

更新时间:2024-02-12 17:11:46作者:自考教育网



在英语中,fail一词最常用来表示“失败”的意思。它可以用作动词,也可以用作名词。当作动词时,fail表示“不成功,失败”,例如:I failed my driving test.(我驾照考试没通过。)而当作名词时,fail指的是“失败的事情或状态”,例如:My project was a fail.(我的项目失败了。)

除了表示“失败”外,fail还有其他一些常见的含义。比如,它可以用来表示“不及格”,比如:If you fail this class, you'll have to retake it next semester.(如果你这门课不及格,下学期就得重修了。)此外,fail也可以用来表示“未能做到某事”,比如:I failed to understand his explanation.(我没能理解他的解释。)


除了以上几种含义外,fail还有一些常见的固定搭配。例如,“fail to do something”(未能做某事), “fail in something”(在某方面失败), “fail at something”(在某事上失败)。此外,“epic fail”是一个流行的网络语言,指的是非常惨痛的失败


1. 首先,我们来看一下fail这个单词的发音。它的读音是/fel/,其中的ai发音为/ɛ/,类似于英文中的"e"。

2. 但是,如果我们把fail放在一个句子中,它的读音可能会有所不同。比如说,“Don't fail me now.”这句话中,fail就会读作/fel/。

3. 在英文中,fail有两种基本含义。一种是指“失败”,比如说考试没通过就可以说“I failed the exam.”;另一种是指“不及格”,比如说考试得了低分就可以说“I failed the test.”

4. 不过,在当下年轻人的用法中,fail还有一个很特别的意思——“彻底失败”或者“糟糕透顶”。比如说,“I failed at life.”这句话就表示我在生活中彻底失败了。

5. 另外,在网络用语中,“epic fail”也很常见,意思是指“非常惨痛的失败”。通常用来形容某人做了非常愚蠢或者搞笑的事情而导致失败。

6. 不仅如此,fail还可以被用作动词和名词。作为动词时,它表示“失败”,作为名词时,则表示“失败者”或者“不及格”。例如,“He failed the test.”和“He is a fail.”

7. 最后,fail也可以被用作形容词。比如说,“This is a fail attempt.”就表示“这是一次失败的尝试”。在这种情况下,fail的意思与“unsuccessful”相似。

8. 总的来说,fail这个单词虽然只有四个字母,但是它的含义却非常丰富。无论是指彻底失败还是不及格,都可以用这个简单的词来表达。所以,记住它的发音/fel/,你就能轻松应对各种场合啦!


1. Fail的基本意思是“失败”,可以用来形容某件事情没有达到预期的结果。例如:I failed my driving test.(我驾照考试没通过。)

2. 在口语中,fail也可以用来表示某人没有做好某件事情,或者做得很差。例如:You failed to clean your room again.(你又没把房间打扫干净。)

3. 另外,fail还可以用作名词,指考试或者任务未能通过或完成的状态。例如:I got a fail on my math test.(我的数学考试不及格了。)

4. 除了表示失败,fail也可以用作动词,指某人未能做到应该做的事情。例如:He failed to show up for the meeting.(他没能按时参加会议。)

5. Fail还有一个常见的意思是“不及格”,特别是在教育领域中常用来指学生在考试或者课程中未达到及格标准。例如:She failed her math class last semester.(她上学期数学课不及格了。)

6. 双语例句:

- She tried her best, but still failed the audition.


- If you fail this class, you will have to take it again next semester.


- The company's new marketing strategy failed to increase sales.


- Don't fail to tell me if you need any help.



1. Epic fail - 惨败,指非常严重的失败

2. Fail to do something - 未能做某事,表示未能完成某项任务或目标

3. Failure is not an option - 失败不是选择,表示必须成功,没有退路

4. Fail-safe - 安全的,指设计或系统具有保障措施,即使出现问题也不会造成严重后果

5. Failed state - 失败国家,指政府无法有效管理国家事务的国家

6. Fall flat on one's face - 摔个鼻青脸肿,比喻失败或受挫

7. False start - 虚假的开始,指计划或行动开始后很快就失败了

8. Fiasco - 惨败,灾难性的失败

9. Flunk out - 退学,指在学校表现不佳而被迫离开学校

10. Miss the mark/fail to hit the mark - 未达到预期目标,比喻失败

11. Sink like a stone/fail miserably - 彻底失败

12. Fall short/fail to meet expectations/standards/requirements - 未达到期望/标准/要求

13. Flop/fail to impress/disappointing result- 表现不佳/未能给人留下深刻印象/令人失望的结果

14. Go down in flames/crash and burn- 惨败,失败得一塌糊涂

15. Lackluster performance - 平淡无奇的表现,指没有达到预期水平

16. Meet with failure - 遭遇失败

17. Miss the boat - 错过良机,比喻错失成功的机会

18. Not make the grade - 不合格,指未能达到要求或标准

19. Set up for failure - 设定注定失败,指安排某事注定会失败

20. Strike out - 失败,比喻努力不成功


1. Unsuccessful

- Definition: not achieving the desired or intended outcome.

- Example: The project was unsuccessful due to lack of funding.

2. Defeat

- Definition: failure to succeed in a task or goal.

- Example: Despite their best efforts, the team experienced defeat in the final game of the season.

3. Fiasco

- Definition: a complete failure, often accompanied by embarrassment or disaster.

- Example: The company's new product launch turned into a fiasco when it failed to meet expectations.

4. Flop

- Definition: an utter failure, especially in terms of popularity or success.

- Example: The movie was a flop at the box office, receiving negative reviews from critics.

5. Botch

- Definition: to carry out a task poorly or incompetently.

- Example: The contractor botched the construction project, resulting in numerous mistakes and delays.

6. Misfire

- Definition: to fail to fire or explode as intended; also used figuratively to describe a plan or idea that fails.

- Example: The gun misfired, causing panic among the soldiers. The marketing campaign also misfired and did not generate enough sales.

7. Collapse

- Definition: to fail suddenly and completely; also used figuratively to describe a business or system that fails.

- Example: The bridge collapsed due to structural issues. The company's stock price also collapsed after their financial scandal was exposed.

8. Flunk

- Definition: to fail an exam or course of study; also used informally to describe any type of failure.

- Example: Despite studying hard, she still managed to flunk her math test. The business venture ultimately flunked due to poor planning and execution.

9. Abort

- Definition: to end something before it is completed; also used in technical contexts such as space missions when something goes wrong.

- Example: Due to technical difficulties, the mission had to be aborted. The project was also aborted due to lack of funding.

10. Washout

- Definition: a complete failure; also used to describe a weather event that causes an outdoor event to be canceled.

- Example: The concert was a washout due to heavy rain. The new product launch was also a washout, with low sales and negative customer reviews


