

更新时间:2024-02-12 17:45:03作者:自考教育网



Faithless的拼音是 [ˈfeɪθləs],它由两个单词"faith"和"less"组成。其中,"faith"意为"信仰、信念",而"less"则表示否定或缺乏的含义。因此,faithless可以理解为缺乏信仰或信念的意思。



比如,我们可以说:"He is a faithless friend."(他是一个不可靠的朋友。)或者 "She accused him of being faithless to their marriage vows."(她指责他对婚姻誓言不忠实。)

除了这种负面含义外,faithless也可以指没有宗教信仰或不虔诚的人。例如:"She was raised in a faithless household."(她在一个没有宗教信仰的家庭中长大。)


1. faithless的发音及词性

- faithless [ˈfeɪθləs],是一个形容词。

- 它的词根为faith,意为“信任、信念”,加上后缀-less,表示“没有”的意思。

- 在英语中,它的发音为[ˈfeɪθləs],重音在第一个音节上。

2. faithless的基本含义

- 根据字面意思,faithless可以理解为“没有信任或信念”的人或事物。

- 在日常生活中,我们通常用它来形容某人不忠诚、不可靠或背叛某种信任或承诺。

- 例如:“He is a faithless friend.”(他是个不可靠的朋友。)

3. faithless的其他含义


- 在宗教语境中,它可以指无神论者(atheist)或背弃信仰者(apostate)。

- 在文学作品中,它也可以指没有灵魂、无情感或缺乏爱情的人物。

- 此外,在歌曲《Faithless Love》中,faithless被用来指代无法挽回的爱情。

4. 如何正确读音?


- 第一个音节的发音为[feɪ],与英语中的“fate”相似。

- 第二个音节的发音为[θləs],与英语中的“thistle”相似。

- 最后一个音节的发音为[ləs],与英语中的“less”相同。

5. 用法示例


- She was hurt by her faithless lover.(她受到了她不忠诚的情人的伤害。)

- He is a faithless husband who cheated on his wife.(他是个背叛妻子的不忠诚丈夫。)

- The faithless politician lost the trust of the people.(那个不可信任的政治家失去了人民的信任。)

- The novel's protagonist is portrayed as a faithless and heartless character.(小说主角被描绘成一个没有灵魂、无情感的人物。)

- 在宗教语境中也有特定含义,在文学作品中也有使用。

- 正确的发音为[ˈfeɪθləs],重音在第一个音节上


1. faithless的定义


2. faithless的用法

- He was accused of being a faithless friend. (他被指责是一个不忠诚的朋友。)

- I can't believe she would be so faithless after all we've been through. (我无法相信她会在我们经历了这么多之后变得如此不可靠。)

- The politician's faithless promises cost him the election. (政客不可靠的承诺让他输掉了选举。)

3. faithless的双语例句

- She was heartbroken when she found out her husband had been having a series of affairs, proving himself to be utterly faithless.


- The company's CEO was known for his faithless business practices, often breaking promises and betraying clients for personal gain.


- Despite her husband's repeated infidelity, she remained faithful and refused to become as faithless as he was.



1. Faithless love: 不忠的爱情

2. Faithless friend: 背信弃义的朋友

3. Faithless promises: 不可靠的承诺

4. Faithless behavior: 不诚实的行为

5. Faithless marriage: 不忠的婚姻

6. Faithless spouse: 背叛配偶者

7. Faithless partner: 不可靠的伴侣

8. Faithless politician: 不诚实的政治家

9. Faithless employee: 不忠诚的雇员

10. Faithless follower: 背叛信仰者


1. Disloyal

- Definition: not loyal or faithful; unfaithful

- Example: The faithless husband cheated on his wife with multiple women.

2. Untrustworthy

- Definition: not able to be relied on as honest or truthful; not trustworthy

- Example: The faithless politician made false promises to gain votes.

3. Treacherous

- Definition: guilty of or involving betrayal or deception; disloyal

- Example: The faithless friend spread rumors about their supposed best friend.

4. Deceitful

- Definition: guilty of or involving deceit; deceiving or misleading others

- Example: The faithless business partner embezzled funds from the company.

5. Perfidious

- Definition: deceitful and untrustworthy; disloyal

- Example: The faithless spy leaked confidential information to the enemy.

6. Fickle

- Definition: changing frequently, especially in regards to one's loyalties, interests, or affections; unreliable

- Example: The faithless lover quickly moved on to someone else without any explanation.

7. False-hearted

- Definition: insincere or dishonest in one's feelings or intentions; not faithful

Example: The faithless employee pretended to be sick in order to skip work.

8. Unfaithful

- Definition: not true to duty, obligation, promises, or vows; disloyal

Example: The faithless student copied their classmate's paper and got caught for cheating.

9. Traitorous

- Definition: guilty of betraying someone or something; treacherous

Example: The faithless soldier gave away the location of their army's base camp to the enemy.

10. Betraying

- Definition: being disloyal by revealing secrets or breaking trust with someone

Example: The faithless confidant shared private information with others, causing harm to their friend's reputation


