

更新时间:2024-02-12 16:44:47作者:自考教育网





1. 同义词:diminishing, disappearing, vanishing

例句:The memories of our childhood are slowly fading away.(我们童年的回忆正在慢慢消失。)

2. 同义词:faint, weak, feeble

例句:The fading light of the sunset painted the sky with beautiful colors.(夕阳逐渐消退,把天空染上了美丽的色彩。)

3. 同义词:waning, declining, ebbing

例句:His popularity is fading as people lose interest in his music.(随着人们对他的音乐失去兴趣,他的人气正在下降。)


1. 发音:[ˈfeɪdɪŋ]

2. 释义:fading是一个动词,意为“逐渐消失,褪色”,也可以作为名词使用,表示“逐渐减弱或消失的状态”。

3. 同义词:diminishing, vanishing, disappearing, waning

4. 例句:

- The colors of the sunset were slowly fading into darkness.


- The memory of that day is fading from my mind.


- The popularity of this trend seems to be fading.


- The old photograph has started to fade over time.


5. 发音细节:

- 第一个音节“fa”的发音与英文单词“far”中的"a"相同,发[ɑ]音。

- 第二个音节“ding”的发音与英文单词“ding”中的"i"相同,发[ɪ]音。

- 最后一个音节不发音,只是用来帮助区分单复数形式


1. Fading的意思是逐渐消失或减弱,通常用来形容颜色、声音、记忆等逐渐变淡或消失的过程。

例句:The sunset was beautiful, but it was fading quickly as the night approached. (夕阳美丽,但随着夜晚的临近,它正在迅速消失。)

2. Fading的同义词包括disappearing, diminishing, vanishing等。

例句:The old photos are fading away, we need to make digital copies to preserve them. (老照片正在逐渐消失,我们需要制作数字复制品来保存它们。)

3. Fading也可以表示衰退或衰弱。

例句:Her health is fading and she needs to take better care of herself. (她的健康状况正在衰退,她需要更好地照顾自己。)

4. 在时尚界,fading指的是一种流行趋势逐渐减弱或不再受欢迎。

例句:Bell-bottom jeans were popular in the 70s, but now they are fading out of style. (喇叭裤在70年代很流行,但现在已经不再时尚了。)

5. 在音乐领域,fading常用来形容歌曲结尾时声音逐渐减弱直至消失。

例句:The song ended with a fading melody, leaving the audience in silence. (歌曲以逐渐减弱的旋律结束,让观众陷入了沉默。)


1. Fading away: 逐渐消失,逐渐减弱

例句:The memories of our childhood are slowly fading away as we grow older.

2. Fading light: 衰退的光芒,暗淡的光线

例句:As the sun sets, the fading light creates a beautiful orange hue in the sky.

3. Fading beauty: 衰落的美丽,衰退的容貌

例句:The actress's fading beauty was evident as she aged, but her talent remained timeless.

4. Fading hope: 渐渐消失的希望,逐渐破灭的期望

例句:Despite their efforts, their fading hope for finding a cure for the disease was hard to ignore.

5. Fading memory: 逝去的记忆,褪色的回忆

例句:With each passing year, my grandmother's fading memory made it difficult for her to remember our names.

6. Fading love: 凋谢的爱情,逝去的感情

例句:Their once passionate relationship was now just a fading love that they couldn't rekindle.

7. Fading dreams: 渐渐消散的梦想,破灭的理想

例句:As she grew older, her fading dreams of becoming a professional dancer were replaced with more practical goals.

8. Fading colors: 褪色的颜色,暗淡的色彩

例句:The once vibrant painting now had fading colors due to years of exposure to sunlight.

9. Fading voice: 衰退的声音,渐弱的嗓音

例句:As she grew older, her fading voice made it difficult for her to be heard in a crowded room.

10. Fading scent: 凋谢的香味,消散的气息

例句:The fading scent of the flowers reminded her of the happy times she spent in the garden with her grandmother


1. Declining:指逐渐减少或衰退,与fading的意思相似。例如:The company's profits have been declining in recent years.

2. Diminishing:指逐渐减少或减弱,与fading的意思相近。例如:The politician's popularity is diminishing as the election approaches.

3. Waning:指逐渐变弱或衰落,与fading的含义相似。例如:The moon's waning light cast a shadow over the dark forest.

4. Dwindling:指逐渐减少或缩小,与fading的意思相近。例如:The town's population has been dwindling since the factory closed down.

5. Ebbing:指逐渐减少或衰退,与fading的含义相似。例如:His strength was ebbing as he fought against the illness.

6. Flickering:指闪烁或摇曳不定,可以用来形容光线、声音等逐渐消失或变弱的情况。例如:The candle's flame was flickering before it finally went out.

7. Dissipating:指逐渐消散或消失,可以用来形容能量、力量等慢慢消散的过程。例如:The tension in the room dissipated as they reached a compromise.

8. Vanishing:指突然消失或不复存在,可以用来形容某种物质、现象等完全消失的情况。例如:The magician made the rabbit vanish into thin air.

9. Fading away:指逐渐消失或衰退,与fading的意思相似。例如:The memories of their childhood were slowly fading away.

10. Dying out:指逐渐消失或衰落,可以用来形容某种文化、习俗等慢慢消失的情况。例如:Traditional crafts are dying out in this modern society



