

更新时间:2024-02-12 16:59:07作者:自考教育网



1. failed的拼音是fēi lèi dè,在汉语中读作“费勒德”。


2. failed是什么意思


3. failed怎么读


4. failed翻译为


5. failed在句子中的用法

a) 作为动词时,常与to或者infinitive形式连用,表示未能做到某事或未能成功完成某件事情。

例:He has failed to pass the exam for three times.


b) 作为形容词时,常用来描述人或事物本身就具有失败的属性。

例:The company is facing a failed project.


c) 作为名词时,常用来指代一次失败或者一个失败者。

例:Her marriage was a complete failure, she was the ultimate “failed” in the relationship.


6. failed与其他词汇搭配

a) failed attempt:失败的尝试

b) failed business:破产的企业

c) failed relationship:破裂的关系

d) failed state:失败国家

7. failed在日常生活中的用法

a) 当我们在做某件事情时,如果没有达到预期的效果,可以使用failed来表达自己的不满或失望。

例:I tried my best, but I still failed to win the competition.


b) 在工作场合,我们也可以用failed来指代某项工作或计划没有成功实施。

例:The company's new product launch was a complete failure.




首先,failed是一个动词,它的意思是“失败”,可以用来描述某件事情没有达成预期的结果。比如,“I failed my math exam”(我数学考试没考好),“The project failed due to lack of funding”(由于缺乏资金,项目失败了)。




1. 使用非正式的语气:你肯定经常听到过这个词,比如在电影里,“我fail了”、“这次考试我又fail了”,甚至在网上也有很多搞笑的meme和表情包都用到了这个词。但是,你知道它的确切含义吗?

2. failed作为动词时,意为“失败”,表示某件事没有达到预期的结果。它也可以作为形容词,表示“失败的”、“未能成功的”。

3. 在双语例句中,我们可以看到failed通常被翻译为“失败”的意思。比如,“I failed the exam.”(我考试没通过),“The project failed due to lack of funding.”(由于缺乏资金,这个项目失败了)。

4. 不仅在日常生活中会用到failed这个词,在商业领域也经常出现。比如,“The company's new product launch failed to meet sales expectations.”(公司新产品发布未能达到销售预期)。此外,在法律文件中也会出现类似表达,“The contract was declared failed due to breach of agreement.”(由于违反协议,合同被宣布失败)。

5. 那么,在口语中我们该如何使用failed呢?除了表达某件事情未能成功之外,它也可以表示某人在某方面不擅长或失败。比如,“I failed at cooking, so I ordered takeout.”(我做饭失败了,所以点了外卖),“He failed at being a good friend when he betrayed me.”(他作为一个好朋友失败了,当他背叛了我)。

6. 最后,我们来看一些幽默的用法。比如,“I tried to make a cake, but it failed miserably.”(我试着做蛋糕,但是结果太惨败了),“My attempt at flirting with her failed spectacularly.”(我试图和她调情,但是结果很惨烈)。这些例句中的failed都带有一种幽默的意味,让人感到轻松愉快


1. Failed attempt - 失败的尝试

这个词组指的是一次不成功的努力或尝试。比如,当我们在做某件事情时,由于某些原因无法达成预期的结果,我们可以用failed attempt来描述这次努力。

2. Failed business - 失败的生意


3. Failed relationship - 失败的关系

当两个人之间的感情无法继续发展,最终走向破裂时,我们可以说他们的关系是failed relationship。它可以用来形容恋爱关系、婚姻关系或者其他人际关系。

4. Failed state - 失败国家


5. Failed project - 失败的项目

当一个计划、任务或者工程无法按照预期完成时,我们可以说它是failed project。这个词组也可以用来形容一项投资、房地产开发等活动未能取得成功。

6. Failed attempt at reconciliation - 失败的和解尝试

当两个人之间发生矛盾或者冲突时,有时候会尝试通过和解来解决问题。如果这次和解的努力没有成功,我们可以用failed attempt at reconciliation来形容。

7. Failed product launch - 失败的产品发布

当一家公司推出新产品,但是最终没有受到消费者的欢迎或者没有达到预期销售目标时,我们可以说这次产品发布是failed product launch。

8. Failed negotiation - 失败的谈判

当两个团队或者组织之间进行谈判,但是最终无法达成协议或者满意的结果时,我们可以说这次谈判是failed negotiation。它也可以用来形容个人之间的谈判或者商业谈判。

9. Failed exam - 考试不及格


10. Failed investment - 失败的投资

当一个投资计划最终没有带来预期收益,甚至导致损失时,我们可以说它是failed investment。它也可以用来形容某项投资活动失败了


1. Unsuccessful

- Meaning: not achieving the desired outcome or goal

- Example: The project was a failure, it was unsuccessful in meeting its objectives.

2. Defeated

- Meaning: not succeeding in a particular task or challenge

- Example: Despite their efforts, they were defeated in the competition.

3. Flopped

- Meaning: not being successful or popular, often used to describe a performance or product

- Example: The movie was a complete flop, it didn't do well at the box office.

4. Unaccomplished

- Meaning: not achieving something that was intended or planned

- Example: He felt unaccomplished after failing to secure the job he wanted.

5. Unfulfilled

- Meaning: not achieving one's goals or desires, often associated with feelings of disappointment or dissatisfaction

- Example: She felt unfulfilled in her career and decided to make a change.

6. Ineffective

- Meaning: not producing the desired results, lacking effectiveness

- Example: The new marketing strategy proved to be ineffective in increasing sales.

7. Fruitless

- Meaning: not producing any useful results, unsuccessful

- Example: Their attempts to negotiate were fruitless, as neither party could come to an agreement.

8. Aborted

- Meaning: stopped before completion due to failure or other reasons

- Example: The mission was aborted due to technical difficulties.

9. Disastrous

- Meaning: causing great damage or harm, disastrous failures are often catastrophic and have serious consequences

- Example: The company's decision proved to be disastrous as it led to significant financial losses.

10. Unsuccessful attempt

Meaning - an effort that did not result in success

Example - Despite several unsuccessful attempts at quitting smoking, he finally succeeded on his fifth try


