.


- The earthquake was caused by a fault in the Earth's crust.



1. fault的发音


2. fault的读法


3. 同义词及例句

同义词:defect, flaw, error, mistake, imperfection


- This machine has a fault in its design.


- The company accepted full responsibility for the faults in their product.


- Don't try to blame others for your own faults.


- He always finds faults in everything I do.


- Despite her faults, she is still a good person at heart.



1. fault的意思是“错误”,通常指某件事情出现的问题或缺陷。

例句:It's not my fault that the car broke down. (这辆车坏了不是我的错。)

2. fault也可以用作动词,意为“责备,指责”。

例句:Don't fault him for being late, he got stuck in traffic. (别因为他迟到而责备他,他被堵在路上了。)

3. 同义词包括mistake, error, flaw等。

例句:The mistake was entirely my fault, I should have double-checked the numbers. (这个错误完全是我的错,我应该仔细核对数字。)

4. 在地质学中,fault指的是地壳中断层的裂缝或断层线。

例句:The earthquake was caused by a major fault in the earth's crust. (这次地震是由地壳中的一条大断层引起的。)

5. 在电子设备中,fault通常指故障或故障点。

例句:The technician quickly identified and fixed the fault in the computer system. (技术员快速确定并修复了计算机系统中的故障。)


1. Defect

- Meaning: a flaw or imperfection that causes something to not function properly or as expected.

- Example sentence: The car had a defect in its engine, causing it to break down on the highway.

2. Error

- Meaning: a mistake or incorrect action that leads to failure or problems.

- Example sentence: The error in the computer program caused it to crash repeatedly.

3. Flaw

- Meaning: a weakness or imperfection that makes something less than perfect.

- Example sentence: The design of the building had a major flaw, causing it to collapse during the earthquake.

4. Glitch

- Meaning: a temporary malfunction or problem in a system.

- Example sentence: The new software update had a glitch that caused some features to not work properly.

5. Imperfection

- Meaning: something that is not perfect or complete; a fault or defect.

- Example sentence: The painting was beautiful, but the artist saw every imperfection and was never satisfied with it.

6. Issue

- Meaning: a problem or difficulty that needs to be addressed.

- Example sentence: The company faced many issues with their new product launch, resulting in low sales.

7. Mistake

- Meaning: an error or wrong action caused by misunderstanding, carelessness, or lack of knowledge.

- Example sentence: I made a mistake by booking my flight for the wrong date.

8. Problem

- Meaning: an issue or situation that needs to be solved.

- Example sentence: There is a problem with the plumbing in our house and we need to call a plumber to fix it.

9. Shortcoming

- Meaning: a weakness or fault in someone's character, abilities, or performance.

- Example sentence: Her biggest shortcoming was her lack of confidence when speaking in public.

10. Weakness

- Meaning: an area of vulnerability; something lacking strength or effectiveness.

- Example sentence: The team's weakness in defense led to their defeat in the championship game


1. fault的含义:fault是指错误、缺陷或责任。它可以用作名词和动词,具体含义取决于上下文。

2. 如何读音:fault的发音为/fɔːlt/,重音在第一音节。

3. 同义词:fault的同义词包括mistake、error、flaw等,都表示某种不正确或有缺陷的事物。

4. 例句:

a) She made a fault in her calculations and got the wrong answer.


b) The company's financial troubles were due to the manager's faults.


c) It's not your fault, accidents happen.




