

更新时间:2024-02-12 18:47:13作者:自考教育网



1. familiarize的发音



2. 发音解析

- 第一个音节:[fə],发音时嘴唇微微张开,舌头放平轻触上颚,发出清晰的[f]音。

- 第二个音节:[ˈmɪ],发音时嘴唇稍微收紧,舌头抵住上颚后部,发出短促的[i]和轻声的[m]。

- 第三个音节:[liə],发音时舌尖抵住上颚后部,舌身卷起形成[l]音,并顺势滑向[iə]的双元辅韵母。

3. 注意事项

- 最后一个字母e不发音。

- a和i分别是长元辅韵母和短元辅韵母,在发音时要区分清楚。

- 最后一个元辅韵母i和双元辅韵母iə在连读时要顺畅过渡。

4. 拼读练习


- familiar [fəˈmɪliər] 熟悉的

- familiarity [fəˌmɪliˈærəti] 熟悉,亲密

- familiarize oneself with [fəˈmɪliəraɪz wɪð] 熟悉,了解

- get familiar with [ɡet fəˈmɪliər wɪð] 熟悉,熟知


1. familiarize的定义


2. familiarize的词源


3. familiarize怎么读


4. familiarize在行业中的使用

在英语翻译解释行业中,“familiarize”常常被用来描述翻译者需要对某个特定领域或专业术语进行深入了解和掌握。例如,“The translator needs to familiarize himself with the legal terminology before translating the contract.”(在翻译合同之前,翻译者需要对法律术语进行深入了解。)


1. familiarize的意思

familiarize是一个动词,意为“使熟悉,使熟知”。它可以用来表示让某人对某事物或情况变得熟悉和了解。例如,“I need to familiarize myself with the new project before I start working on it.”(在我开始工作之前,我需要让自己熟悉这个新项目。)

2. familiarize的发音


3. familiarize的用法

a. 与介词with连用,表示“使熟悉”。

例:The teacher is trying to familiarize the students with the new vocabulary words.


b. 与介词to连用,表示“使适应”。

例:It takes time to familiarize yourself to a new environment.


c. 也可以直接接宾语,表示“使熟悉”。

例:The company will provide training to familiarize employees with the new system.


4. 双语例句

1) The tour guide will familiarize us with the history and culture of this city.


2) It takes time to familiarize oneself with the local customs and traditions.


3) The new employee needs to familiarize himself with the company's policies and procedures.


4) The training program is designed to familiarize students with different teaching methods.


5) The company organized a workshop to familiarize employees with the new software.


6) It is important for parents to familiarize their children with basic safety rules.


7) The teacher used various activities to familiarize students with the concepts taught in class.


8) Before starting the project, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the requirements.


9) The internship program aims to familiarize students with real-world work experience.


10) It takes time and effort to familiarize oneself with a new language.




1. Familiarize oneself with: 意为“熟悉,了解”,常用于句子中作谓语动词,例如:It is important to familiarize oneself with the company's policies before starting the new job.(在开始新工作之前,熟悉公司的政策是很重要的。)

2. Become familiar with: 意为“熟悉,了解”,也常用于句子中作谓语动词,与familiarize oneself with意思相近。例如:It takes time to become familiar with a new city.(熟悉一个新城市需要时间。)

3. Get familiarized with: 也可以表达“熟悉,了解”的意思,与become familiar with意思相近。例如:I need some time to get familiarized with the new system.(我需要一些时间来熟悉这个新系统。)

4. Familiarize someone/something (with): 意为“使某人/某物熟悉/了解”,其中with可以省略。例如:The tour guide will familiarize us with the history of this ancient city.(导游将向我们介绍这座古城的历史。)

5. Be familiarized (with): 表示被动语态,“被熟悉/了解”。例如:The new employees were quickly familiarized with the company's procedures.(新员工很快就被熟悉了公司的流程。)

6. Familiarize oneself with something/someone: 意为“熟悉某事/某人”,其中with可以换成to。例如:I need to familiarize myself with the new project before the meeting.(开会前,我需要熟悉一下这个新项目。)

7. Familiarize oneself with the surroundings: 意为“熟悉周围环境”,常用于旅行或者搬家时。例如:It's always a good idea to familiarize yourself with the surroundings before exploring a new place.(在探索一个新地方之前,熟悉周围环境总是一个好主意。)

8. Familiarize someone with something: 意为“向某人介绍/使某人了解某事物”。例如:I will familiarize you with our company's products during the training session.(在培训课程中,我会向你介绍我们公司的产品。)

9. Become familiarized (with): 也可以表示被动语态,“被熟悉/了解”。例如:The students quickly became familiarized with the new teaching method.(学生们很快就被熟悉了这种新的教学方法。)

10. Familiarization process: 意为“熟悉过程”,指的是通过学习或者体验来了解某事物的过程。例如:The orientation program includes a familiarization process for new employees.(入职培训计划包括对新员工的熟悉过程。)

11. Familiarization trip: 意为“熟悉之旅”,指的是一种由公司或者组织安排的旅行,旨在让参与者熟悉某个地区或者事物。例如:The company organized a familiarization trip for its employees to learn about the local culture and customs.(公司为员工组织了一次熟悉之旅,让他们了解当地的文化和习俗。)

12. Familiarization period: 意为“熟悉期”,指的是一个时间段,用于让新员工熟悉公司的规章制度和工作流程。例如:The familiarization period for new employees is usually one month.(新员工的熟悉期通常为一个月。)

13. Familiarization course: 意为“熟悉课程”,指的是一种培训课程,旨在帮助参与者了解某个领域或者事物。例如:I took a familiarization course on digital marketing to improve my skills in this area.(我参加了一门数字营销的熟悉课程,以提高自己在这个领域的技能。)

14. Get familiarized with the rules: 意为“了解规则”,常用于体育比赛等场合。例如:Before the match, the players need to get familiarized with the rules.(比赛前,选手需要了解比赛规则。)

15. Familiarize oneself with the latest trends: 意为“了解最新趋势”,常用于商业领域。例如:In order to stay competitive, businesses need to familiarize themselves with the latest trends in the market.(为了保持竞争力,企业需要熟悉市场上的最新趋势。)


1. Acquaint

Acquaint is a synonym for familiarize, meaning to make someone aware or knowledgeable about something. It can also mean to introduce someone to something or someone.

2. Accustom

Accustom is another synonym for familiarize, meaning to make someone accustomed or used to something. It can also mean to adapt or adjust to a new situation.

3. Instruct

Instruct is another word that can be used in place of familiarize, meaning to teach or provide information about something. It can also mean to give orders or directions.

4. Orient

Orient is a synonym for familiarize, meaning to become familiar with a new situation or environment. It can also mean to align oneself with a particular way of thinking or behaving.

5. Educate

Educate is another word that can be used in place of familiarize, meaning to provide knowledge and information about a subject. It can also mean to train or develop skills and abilities.

6. Train

Train is another synonym for familiarize, meaning to teach and prepare someone for a specific task or role. It can also refer to the process of learning and acquiring new skills.

7. Introduce

Introduce is another word that can be used in place of familiarize, meaning to make someone known by name or reputation. It can also refer to presenting someone or something for the first time.

8. Enlighten

Enlighten is a synonym for familiarize, meaning to provide knowledge and understanding about something. It can also mean to give insight and clarity on a subject.

9. Initiate

Initiate is another word that can be used in place of familiarize, meaning to introduce someone into a new activity or group. It can also refer to starting something new or taking the first step.

10. Inform

Inform is another synonym for familiarize, meaning to give knowledge and facts about something. It can also mean to make someone aware of a situation or event.

11. Induct

Induct is a synonym for familiarize, meaning to introduce someone into a new position or organization. It can also refer to admitting someone into a group or society.

12. Edify

Edify is another word that can be used in place of familiarize, meaning to instruct and improve someone's knowledge and character. It can also mean to uplift and enlighten.

13. Acculturate

Acculturate is another synonym for familiarize, meaning to adapt and assimilate into a new culture or environment. It can also refer to learning the customs and behaviors of a different society.

14. Habituate

Habituate is another word that can be used in place of familiarize, meaning to make someone accustomed or used to something. It can also mean to become dependent on a substance or behavior.

15. School

School is a synonym for familiarize, meaning to educate and train someone in a particular subject or skill. It can also refer to the process of learning and studying


