

更新时间:2024-02-12 17:13:20作者:自考教育网



1. fainted的定义



2. fainted的含义


3. fainted怎么读


4. fainted同义词

- Swoon:指因极度惊讶或兴奋而昏倒。

- Pass out:指因酒精过量或其他原因而失去知觉。

- Blackout:指因突然血压下降而导致昏厥。

- Collapse:指因体力或精神疲劳而倒下。

- Faint away:指因极度惊讶或受到打击而昏倒。

5. fainted的例句

- She fainted from the heat and exhaustion.


- The patient fainted during the medical examination.


- He fainted when he saw the blood.


- She felt lightheaded and thought she might faint.


- The old man fainted from hunger and dehydration.



1. 发音:fainted的发音为[feynt-id],重音在第一个音节上。

2. 读法:fainted的读法与"faint"相同,都是[feynt],意为“昏厥”。

3. 同义词:faint、pass out、black out、lose consciousness。

4. 例句:

- She fainted at the sight of blood.


- The heat made her feel faint.


- He fainted from exhaustion after running a marathon.



1. fainted的意思是晕倒,失去知觉。例如:She fainted from the heat and exhaustion.(她因为炎热和疲劳而晕倒了。)

2. fainted的同义词包括:passed out, blacked out, swooned等。例如:The heat was so intense that she passed out.(炎热太强烈,她晕倒了。)

3. 除了指人失去知觉外,fainted也可以用来形容某物颜色淡薄或者声音微弱。例如:The colors in the painting had faded over time.(画中的颜色随着时间的推移变得暗淡了。)

4. 下面是一些关于fainted的例句:

- The young girl fainted at the sight of blood.


- She fainted during the wedding ceremony due to nervousness.


- The old woman's voice was so faint that I could barely hear her.


- The scent of flowers was so strong that I almost fainted.



1. Passed out - 晕倒

例句:She fainted and passed out on the floor.


2. Blacked out - 昏迷

例句:The heat was too much for her and she blacked out.


3. Swooned - 昏厥

例句:The excitement of seeing her favorite band made her swoon.


4. Fell unconscious - 失去意识

例句:He fell unconscious after hitting his head on the ground.


5. Fainted away - 昏倒

例句:The smell of the rotten food made her faint away.


6. Passed away - 去世

例句:She fainted and sadly passed away in the hospital.



1. Faint with exhaustion: 因精疲力尽而昏厥

例句:She fainted with exhaustion after running a marathon.

2. Faint from hunger: 因饥饿而昏厥

例句:The child fainted from hunger after not eating for days.

3. Faint of heart: 胆小怕事的

例句:He is faint of heart and easily scared by horror movies.

4. Faint praise: 褒贬不一的赞扬

例句:The boss gave him faint praise for his work, which was not very encouraging.

5. Faint hope: 微弱的希望

例句:There is only a faint hope of finding survivors after the earthquake.

6. Faint smile: 微笑

例句:She gave a faint smile as she remembered the happy memories.

7. Faint scent: 淡淡的香味

例句:The room was filled with a faint scent of flowers.

8. Fainting spell: 昏厥发作

例句:She had a fainting spell during the hot summer day.

9. Faint memory: 模糊的记忆

例句:I have a faint memory of meeting her before, but I can't remember where.

10. On the verge of fainting: 快要晕倒了

例句:After standing in the hot sun for hours, I was on the verge of fainting


下一篇:faint 是什么意思

