

更新时间:2024-02-12 17:35:30作者:自考教育网


Definition of "fair"

1. Fair as an adjective

- Definition: just or appropriate in the circumstances; treating people equally without favoritism or discrimination


- Pronunciation: /fɛr/

- Synonyms: impartial, unbiased, equitable, just, honest

- Example sentence: The judge made a fair decision based on the evidence presented in court.

2. Fair as a noun

- Definition: a gathering of people for entertainment and trade, often held annually in a specific location

- Pronunciation: /fɛr/

- Synonyms: festival, carnival, exhibition, trade show

- Example sentence: The county fair is always a popular event with rides, games, and delicious food.

3. Fair as an adverb

- Definition: in a way that is just or reasonable; without cheating or trying to gain an advantage

- Pronunciation: /fɛr/

- Synonyms: honestly, justly, equitably

- Example sentence: He played fair and didn't try to cheat his opponents during the game.

4. Other meanings of "fair"

Aside from its common usage as an adjective, noun, and adverb, "fair" can also have other meanings such as:

a) Light in color or complexion - e.g. She has fair skin and blonde hair.

b) Acceptable but not outstanding - e.g. His performance was fair but not exceptional.

c) Weather conditions that are neither good nor bad - e.g. The weather was fair with some clouds but no rain.

d) A state of being unblemished or untarnished - e.g. He has a fair reputation among his peers.

5. Idioms using "fair"

a) A fair shake - meaning to be treated fairly and honestly.

b) All's fair in love and war - meaning anything goes when it comes to matters of the heart or conflicts.

c) Fair and square - meaning in a just and honest manner.

d) Fair play - meaning to follow the rules and act with integrity.

e) Fair-weather friend - meaning someone who is only a friend when things are going well.

6. Related words to "fair"

- Justice: the quality of being fair and reasonable

- Equality: the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities

- Impartiality: the ability to make fair decisions without bias or favoritism

- Equitable: characterized by fairness and justice

- Honest: truthful and free from deceit or fraud

In conclusion, "fair" can have various meanings depending on its usage as an adjective, noun, adverb, or in idiomatic expressions. However, its core definition remains as treating people equally without favoritism or discrimination. It is important to strive for fairness in all aspects of life to create a just and equitable society

How to pronounce "fair"

Fair is a common English word that has multiple meanings and can be pronounced in different ways. In this guide, we will explore the various definitions of "fair," how to pronounce it correctly, and some synonyms and examples to help you better understand its usage.

1. What does "fair" mean?

The word "fair" can be used as an adjective, noun, or adverb. As an adjective, it can mean:

- Just or impartial: treating everyone equally without favoritism or discrimination.

Example: The judge made a fair decision based on the evidence presented.

- Beautiful or attractive: pleasing to the eye.

Example: She has fair skin and long, blonde hair.

- Adequate or reasonable: not too much or too little.

Example: The price of the product was fair compared to its quality.

As a noun, "fair" can refer to:

- A gathering or event for entertainment and commerce.

Example: We went to the county fair and had a great time.

- A pale color, typically applied to hair or skin.

Example: She has beautiful fair features.

And as an adverb, it can mean:

- In a just or honest manner.

Example: He always plays by the rules and fights fair.

- To a moderate degree; somewhat.

Example: I'm feeling pretty tired but still fair enough to keep going.

2. How do you pronounce "fair"?

The pronunciation of "fair" depends on its context and meaning. Here are three common ways to pronounce it:

- As /feər/: This is the most common pronunciation and is used for all meanings of "fair" except when referring to a gathering/event (noun).


- Fair treatment for all employees is essential in creating a positive work environment. (/feər/)

- Her skin is very fair; she must not spend much time in the sun. (/feər/)

- I can't believe you won the game; that's not fair! (/feər/)

- As /fɛər/: This pronunciation is used when "fair" means "beautiful" or "attractive."

Example: She has fair features and a lovely smile. (/fɛər/)

- As /fɛː/: This is the British English pronunciation and is used for all meanings of "fair."


- We had a great time at the fair; there were so many fun games to play. (/fɛː/)

- His skin was fair, but he had a deep tan from traveling. (/fɛː/)

3. Synonyms and examples

Some synonyms for "fair" include just, equitable, unbiased, reasonable, attractive, beautiful, pale, moderate, and somewhat.

Here are some examples of how to use these synonyms in sentences:

- Just: It's not fair that she gets special treatment just because she's the boss's daughter.

- Equitable: The company has a policy to ensure equitable pay for all employees.

- Unbiased: The jury was made up of unbiased individuals who could make an impartial decision.

- Reasonable: The seller offered a reasonable price for the antique vase.

- Attractive: She has an attractive personality that draws people towards her.

- Beautiful: The sunset over the ocean was a beautiful sight to behold.

- Pale: Her face turned pale when she heard the bad news.

- Moderate: He only drinks alcohol in moderation and never gets drunk.

- Somewhat: I'm somewhat disappointed with the results of the project.

In conclusion, "fair" is a versatile word with various meanings and pronunciations. By understanding its definitions and usage in different contexts, you can use it correctly in your conversations and writing. Remember to pay attention to its pronunciation based on its meaning to avoid confusion

Usage and examples of "fair"

1. Fair的含义及读音


2. 同义词及例句


- The judge made a fair decision in the court case. (法官在法庭上做出了公正的判决。)

- We need to ensure that everyone has a fair chance to succeed. (我们需要确保每个人都有公平的成功机会。)

3. 反义词及例句


- It's not fair that only certain people get special treatment. (只有某些人得到特殊待遇,这不公平。)

- The hiring process must be unbiased and fair to all candidates. (招聘过程必须公正无私,对所有候选人都要公平。)

4. 常见短语及用法

- A fair share of something: 公平份额(指每个人应该得到相同数量或比例的东西)

例如:Everyone should have a fair share of the company's profits.


- Fair and square: 公平地、诚实地(指做事遵守规则,不使用欺骗手段)

例如:We won the game fair and square, without cheating.


5. 幽默例句

- Life isn't always fair, but at least we have chocolate. (生活并不总是公平的,但至少我们有巧克力。)

- I didn't get a fairytale ending, but I did get a happy one. (我没有得到童话般的结局,但我得到了一个幸福的结局。)

Phrases with "fair"

1. Fair play - 公平竞争,公正行为

例句:We believe in fair play and will not tolerate cheating in any form.

2. Fair and square - 公平正直的,光明磊落的

例句:We want to make sure that everyone gets a fair and square chance to succeed.

3. Fair deal - 公平交易,公平待遇

例句:I think we have reached a fair deal that benefits both parties.

4. Fair share - 公平的份额,公平的比例

例句:Everyone should contribute their fair share to the project.

5. Fair competition - 公平竞争

例句:We support fair competition in the market to ensure quality products for consumers.

6. Fair game - 合理竞争的对象,公平对待的对象

例句:It's not fair game to take advantage of someone's weakness.

7. To be fair - 公正地说,在公平情况下

例句:To be fair, he did try his best but it just wasn't enough.

8. Fair warning - 充分警告,提前通知

例句:I gave you fair warning about the consequences of your actions.

9. All's fair in love and war - 情场和战场都是允许一切手段的,爱情和战争都是不择手段的

例句:He may have lied, but all's fair in love and war, right?

10. A fair shake - 公正处理,公正待遇

例句:I just want a fair shake and a chance to prove myself.

11. Fair trade - 公平贸易,公平交易

例句:We only support fair trade products that ensure fair wages for workers.

12. Fair and just - 公平公正的

例句:We strive to create a society that is fair and just for all its citizens.

13. Fair hearing - 公正听证,公平审理

例句:Everyone deserves a fair hearing before any judgment is made.

14. To play fair - 公平竞争,遵守规则

例句:We expect all our players to play fair and follow the rules of the game.

15. Fair weather friend - 靠不住的朋友,只在顺境时才出现的朋友

例句:He's just a fair weather friend who disappears when things get tough.

16. In all fairness - 公平地说,在公正情况下

例句:In all fairness, she did apologize for her mistake.

17. A fair share of something - 相当大的一部分,适当的比例

例句:He has had his fair share of struggles in life, but he never gave up.

18. To give someone a fair go - 给某人一个公平机会,给某人一个公正待遇

例句:I believe everyone deserves a fair go, regardless of their background or circumstances.

19. A level playing field - 公平竞争的环境,同等条件下的竞争环境

例句:We need to create a level playing field for all businesses to thrive in the market.

20. To be as right as rain - 完全正确,一切顺利

例句:Don't worry, everything will be as right as rain once we sort out this issue

Synonyms for "fair" with examples

1. "Fair"的意思是什么?

- 合理的,公正的:reasonable, just, impartial

- 美丽的,漂亮的:beautiful, pretty, attractive

- 晴朗的,明亮的:sunny, bright, clear

2. "Fair"怎么读?

- 发音为/feər/,单词的最后一个字母不发音。

3. "Fair"的同义词有哪些?

- Reasonable: 合理的,公正的

例句:The price of the product is fair and affordable.


- Just: 公正的,正当的

例句:The judge made a fair decision based on the evidence.


- Impartial: 公平无私的,中立的

例句:The referee was impartial and made a fair call.


- Beautiful: 美丽的,漂亮的

例句:She looked absolutely beautiful in her wedding dress.


- Pretty: 漂亮可爱的,俊俏的

例句:The little girl had a pretty smile on her face.


- Attractive: 有吸引力的,迷人的

例句:The new restaurant has an attractive interior design.


- Sunny: 晴朗的,阳光充足的

例句:It's a beautiful day with sunny skies and a light breeze.


- Bright: 明亮的,光亮的

例句:The room was filled with bright, natural light.


- Clear: 清澈的,明确的

例句:He gave a clear explanation of the problem.


fair是一个多义词,可以表示公平、公正、美丽等含义。它的发音为/feər/,读起来比较简单。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到fair这个词,比如说“a fair competition”(公平竞争)、“a fair complexion”(白皙肤色)等等。除了以上提到的用法外,fair还可以和其他词搭配使用,比如“fair enough”(够公平)、“fair and square”(光明正大)等等。如果你想要表达更多的意思,不妨尝试一下它的同义词,比如equitable、just、beautiful等。最后,在这里我作为网站的编辑,非常感谢你阅读本文,并希望能够给你带来一些帮助。如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多有趣的内容!


