

更新时间:2024-02-12 18:35:36作者:自考教育网





1. 发音:falsetto的正确发音是/fɔlˈsɛtoʊ/(fall-set-toh)。注意,最后一个音节要轻声读,而不是强调读。

2. 拼写:falsetto的拼写相对简单,只需要记住两个重点:第一,单词的结尾是“etto”,而不是“ito”;第二,单词中间有两个“s”,而不是一个。


除了上述正式的解释外,我们也可以用更接地气的方式来解释falsetto这个词。它就像是男性歌手用假声唱高音一样,在英语中也常被称为“false voice”。所以如果你想让朋友们知道你有多么懂行,请跟他们说:“我很喜欢听男歌手唱falsetto(fall-set-toh)!”他们肯定会对你刮目相看。

当然,在日常生活中我们也可以用一些同义词来代替falsetto,比如“head voice”、“high voice”、“false voice”等。它们都指的是男性用假声唱高音的技巧


1. falsetto的定义


2. falsetto的用法



3. falsetto的同义词

除了falsetto,还有一些类似的词汇可以用来描述男性使用假声发出的高音,比如head voice、head register、upper register等。它们都指的是同一个概念,只是在不同的语境中使用。

4. falsetto的例句

1)He sang the chorus in a beautiful falsetto.


2)The comedian used falsetto to imitate the voice of a little girl.


3)The singer's falsetto was so high that it gave me goosebumps.




1. Falsetto is a vocal technique that involves singing in a high-pitched voice, often used in pop or R&B music. (falsetto是一种高音技巧,通常用于流行或R&B音乐中。)

2. The word "falsetto" comes from the Italian word "falso," meaning false, and "etto," meaning small. (“falsetto”一词来自意大利语“falso”,意为假的,“etto”意为小的。)

3. Some famous singers known for their use of falsetto include Prince, Justin Timberlake, and Bruno Mars. (一些以使用falsetto著称的著名歌手包括Prince、Justin Timberlake和Bruno Mars。)

4. Other terms for falsetto include head voice or countertenor, depending on the vocal range and style of singing. (其他称呼falsetto的术语包括头声或男高音,取决于歌唱者的音域和风格。)

5. In traditional opera singing, falsetto is not commonly used as it is seen as an unnatural and artificial sound. (在传统的歌剧演唱中,falsetto并不常用,因为它被认为是一种不自然和人工的声音。)

6. However, in modern music, falsetto has become a popular technique to add variety and emotion to songs. (然而,在现代音乐中,falsetto已成为一种流行的技巧,可以给歌曲增添变化和情感。)

7. Learning how to sing falsetto requires practice and control of the vocal cords to produce a clear and consistent sound. (学习如何唱falsetto需要练习和控制声带,以产生清晰而一致的声音。)

8. Falsetto can also be used in everyday conversation, such as when imitating cartoon characters or making funny voices. (falsetto也可以用于日常对话中,例如模仿卡通人物或制造有趣的声音。)

9. Many singers use falsetto to hit high notes that they are unable to reach with their normal singing voice. (许多歌手使用falsetto来唱高音,这是他们平时唱不到的。)

10. Some people believe that falsetto singing originated from ancient cultures where male singers would use it to imitate female voices in performances. (有些人认为falsetto演唱起源于古代文化,在表演中男性歌手会用它来模仿女性声音。)


1. 高音假声(falsetto voice):指男性用头腔发出的高音声音,通常用于歌唱或演奏乐器。

例句:His falsetto voice was so beautiful that it brought tears to my eyes.

2. 假声唱法(falsetto singing):指使用高音假声的唱法,通常用于歌曲中的高潮部分。

例句:The singer's falsetto singing added an extra layer of emotion to the song.

3. 假声技巧(falsetto technique):指掌握使用高音假声的技巧,能够让歌唱或演奏更加出色。

例句:She has been practicing her falsetto technique for years and it shows in her performances.

4. 假声转换(falsetto break):指男性在使用高音假声时,发生从真声到假声的转换点。

例句:He struggled with the falsetto break in the song, but eventually mastered it through practice.

5. 假声和弦(falsetto chords):指在吉他或其他乐器上使用高音假声演奏的和弦。

例句:The guitarist played the falsetto chords perfectly, adding a unique touch to the song.

6. 假声效果(falsetto effect):指在录制音乐时,通过使用高音假声来产生特殊的效果。

例句:The producer added a falsetto effect to the chorus, making it stand out from the rest of the song.

7. 假声音域(falsetto range):指男性可以使用高音假声的音域范围。

例句:His falsetto range was impressive, reaching notes that most men can't hit.

8. 假声练习(falsetto exercises):指用于训练和提高高音假声的练习方法。

例句:She spends hours every day doing falsetto exercises to improve her singing skills.

9. 假声歌手(falsetto singer):指擅长使用高音假声唱歌的歌手。

例句:He is known as one of the best falsetto singers in the music industry.

10. 假声表现力(falsetto expression):指通过使用高音假声来表达情感和感情。

例句:The singer's falsetto expression in this song was incredible, making it a fan favorite


1. Head voice - 头声

Head voice是falsetto的同义词,指的是一种高音技巧,通过调整喉部肌肉的张力来产生高音。和falsetto一样,head voice也是男性歌手常用的唱歌方式。

例句:His head voice was so powerful that it filled the entire concert hall.

2. Falsetto register - 假声区

Falsetto register也可以被称为falsetto range,它指的是一种高音区间,通常在男性声音中出现。和falsetto一样,这个术语也可以用来形容一种假装唱高音的技巧。

例句:He could easily switch between his chest voice and falsetto register.

3. Whistle register - 吹口哨声区

Whistle register是falsetto的另一个同义词,它指的是一种非常高亢的声音,类似于吹口哨。和falsetto一样,这种唱法通常被女性歌手使用。

例句:Mariah Carey is known for her impressive whistle register.

4. False vocal folds - 假声带

False vocal folds也可以被称为假声带压制法,它指的是通过控制假声带来产生高音。和falsetto一样,这种技巧需要训练和掌握。

例句:He was able to hit those high notes with ease using the false vocal folds technique.

5. Head register - 头部区域

Head register是falsetto的另一个同义词,它指的是一种唱歌技巧,通过调整头部和喉部的位置来产生高音。和falsetto一样,这种唱法也需要练习和掌握。

例句:She has a beautiful head register that allows her to hit those high notes effortlessly.

6. M2 register - 第二共振区

M2 register也可以被称为第二共鸣区,它指的是一种高音区间,通常在男性声音中出现。和falsetto一样,这个术语也可以用来形容一种假装唱高音的技巧。

例句:He was able to sing in his M2 register without any strain on his voice.

7. Flageolet - 高音笛声


例句:Her flageolet notes were so clear and pure, it was like listening to a bird singing.

8. Whistle tone - 吹口哨音

Whistle tone是falsetto的另一个同义词,它指的是一种非常高亢的声音,类似于吹口哨。和falsetto一样,这种唱法通常被女性歌手使用。

例句:She hit the whistle tone effortlessly, impressing the audience with her vocal range.

9. Head voice falsetto - 头声假声

Head voice falsetto指的是一种高音技巧,通过调整喉部肌肉的张力来产生高音。和falsetto一样,这种唱法也需要练习和掌握。

例句:He sang the chorus in head voice falsetto, giving the song a unique and haunting quality.

10. Upper register - 上部区域

Upper register是falsetto的另一个同义词,它指的是一种高音区间,通常在男性声音中出现。和falsetto一样,这个术语也可以用来形容一种假装唱高音的技巧。

例句:His upper register was so powerful that it left the audience in awe




