

更新时间:2024-02-12 17:08:22作者:自考教育网



1. 发音:failure的发音为[feyl-yer],其中“feyl”发音为[feyl],重音在第一个音节上,“yer”发音为[yer],重音在第二个音节上。


2. 拼写:failure的拼写为f-a-i-l-u-r-e,共有7个字母。其中“f”发音为[f],“a”发音为[eɪ],“i”发音为[aɪ],“l”发音为[l],“u”发音为[juː],“r”发音为[r],“e”发音为[ə]。

3. 同义词:failure的同义词包括defeat、loss、collapse等。

4. 反义词:failure的反义词包括success、victory、achievement等。

5. 用法示例:

- The team's failure to win the championship disappointed their fans.


- The company's failure to meet its quarterly goals led to a decrease in stock prices.


6. 相关词汇:

- fail(动词):失败

- failing(名词):缺点,不足之处

- unsuccessful(形容词):不成功的,失败的

- failure rate(名词短语):失败率

7. 拓展阅读:



1. 什么是failure?


2. failure的读音


3. failure的翻译

Failure一词在中文中有多种翻译方式,根据具体语境可以有不同的表达。常见的翻译有“失败”、“失误”、“不及格”、“落空”等。例如,“His failure to pass the exam disappointed his parents.”(他考试没通过让他父母很失望),“The company's failure to meet the sales target led to its bankruptcy.”(公司未能达到销售目标导致其破产)。

4. failure与其他相关概念


5. failure在人生中的意义

Failure在人生中是一种常见的经历,每个人都会遇到失败。它可以是一种挫折,也可以是一次学习和成长的机会。失败并不可怕,关键是如何面对它并从中吸取教训,继续前进。正如著名作家奥斯卡·王尔德所说,“Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.”(经验只不过是我们给自己犯下错误起的名字)


1. failure的意思是“失败”,指未能达到预期的结果或目标。

例句:The team's failure to win the championship disappointed their fans. (球队未能赢得冠军让球迷们感到失望。)

2. failure也可以表示“失败者”,指在某项活动或竞争中未获得成功的人。

例句:He was determined not to be a failure in life, so he worked hard to achieve his goals. (他决心在生活中不成为一个失败者,所以努力实现自己的目标。)

3. 当failure作为动词时,意思是“失败,不成功”。

例句:The company's new product failed to attract customers. (公司的新产品未能吸引顾客。)

4. failure还可以用来表示“故障,失灵”,指某物无法正常运行或发挥作用。

例句:The computer system experienced a major failure and all our data was lost. (计算机系统发生了严重故障,我们所有的数据都丢失了。)

5. 另外,failure也可以指“缺乏成功或成就”。

例句:His repeated failures in business made him lose confidence in himself. (他在生意上屡屡失败让他对自己失去了信心。)

6. 在科学领域,failure有时候也被用来表示“破坏性测试”,即对产品进行反复测试以发现潜在的问题。

例句:The engineers conducted a series of failure tests on the new aircraft to ensure its safety. (工程师们对新飞机进行了一系列的破坏性测试,以确保其安全性。)

7. 最后,failure还可以指“失败的事物或情况”。

例句:The failure of the negotiations between the two countries led to increased tensions. (两国谈判的失败导致紧张局势加剧。)


1. 同义词:defeat, loss, breakdown, collapse, fiasco, flop, defeatism

2. 反义词:success, victory, accomplishment, triumph


1. 失败:这是failure最常见的翻译,指未能达到预期的结果或目标。比如,他们的计划最终以失败告终。(Failure: This is the most common translation for failure, referring to not achieving the expected result or goal. For example, their plan ended in failure.)

2. 失败者/失败的人:这个翻译指的是在某件事情上没有成功的人。比如,他被认为是一个失败者。(Failure/Failure person: This translation refers to someone who has not been successful in something. For example, he was seen as a failure.)

3. 失败品/不良品:这个翻译通常用于商业领域,指质量不合格或无法达到要求的产品。比如,这批货物被退回了,因为它们被认为是失败品。(Failure product/Defective product: This translation is commonly used in the business field, referring to products that do not meet quality standards or requirements. For example, this batch of goods was returned because they were considered as failure products.)

4. 失灵/故障:这个翻译可以用于机械、电子设备等方面,指出现问题或无法正常工作。比如,我的电脑总是失灵。(Malfunction/Failure: This translation can be used for mechanical, electronic devices and other areas, referring to problems or inability to function properly. For example, my computer always malfunctions.)

5. 破产:这个翻译指的是经济上无法维持下去,导致财务状况崩溃。比如,由于经营不善,公司最终破产。(Bankruptcy: This translation refers to the economic inability to sustain and resulting in financial collapse. For example, due to poor management, the company eventually went bankrupt.)

6. 失利:这个翻译通常用于竞赛或比赛中,指未能获得胜利。比如,他们在决赛中遭遇了失败。(Defeat: This translation is commonly used in competitions or matches, referring to not being able to win. For example, they suffered a defeat in the final.)

7. 失败的尝试/挫折:这个翻译指的是尝试做某事却没有成功。比如,他们的第一次尝试以失败告终。(Failed attempt/Setback: This translation refers to trying to do something but not succeeding. For example, their first attempt ended in failure.)

8. 不及格:这个翻译通常用于学校考试或评估中,指没有达到及格标准。比如,他们不断地考试不及格。(Failing grade: This translation is commonly used in school exams or evaluations, referring to not meeting the passing standards. For example, they kept failing their exams.)

9. 衰退/衰弱:这个翻译可以用于身体、经济等方面,指状态变差或变弱。比如,他的健康状况每况愈下。(Decline/Weakness: This translation can be used for physical, economic and other areas, referring to a deteriorating or weakening state. For example, his health is declining.)

10. 失误:这个翻译指的是在做某事时出现错误。比如,他们的失误导致了失败。(Mistake: This translation refers to making a mistake while doing something. For example, their mistake led to failure.)


