

更新时间:2024-02-12 20:55:03作者:自考教育网



1. 英文单词“fat”中的字母“f”发音为/f/,舌尖轻触上齿,气流从嘴唇中间出来。


2. 字母“a”的发音为/æ/,舌尖放在下齿后面,嘴唇微微张开。

3. 字母“t”的发音为/t/,舌尖轻触上齿龈,气流从口中出来。

4. 综合起来,“fat”的发音为/fæt/,重点在于第一个音节的重读。

5. 在英语中,“fat”一词通常用来形容物体或人体的肥胖程度。它也可以作为名词使用,表示脂肪或肥肉。例如,“She is very fat.”(她非常胖)。这里的“fat”指身材过于丰满。

6. 除了表示肥胖外,“fat”还有其他意思。它可以作形容词使用,表示某物质含有较多的脂肪或油脂。例如,“This steak is too fat for me.”(这块牛排对我来说太油腻了)。这里的“fat”指牛排上的油脂含量过高。

7. 此外,“fat”还可以用作名词,表示动物身上所存储的能量来源。例如,“Bears need to eat a lot of fat to survive the winter.”(熊需要吃很多脂肪来度过冬天)。这里的“fat”指熊身上存储的能量。

8. 总的来说,“fat”是一个常用的英语单词,它可以作为形容词、名词或动词使用。在发音上,重点要注意第一个音节的重读,并且字母“a”的发音为/æ/,与中文拼音中的“a”不同。希望本小节能帮助你更好地理解和使用这个单词


1. "fat"是一个英语单词,通常被归类为名词或形容词。

2. 作为名词,"fat"指的是身体内储存的能量,也就是脂肪。它可以用来表示人体的健康状况,如体重过轻或过重。

3. 作为形容词,"fat"可以用来形容物体或人体部位的大小。它也可以用来表示某物含有大量脂肪或油脂。

4. 在口语中,"fat"还可以用来表示某人具有财富和权力。例如,“She's got fat bank accounts”(她有很多银行账户)。

5. 还有一种特殊的用法,即在电脑术语中指“文件分配表”。这种用法通常出现在计算机编程和数据存储方面。

6. 总的来说,“fat”这个词性比较灵活,在不同语境下可以表示不同的含义。因此,在使用时需要根据具体情况进行理解和运用


1. "fat"作为名词,指的是脂肪或肥肉。例如:She has a lot of fat around her waist.(她的腰部有很多脂肪。)

2. "fat"也可以用来形容人或动物身上的肥胖程度。例如:He is too fat to fit into those jeans.(他太胖了,穿不进那些牛仔裤。)

3. "fat"作为形容词,表示事物有很多脂肪或油脂。例如:This steak is too fat for my taste.(这块牛排太油腻了,我不喜欢。)

4. "fat"还可以用来表示丰富、充足的意思。例如:We had a fat harvest this year.(今年我们收成很丰富。)

5. 在计算机领域,"fat"是文件系统中的一种类型,在Windows操作系统中常见。它可以存储大量数据,并允许用户对文件进行管理和操作。

6. "fat"也可以用来表示财富、资产等方面的丰富程度。例如:She married a man who was very rich and lived a life of luxury and fatness.(她嫁给了一个非常富有的男人,过着奢华和富裕的生活。)

7. 另外,"fat"还可以用来表示成功、幸运等方面的充盈。例如:He hit the jackpot and became fat with money.(他中了大奖,变得身负巨款。)

8. "fat"也可以作为动词使用,表示使变胖、增加脂肪含量。例如:She has been overeating lately and fatting up quickly.(她最近吃得太多,很快就变胖了。)

9. 在俚语中,"fat"还可以用来表示某人或某事非常酷、出色。例如:That new car is so fat!(那辆新车太酷了!)

10. 总的来说,"fat"是一个多义词,在不同的语境中有着不同的含义。无论是指脂肪、肥胖、财富还是成功,都可以用这个词来表达


1. "Fat chance" - 指的是机会很小或几乎没有的意思,常用于讽刺或嘲笑。

例如:You think you can beat me in a race? Fat chance!

2. "Fat cat" - 指的是富有、有权势的人,通常带有贬义。

例如:The fat cats in the government are only concerned about their own interests.

3. "Fat lip" - 意为嘴唇肿了或受伤,也可以用来形容说话不当而引起的麻烦。

例如:I got a fat lip from playing football yesterday.

4. "Fat wallet" - 指钱包里装满了钱,形容一个人富有。

例如:He must have a fat wallet to afford that expensive car.

5. "Go on a fat diet" - 意为节食减肥,通常指通过限制饮食来减轻体重。

例如:She's going on a fat diet to lose those extra pounds before summer.

6. "Fat chance of that happening" - 表示某件事情发生的可能性极小。

例如:You think he'll apologize for what he did? Fat chance of that happening!

7. "Get fat on something" - 意为沉迷于某件事情或享受某件事情带来的好处。

例如:He's getting fat on all the attention he's been getting lately.

8. "Work off the fat" - 意为通过运动消耗身上的脂肪,也可以用来比喻消除问题或难题。

例如:I need to work off all the fat I gained during the holidays.

9. "Fat paycheck" - 指收入丰厚的工资,通常用来形容某人的工作收入。

例如:He's been working hard and now he's finally getting a fat paycheck.

10. "Fat chance of that being true" - 表示某件事情极不可能是真实的。

例如:You think aliens exist? Fat chance of that being true


1. Obesity: This term is often used to describe someone who is excessively overweight or has a high level of body fat. It can also refer to the state of being obese, which is a medical condition characterized by an excessive amount of body fat.

2. Overweight: This term refers to someone who weighs more than what is considered healthy for their height and body type. It can also be used as a synonym for "fat" in a less offensive way.

3. Chubby: This word describes someone who has a round and plump appearance, often due to excess body fat.

4. Corpulent: This formal term refers to someone who is excessively overweight or obese, often with a large or bulky body.

5. Plump: Similar to "chubby," this word describes someone who has a pleasantly rounded figure, often due to having more body fat.

6. Portly: This adjective describes someone who is stout or heavy in a dignified and impressive way, usually due to having a large amount of body fat.

7. Rotund: This word describes someone who has a round and plump figure, often due to having an excessive amount of body fat.

8. Heavyset: This term refers to someone who has a solid and sturdy build with excess weight, usually in the form of body fat.

9. Obese: This medical term describes someone with an extremely high amount of body fat that can have negative effects on their health.

10. Flabby: This word describes someone whose skin is loose and soft, usually due to having excess body fat without much muscle tone.

11. Overfed: This adjective refers to someone who has been given too much food or nourishment, resulting in an excessive amount of body fat.

12. Stout: Similar to "portly," this word describes someone with a thick and strong build, often with excess weight in the form of body fat.

13. Fleshy: This term describes someone who has a plump and soft appearance, often due to having excess body fat.

14. Pudgy: This word refers to someone who is slightly overweight and has a round, soft body, often due to having more body fat than muscle.

15. Beefy: This adjective describes someone who is heavily built with a lot of muscle and excess weight in the form of body fat.

16. Curvy: This term refers to someone with an attractive figure that is full and rounded, often due to having a healthy amount of body fat.

17. Well-fed: This adjective describes someone who has been given enough food and nourishment, resulting in a plump or chubby appearance due to excess body fat.

18. Husky: This word describes someone who is strong and solidly built, often with excess weight in the form of body fat.

19. Heavyweight: This term refers to someone who weighs more than what is considered healthy for their height and build, usually due to having an excessive amount of body fat.

20. Plus-size: This term is used in the fashion industry to describe clothing for people with larger bodies, often due to having more body fat than average


