

更新时间:2024-02-12 17:17:53作者:自考教育网



1. 拼音:faintly [feɪntli]

2. 解释:faintly是一个副词,意为“微弱地,模糊地”,常用来描述声音、光线等的程度或强度。


3. 发音指南:faintly的重音在第一个音节上,读作[feɪnt],最后一个音节读作[li]。注意发音时要轻轻吐气,不要把最后一个音节读得太重。

4. 同义词:faintly的同义词包括:dimly、vaguely、weakly、subtly等。

5. 例句:

(1) The music could be heard faintly in the distance.

(2) She smiled faintly, trying to hide her disappointment.

(3) The stars were shining faintly in the dark sky.

(4) The memory of that day still lingers faintly in my mind.

(5) He could just make out a faint light coming from the window.

6. 总结:faintly是一个常用的副词,在英语中有着多种含义,可以用来描述声音、光线、记忆等。它的拼音是[feɪntli],重读在第一个音节上。它的同义词有dimly、vaguely等。在写作中可以根据具体语境选择使用合适的同义词来表达更准确的意思



1. 首先,我们需要明确"faintly"是一个副词,表示“微弱地”、“模糊地”的意思。它的发音为[feynt-lee],重音在第一个音节上。

2. 接下来,我们来分解一下这个单词。第一个音节"faint"的发音为[feint],注意不要把它读成[faint]哦。而第二个音节"ly"则是一个辅助音节,帮助连接前面的单词,并且没有重音。

3. 在发音时,注意将重点放在第一个音节上,并且快速地将两个音节连起来。不要把重点放在最后一个辅助音节上,否则会让你的发音听起来很生硬。

4. 如果你想更加地道一些,可以尝试将第一个音节的"a"发成[æ]的短元音,在美式英语中这样读更加常见。


1. She could faintly see the outline of a figure in the dark room.


2. The memory of that day still lingers faintly in my mind.


3. The music from the concert hall could be heard faintly from our hotel room.




1. faintly的意思


2. faintly的发音


3. faintly的同义词


4. 双语例句

1) The sound of the music could be heard faintly in the distance.


2) She could see a faint light coming from the window.


3) The smell of flowers was faintly present in the air.


4) He was only faintly aware of what was happening around him.


5) There was a faint hope that things would get better.


6) The painting was only faintly reminiscent of his earlier works.


7) She could faintly hear her name being called.


8) The stars were shining faintly in the night sky.



1. Faintly audible - 听起来模糊

例句:The sound of the waves crashing against the shore was faintly audible from our hotel room.

2. Faintly visible - 看起来模糊

例句:In the distance, we could see a faintly visible outline of the mountains.

3. Faintly reminiscent - 使人想起

例句:The smell of freshly baked bread was faintly reminiscent of my childhood.

4. Faintly fragrant - 微香的

例句:The flowers in the garden were faintly fragrant, filling the air with a delicate scent.

5. Faintly colored - 色彩淡淡的

例句:The painting had a faintly colored background, allowing the vibrant colors of the subject to stand out.

6. Faintly lit - 光线微弱的

例句:The room was only faintly lit by a single candle, creating a cozy and intimate atmosphere.

7. Faintly smiling - 微笑着的

例句:She greeted me with a faintly smiling face, making me feel welcome and at ease.

8. Faintly trembling - 微微颤抖的

例句:Her voice was faintly trembling as she spoke about her fears and worries.

9. Faintly humming - 微微哼唱着的

例句:As I walked down the street, I could hear someone faintly humming a familiar tune.

10. Faintly scented - 微微有香味的

例句:The soap had a faintly scented aroma, leaving my skin feeling refreshed and clean


1. Barely

同义词:scarcely, hardly, just, only

例句:The sound of the music was barely audible in the faintly lit room.

2. Dimly

同义词:faintly, weakly, softly, lightly

例句:The stars were dimly visible in the faintly lit sky.

3. Vaguely

同义词:unclearly, hazily, indistinctly, obscurely

例句:I could vaguely remember the details of the conversation.

4. Slightly

同义词:a little, somewhat, marginally, minimally

例句:She could feel a slightly cool breeze on her face.

5. Fuzzily

同义词:blurrily, hazily, indistinctly, vaguely

例句:The image on the TV was fuzzily distorted.

6. Weakly

同义词:feeblely, faintly, softly, lightly

例句:She smiled weakly at her friend's joke.

7. Murmuringly

同义词:whisperingly, muffledly, softly

例句:The couple were murmuring to each other faintly as they walked down the street.

8. Hushed

同义词: quieted down , muted , softened

例句: The audience hushed as the performer took center stage.

9. Whispering

同义词: murmuring , rustling , susurrating

例句: The leaves were whispering faintly in the breeze.

10. Fading

同义词: diminishing , lessening , weakening

例句: The sound of laughter was fading away as they walked further from the party

faintly是一个常用的副词,它可以用来描述声音、光线、感觉等,意为“微弱地”,读作[féɪntli]。它的同义词有faintly、dimly、vaguely等,例如:I could faintly hear the sound of music coming from the next room.我能微弱地听到从隔壁房间传来的音乐声。在使用时,我们可以结合具体语境选择合适的同义词。除了作为副词外,faintly也可以作为形容词和动词。通过阅读本文,相信大家对于faintly已经有了更深入的了解。如果你喜欢本文,请关注我,我是网站编辑,将会为你带来更多有趣的知识和文章。谢谢阅读!


