
famous brand是什么意思,famous brand同义词及例句

更新时间:2024-02-12 18:59:44作者:自考教育网

大家都知道,品牌在商业世界中扮演着极其重要的角色。而当谈到“famous brand”这个行业标题时,相信很多人都会感到熟悉又陌生。那么,究竟什么是famous brand?它又有哪些同义词?让我们一起来揭开这个神秘的面纱吧!在下面的内容中,你将会发现关于famous brand的定义、发音、用法和例句,以及相关词组。快来跟随我一起探索吧!

famous brand的定义及解释

famous brand指的是一个具有广泛知名度和良好声誉的品牌,它通常被广泛认可和信赖,并且在市场上享有很高的地位。这样的品牌通常具有较高的质量标准和独特的产品特色,能够吸引消费者的注意力并赢得他们的忠诚度。

famous brand是什么意思,famous brand同义词及例句

同义词方面,我们可以用well-known brand、renowned brand、popular brand等来替代famous brand。例如:Apple is a well-known brand in the technology industry.(苹果是科技行业中一个著名品牌。)

除了知名度和声誉外,famous brand还可以指代那些在其领域内具有领先地位和影响力的品牌。它们拥有强大的市场份额和竞争优势,并且能够引领行业发展趋势。这样的品牌往往被称为industry leaders或market leaders

famous brand的发音

1. 发音概述

famous brand的发音为 [ˈfeɪməs brænd]。其中,[ˈfeɪməs]为重音,意为“著名的”,[brænd]为次重音,意为“品牌”。

2. 发音细节

- [ˈfeɪməs]:这个单词中的元音发音为长元音[eɪ],读作“ei”的音,舌头放平,嘴唇微微张开。

- [brænd]:这个单词中的元音发音为短元音[æ],读作“a”的音,舌头放置在口腔前部,嘴唇稍稍收紧。

3. 同义词及例句

- 同义词:well-known brand, renowned brand, celebrated brand, popular brand

- 例句:

1) This store only sells famous brands of clothing.


2) Coca-Cola is a famous brand all over the world.


3) Many people are willing to pay a premium for famous brands.


famous brand的用法和例句

1. 什么是famous brand

famous brand是指在市场上享有很高声誉和知名度的品牌。这些品牌通常拥有优质的产品和服务,深受消费者的喜爱,被公认为行业内的佼佼者。

2. famous brand的同义词

- renowned brand:著名品牌

- well-known brand:知名品牌

- prestigious brand:享有声望的品牌

- reputable brand:信誉良好的品牌

3. famous brand的例句

- Apple is a famous brand known for its innovative technology and sleek designs.(苹果是一家以创新技术和时尚设计而闻名的著名品牌。)

- Coca-Cola is a renowned brand that has been around for over a century.(可口可乐是一家已经存在了一个多世纪的著名品牌。)

- Chanel is a well-known luxury fashion brand loved by celebrities and fashionistas worldwide.(香奈儿是一家备受全球名人和时尚达人喜爱的知名奢侈时装品牌。)

- Rolex is a prestigious watch brand that represents luxury and success.(劳力士是一家代表着奢华和成功的享有声望的钟表品牌。)

- Nike is a reputable sports apparel brand that sponsors top athletes and teams around the world.(耐克是一家赞助全球顶级运动员和球队的信誉良好的运动服饰品牌。)

famous brand的同义词示例

1. Well-known brand:指的是广为人知的品牌,如苹果、耐克等。

例句:Apple is a well-known brand in the technology industry.

2. Popular brand:指的是受欢迎的品牌,如可口可乐、麦当劳等。

例句:Coca-Cola is a popular brand of soft drink all over the world.

3. Renowned brand:指的是享有盛誉的品牌,如迪奥、路易威登等。

例句:Dior is a renowned brand in the fashion industry.

4. Reputable brand:指的是信誉良好的品牌,如谷歌、微软等。

例句:Google is a reputable brand known for its reliable search engine.

5. Esteemed brand:指的是备受尊敬的品牌,如宝马、奔驰等。

例句:BMW is an esteemed brand in the luxury car market.

6. Prominent brand:指的是卓越杰出的品牌,如星巴克、海尔等。

例句:Starbucks is a prominent brand in the coffee industry.

7. Prestigious brand:指的是享有声望的品牌,如哈佛大学、剑桥大学等。

例句:Harvard University is a prestigious brand in the field of education.

8. Respected brand:指的是备受尊重的品牌,如联合利华、可口可乐等。

例句: Unilever is a respected global brand in the consumer goods industry.

9. Renowned label:指的是知名品牌,如迪士尼、迪克斯运动等。

例句:Disney is a renowned label in the entertainment industry.

10. Famous trademark:指的是著名商标,如耐克的“Swoosh”标志、苹果的苹果图标等。

例句:The "Swoosh" logo is a famous trademark of Nike

famous brand相关词组

1. Well-known brand - 著名品牌

例句:Apple is a well-known brand in the technology industry.


2. Top brand - 顶级品牌

例句:Louis Vuitton is considered a top brand in the luxury fashion market.


3. Established brand - 历史悠久的品牌

例句:Coca-Cola is an established brand that has been around for over 100 years.


4. Iconic brand - 标志性品牌

例句:Nike is known as an iconic brand in the sports industry.


5. Global brand - 全球性品牌

例句:McDonald's is a global brand with restaurants in over 100 countries.


6. Luxury brand - 奢侈品牌

例句:Gucci is a luxury brand that produces high-end fashion items.


7. Premium brand - 高端品牌

例句:Mercedes-Benz is considered a premium brand in the automotive industry.


8. Niche brand - 小众品牌

例句:Lush is a niche brand that specializes in handmade cosmetics.


9. Up-and-coming brand - 新兴品牌

例句:Savage x Fenty is an up-and-coming brand in the lingerie market.

(Savage x Fenty是内衣市场上的新兴品牌。)

10. Heritage brand - 传统品牌

例句:Burberry is a heritage brand that has been around since 1856.


famous brand是指知名度高,质量优良的品牌。它不仅仅是一个简单的名词,更是代表着一种价值观和信誉。通过本文的介绍,相信读者对famous brand有了更深入的理解,并且也了解了一些同义词和相关词组。作为网站编辑,我希望能够为大家提供更多有用的信息和知识,并且帮助大家更好地认识和选择适合自己的品牌。如果您喜欢本文,请关注我,我们将一起探讨更多有趣的话题。祝愿大家都能找到自己心仪的famous brand!


