

更新时间:2024-02-12 17:01:28作者:自考教育网


The pronunciation of failover

1. Definition of failover


Failover is a term used in the field of computer networking and refers to the process of switching to a backup system or procedure when the primary system fails. It is typically used to ensure high availability and reliability of a network or system.

2. How to pronounce failover

The word "failover" is pronounced as "FAYL-oh-ver". The emphasis is on the first syllable, with a slight pause before the second syllable. The "a" in "fail" is pronounced as in the word "fate", while the "o" in "over" is pronounced as in the word "open".

3. Synonyms for failover

Some common synonyms for failover include backup, redundancy, and fallback. These terms are often used interchangeably with failover, but they may have slightly different meanings depending on the context.

4. Examples of failover

- In case of a power outage, our servers are equipped with a failover mechanism that switches to a backup power source.

- Our network has a built-in failover system that automatically reroutes traffic to an alternate server if one goes down.

- The company's disaster recovery plan includes failover procedures for critical systems to minimize downtime.

5. Importance of understanding pronunciation

In technical industries like IT and networking, it is important to have a clear understanding of how certain terms are pronounced. This not only helps in effective communication but also reflects professionalism and expertise in the field.

6. Conclusion

In summary, failover is pronounced as "FAYL-oh-ver" and refers to the process of switching to a backup system when the primary one fails. It is an essential aspect of ensuring high availability and reliability in computer networks and systems. Knowing how to pronounce this term correctly can help individuals communicate effectively and demonstrate their knowledge in this field

Is failover an idiom?

1. Introduction to Failover

Failover is a term that is commonly used in the field of technology, specifically in the context of computer networks and systems. It refers to the process of switching from a failed or unresponsive primary system to a backup system, in order to ensure uninterrupted operation and availability.

2. Defining "idiom"

Before we delve into whether failover can be considered an idiom, let us first define what an idiom is. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, an idiom is "an expression in the usage of a language that is peculiar to itself either grammatically (such as no, it wasn't me) or in having a meaning that cannot be derived from the conjoined meanings of its elements (such as ride herd on for 'supervise')."

3. Is Failover an Idiom?

Based on this definition, it can be argued that failover does not fit into the category of idioms. While it may have a specific meaning within the context of technology, it follows standard grammatical rules and its meaning can be derived from its individual components.

4. Synonyms for Failover

In addition to failover, there are other terms that are often used interchangeably such as switchover, backup, and redundancy. These terms also refer to the same concept of switching from one system to another in case of failure.

5. Examples of Usage

Here are some examples of how failover is used in sentences:

- Our network has a failover system in place to ensure uninterrupted internet access.

- The server has a built-in failover mechanism that automatically switches to a backup system when needed.

- In case of power outages, our data center has multiple generators for failover protection.

6. Conclusion

In summary, while failover may have a specific meaning within the field of technology, it cannot be considered an idiom. It follows standard grammatical rules and its meaning can be easily understood from its individual components. However, it is still a useful and important concept in ensuring the reliability and availability of computer systems

Usage and examples of failover

1. What is failover?

Failover refers to the process of switching from a primary system or component to a backup system or component in case of failure. It is commonly used in the context of computer systems, networks, and servers, where it ensures uninterrupted operation and minimal downtime.

2. How is failover pronounced?

Failover is pronounced as "FAYL-oh-ver".

3. Synonyms for failover

- Redundancy: This refers to having backup systems or components that can take over in case of failure.

- Switchover: This term is often used interchangeably with failover, but it specifically refers to the act of switching from one system to another.

- Fail-safe: This describes a system or component that is designed to continue functioning even in the event of failure.

4. Examples of failover

- In a network setup, if one router fails, the traffic will automatically be rerouted through another router.

- In cloud computing, if one server goes down, the workload will be shifted to another server without any interruption in service.

- In database management systems, if the primary database fails, a secondary database will take over and continue processing transactions.

5. Benefits of using failover

- High availability: By having backup systems or components ready to take over in case of failure, businesses can ensure that their services are always available to their customers.

- Improved reliability: Failover reduces the risk of downtime and data loss by quickly switching to a backup system.

- Cost-effective: By minimizing downtime and data loss, businesses can save money by avoiding potential revenue losses.

6. How does failover work?

Failover typically involves two main components - a primary system/component and a secondary system/component. The primary system/component continuously monitors for any signs of failure and when it detects one, it triggers the failover process. The secondary system/component then takes over and continues providing the necessary services.

7. Failover vs Failback

Failover refers to the process of switching to a backup system when the primary system fails. Failback, on the other hand, refers to the process of returning to the primary system once it has been restored.

In conclusion, failover is an important concept in ensuring high availability and reliability in various systems and components. By having backup systems or components ready to take over in case of failure, businesses can minimize downtime and ensure uninterrupted operation

Antonyms and synonyms of failover


1. Failback - 指系统从备用状态恢复到原来的状态,与failover相反。

2. Failure - 指系统无法正常运行或达到预期目标的情况,与failover相反。

3. Breakdown - 指系统发生故障或停止运行的情况,与failover相反。


1. Switchover - 指系统从主要状态切换到备用状态,与failover意思类似。

2. Redundancy - 指系统备用部件或备份数据,以防止主要部件或数据发生故障。

3. Backup - 指系统备用的复制品或替代品,以防止原始系统发生故障。

Example Sentences:

1. The failover process ensures that the system can continue to operate even if one component fails.


2. In case of a power outage, the failover mechanism will switch to a backup power source.


3. The failback procedure was successful and the system is now running on its primary server again.


Explanation of failover

1. 什么是failover?


2. failover如何读?

Failover的发音为 [ˈfeɪlˌoʊvər],其中重音在第一个音节上。

3. failover的同义词有哪些?


4. failover的例句有哪些?

- 当主服务器崩溃时,备份服务器会自动启动进行failover。

- 这个系统具有failover功能,可以确保即使一个节点失效也不会影响整个网络。

- IT团队经常测试failover过程,以确保在紧急情况下能够快速恢复系统。

- 为了保证数据安全,我们公司采用了双重备份和failover机制。

- 在云计算环境中,failover是必不可少的功能之一,可以保证服务持续运行



