

更新时间:2024-02-12 18:19:18作者:自考教育网





1. “福尔莫斯”到底是什么?


2. 为什么会用这个词作为游戏名字?


3. “福尔莫斯”在游戏中的表现形式


4. “福尔莫斯”的魅力




1. 什么是fallout?


2. 如何正确读音?


3. 与其他单词的对比


4. 举例说明


- The fallout from the scandal has caused a lot of damage to the company's reputation.


- The economic fallout of the pandemic is still being felt worldwide.


- The political fallout of the election is expected to be significant.


5. 其他含义


- His grades have fallen out since he started working part-time.


- The once famous singer has fallen out of the public's favor.



1. "fallout"的意思


2. "fallout"的用法

a. 作为名词时,通常用于描述某件事情发生后所带来的不良影响或结果。比如:“The political scandal had a negative fallout on the country's economy.”(政治丑闻对国家经济产生了负面影响。)这里,“fallout”指的是政治丑闻所带来的不良后果。

b. 作为动词时,通常表示某件事情产生了一些不良影响或遗留下来的结果。比如:“The nuclear power plant accident will fallout for decades to come.”(核电站事故将会持续数十年带来不良影响。)这里,“fallout”表示核电站事故所产生的长期后果。

3. "fallout"在英语中的其他用法

a. “nuclear fallout”指核辐射物质在空气中扩散和沉积的过程,也可以指因核爆炸而产生的辐射污染。

b. “emotional fallout”指由于某件事情或事件所带来的情绪上的不良影响。

c. “fallout shelter”指防空洞,用于保护人们免受核辐射污染。

d. “fallout zone”指受到核辐射污染的区域。

4. "fallout"在文化娱乐中的使用

a. “Fallout”是一款备受欢迎的电子游戏系列,以核战后世界为背景,玩家需要在残酷的环境中生存和冒险。

b. “Fallout Boy”是美国流行摇滚乐队“Fall Out Boy”的名字,该乐队曾获得格莱美奖提名。



1. Fallout from the argument between the two leaders was felt throughout the entire company.

2. The political scandal had far-reaching fallout, affecting not only the politicians involved but also their families and supporters.

3. The economic fallout of the pandemic has been devastating for small businesses.

4. The environmental fallout of industrialization has caused irreversible damage to our planet.

5. The emotional fallout of a breakup can be difficult to overcome.

6. The social fallout of discrimination is evident in the unequal treatment of marginalized groups.

7. The legal fallout of the court case could have major implications for future cases.

8. The cultural fallout from globalization has led to a blending of traditions and customs.

9. The personal fallout from addiction can destroy relationships and one's own well-being.

10. The psychological fallout from trauma can have long-lasting effects on an individual's mental health.


1. Deal with the fallout: 处理后果

2. Feel the fallout: 感受后果

3. Fallout shelter: 避难所

4. Nuclear fallout: 核辐射后果

5. Emotional fallout: 情感影响

6. Political fallout: 政治后果

7. Environmental fallout: 环境影响

8. Legal fallout: 法律后果

9. Personal fallout: 个人影响

10.Fallout zone: 受影响区域


1. Aftermath - Fallout is the aftermath of a disaster or event, often with negative connotations.

2. Consequences - Fallout refers to the consequences of a situation or action.

3. Repercussions - Similar to consequences, fallout can also refer to the repercussions or effects of an event.

4. Ramifications - This word emphasizes the far-reaching and potentially negative impacts of fallout.

5. Residue - Fallout can also leave behind residue or remnants that are difficult to get rid of.

6. Side effects - Just like how medicine can have side effects, fallout can also have unintended consequences.

7. Fallout zone - In the context of nuclear disasters, a fallout zone is an area affected by radioactive fallout.

8. Backlash - When there is strong negative reaction to something, it can be described as backlash or fallout.

9. Blowback - This term refers to the unintended consequences of actions taken in response to a situation.

10. Collateral damage - Similar to blowback, this phrase describes unintended harm caused by a decision or action



