
false positive 是什么意思

更新时间:2024-02-12 18:29:17作者:自考教育网

“false positive是什么意思”,这个行业标题听起来似乎有些晦涩难懂,但实际上却是一个非常重要的概念。它涉及到我们日常生活中不可或缺的技术和工具,如何正确地理解和使用它,将会对我们的生活产生深远的影响。那么,究竟什么是“false positive”?如何读它?它有哪些使用方法和例句?有哪些常用的短语搭配?还有哪些同义词示例?让我们一起来探究这个引人入胜的话题吧。

false positive 是什么意思

"false positive"的定义

你是否曾经遇到过这样的情况:在做英语翻译解释时,遇到了一个看起来很有可能是正确答案的选项,但最后却发现是错误的?这就是我们今天要讨论的“false positive”。

首先,让我们来看一下“false positive”的字面意思。其中,“false”意为“错误的”,“positive”则表示“肯定的”。因此,“false positive”可以被理解为“错误的肯定”。那么,在英语翻译解释行业中,“false positive”又是指什么呢?

简单来说,“false positive”是指在进行测试或判断时,出现了错误的结果,即认为某个事物具有某种特征或属性,但实际上并不具备。这种情况在英语翻译解释中经常会出现。比如,在翻译医学文献时,可能会遇到一些专业术语或缩写,看起来很像某种疾病或药物名称,但实际上并不是。如果将其直接翻译成对应的中文含义,则会产生“false positive”的结果。

那么,“false positive”与另一个概念“false negative”有什么区别呢?简单来说,“false negative”指的是将本来具备某种特征或属性的事物,错误地判断为不具备。与“false positive”相比,它更容易被发现和纠正。而“false positive”则会给翻译者带来更大的困扰,因为它往往需要更多的专业知识和经验来识别和避免。

那么如何避免“false positive”的出现呢?首先,翻译者需要具备扎实的专业知识和丰富的经验,能够准确判断文本中出现的术语、缩写等是否真正与所描述的内容相符。其次,翻译过程中应该保持谨慎态度,遇到不确定的内容可以通过查阅相关资料或咨询专业人士来确认。最后,在进行最终校对时,也要仔细检查是否存在“false positive”的情况

如何读"false positive"

1. 了解“false positive”的含义

“false positive”是一个英文短语,由两个单词组成。“false”意为“错误的”,“positive”意为“积极的”。因此,“false positive”的字面意思就是“错误的积极性”。在实际应用中,它通常指的是一种错误的判断或结果,即本不应该发生的积极性被错误地认定为真实存在。

2. “false positive”的定义及相关概念

在医学、科学研究、信息安全等领域,“false positive”都有着特定的定义。在医学领域,“false positive”指的是一种诊断结果,即被判定为患病者实际上并没有患病。在科学研究中,“false positive”则指的是一种误差或偏差,即虽然数据显示存在某种现象,但实际上并不存在。在信息安全领域,“false positive”则指的是一种误报,即被错误地判定为威胁或攻击。

3. “false positive”的原因

造成“false positive”的原因有很多,主要包括以下几点:




(4)主观判断:人为因素也是造成“false positive”的原因之一,例如医生的主观判断、研究人员的偏见等。

4. 如何避免“false positive”

为了避免“false positive”的发生,我们可以采取以下措施:





"false positive"的使用方法和例句

1. "false positive"的定义

在英语翻译解释行业中,"false positive"指的是一种错误的判断或结果,即被认为是真实或有效的,但实际上是错误的。

2. 使用方法

在翻译过程中,如果遇到需要解释或说明某个术语或概念的时候,可以使用"false positive"来表达某个概念或术语并非真实或有效。

3. 例句

- The test results showed a high rate of false positives, leading to unnecessary treatments for many patients.


- The algorithm used in the study had a tendency to produce false positives, which affected the accuracy of the results.


- It is important to consider the possibility of false positives when interpreting the data.


4. 注意事项

在使用"false positive"时,需要注意上下文语境和目标受众。如果是面向专业人士或学术界,则可以直接使用该术语;如果是面向普通读者,则可以简单地解释为“错误判断”或“虚假结果”

"false positive"的短语搭配

1. "假阳性"的真相:揭秘误诊的幕后黑手

2. 被误导的假象:探究"false positive"现象背后的原因

3. 虚假警报:如何应对"false positive"带来的困扰

4. 假装受伤?谁在制造"false positive"

5. "false positive"陷阱:如何避免被误导

6. 没有病却要治疗?了解"false positive"对医疗行业的影响

7. 真相难辨?如何识别和纠正"false positive"

8. 误诊还是故意为之?揭开医疗行业中的虚假阳性现象

9. 演技大赛?探寻医学检测中可能存在的假阳性情况

10. "false positive",真实困扰:如何应对这一医学难

"false positive"的同义词示例

1. False alarm

- This term is often used in the medical field to refer to a test result that falsely indicates a person has a disease or condition when they actually do not.

- Example: The patient was relieved to find out that the initial positive test for cancer turned out to be a false alarm.

2. Incorrect positive result

- This phrase emphasizes the incorrectness of the positive result and is often used in technical or scientific contexts.

- Example: The experiment had to be repeated due to an incorrect positive result in the first trial.

3. False detection

- This term is commonly used in fields such as cybersecurity and quality control, where detecting false positives can be crucial.

- Example: The antivirus software was updated to reduce the number of false detections and improve its accuracy.

4. False hit

- Similar to "false detection," this term is also used in fields where identifying and eliminating false positives is important.

- Example: The new screening process has significantly reduced the number of false hits, resulting in more accurate results.

5. Erroneous positive outcome

- This phrase highlights the error or mistake in the positive outcome and is often used in formal or technical writing.

- Example: The study concluded that there were no significant differences between the treatment groups, despite an initial erroneous positive outcome for one group.

6. Inaccurate positive finding

- This phrase emphasizes the lack of accuracy in the positive finding and can be used in various contexts.

- Example: The lab technician double-checked their work after realizing they had made an inaccurate positive finding on one of the samples.

7. Misleading positive result

- This term suggests that the positive result may have led to confusion or misunderstanding and is commonly used in research studies.

- Example: The researchers found that their initial findings were based on misleading positive results, leading them to revise their conclusions.

8. Spurious positive outcome

- "Spurious" means false or fake, making this phrase a suitable synonym for "false positive" in various contexts.

- Example: The company's stock price rose temporarily due to a spurious positive outcome in the quarterly report.

9. Wrong positive indication

- This phrase emphasizes the incorrectness of the positive indication and is often used in technical or scientific fields.

- Example: The lab technician was reprimanded for not following proper procedures, resulting in a wrong positive indication on the test results.

10. Bogus positive finding

- Similar to "spurious," this term also implies that the positive finding is fake or invalid.

- Example: The company's marketing team was accused of using bogus positive findings to promote their product

“false positive”是指错误的判断结果,通常是指将某种情况或现象错误地识别为另一种情况或现象。这个术语在日常生活中并不常见,但在医学、科学研究和信息技术等领域却非常重要。希望通过本文的介绍,读者能够更加清楚地了解“false positive”的含义,并且在使用时能够避免出现误解。如果您喜欢本文,请关注我,我会继续为您带来更多有趣且实用的知识。谢谢阅读!

