
fade away是什么意思,fade away同义词及例句

更新时间:2024-02-12 16:42:12作者:自考教育网

今天我们要来谈论的是一个行业标题,那就是“fade away”。这个词可能对于一些人来说并不陌生,但它的确有很多不同的含义和用法。它可以用于各种场景,比如音乐、文学、电影等等。那么,它到底是什么意思呢?让我们一起来探究一下吧。同时,我们也会介绍一些fade away的同义词和例句,带您更深入地了解这个词的魅力。让我们开始吧!

fade away的发音

1. 发音指南:

fade away是什么意思,fade away同义词及例句

“fade away”的发音为/feɪd əˈweɪ/,其中“fade”发音为/feɪd/,意为“逐渐消失、凋谢”,“away”发音为/əˈweɪ/,意为“远离、消失”。

2. 相关同义词:

- disappear:消失,逐渐消失的意思。例如:The sun is starting to disappear behind the mountains.

- vanish:突然消失,瞬间不见的意思。例如:The magician made the rabbit vanish into thin air.

- diminish:减少,变小的意思。例如:His enthusiasm for the project began to diminish over time.

3. 例句:

1) The memories of our childhood slowly faded away as we grew older.


2) The sound of the music faded away as the concert came to an end.


3) Her beauty may fade away, but her inner strength will always shine through.


4. 注意事项:


fade away是什么意思

1. 概念解析

Fade away是一个常用的英语短语,它的字面意思是“逐渐消失”。它可以用来形容物体、人物或情感的消失,也可以指代某种状态或现象的结束。在不同的语境下,fade away都有着不同的含义和用法。

2. 同义词

Fade away有许多同义词,比如disappear, vanish, diminish等。它们都可以表示“逐渐消失”的意思。但是每个词都有着自己独特的用法和搭配,需要根据具体情况来选择使用。

3. 例句解析

- The memories of my childhood are fading away as I grow older.


- The music gradually faded away and the party came to an end.


- Her voice faded away as she walked further and further from me.


- The popularity of this trend is fading away and a new one is emerging.


4. 用法指南

Fade away通常作为不及物动词使用,在句子中可以作谓语动词、定语或状语。它也可以用作及物动词,后接宾语。在一些固定搭配中,fade away也可以与其他词搭配使用,比如fade away into, fade away from等

fade away的用法和例句

1. 什么是fade away?

Fade away是一个常用的片语,意为“逐渐消失”、“慢慢消失”。它可以用来描述物体或事物的逐渐消失,也可以指人的消失或离去。

2. fade away的同义词有哪些?

Fade away的同义词包括disappear, vanish, dwindle, diminish等。它们都可以表示逐渐消失的意思,但在具体使用时还是有一些差别。例如,disappear更多指突然不见了,vanish则强调迅速地消失,dwindle和diminish则表示逐渐减少、变小。

3. fade away的例句有哪些?

- The music gradually fades away as the movie ends. (随着电影结束,音乐慢慢消失。)

- The old building is slowly fading away due to neglect. (由于被忽视,这座老建筑正在慢慢衰退。)

- She watched him until he faded away into the distance. (她看着他直到他在远处消失。)

- His fame has faded away over the years. (多年来他的名声已经逐渐淡漠了。)

4. 我们如何用fade away来形容人?

除了表示人的离去外,fade away还可以用来形容人在某种状态下逐渐变得虚弱、无力。例如:

- The patient's strength is fading away as the illness progresses. (随着病情的发展,病人的力气慢慢消失。)

- Her confidence faded away when she failed the exam. (她考试不及格后,信心逐渐消失了。)

fade away的同义词示例

1. Vanish: This word is often used as a synonym for fade away, meaning to disappear gradually or completely. Example: The memories of our childhood seem to have vanished over time.

2. Dissipate: This word can also be used as a synonym for fade away, indicating something that is slowly disappearing or dispersing. Example: The fog started to dissipate as the sun rose higher in the sky.

3. Diminish: This word means to become smaller or less important, and can be used in place of fade away when something is losing its significance or impact. Example: The excitement for the new product launch began to diminish as more flaws were discovered.

4. Evanesce: This word has a poetic tone and is often used in literature to describe something that is fading away or vanishing into thin air. Example: As the sun set, the colors of the sky began to evanesce into darkness.

5. Recede: Similar to fade away, this word refers to something that is gradually moving away or becoming less distinct. Example: The sound of the waves receded as we walked further down the beach.

6. Disappear: While this may seem like an obvious synonym for fade away, it can also be used in a figurative sense to describe something that is slowly fading from memory or existence. Example: With each passing year, the traditions of our ancestors begin to disappear.

7. Wane: This word means to decrease in strength or intensity, and can be used interchangeably with fade away when describing something that is losing its power or influence over time. Example: As she grew older, her interest in fashion began to wane.

8. Ebb: Often used in relation to tides, this word can also be applied metaphorically when something is gradually declining or fading away. Example: The popularity of this trend has started to ebb as more people move on to the next big thing.

9. Fizzle: This word has a connotation of something ending or failing in a disappointing or unsatisfactory way, and can be used as a synonym for fade away when describing something that is losing its momentum. Example: The party started to fizzle out as people began to leave.

10. Dissolve: This word can be used as a synonym for fade away when something is gradually disappearing or breaking down. Example: As the rain continued to fall, the chalk drawings on the sidewalk began to dissolve

fade away的反义词示例

1. Persist - 持续存在

例句:The memory of her faded away as time went on, but it still persisted in his mind.

2. Appear - 出现

例句:As the sun began to set, the stars started to appear in the sky, causing the daylight to fade away.

3. Emerge - 浮现

例句:With each stroke of the brush, the image slowly emerged from the canvas, making the previous layers fade away.

4. Materialize - 实现,显现

例句:Her dreams of becoming a successful actress seemed to materialize before her eyes, causing all her doubts and fears to fade away.

5. Develop - 发展,形成

例句:The relationship between the two countries began to develop and their past conflicts started to fade away.

6. Strengthen - 加强,增强

例句:As their bond grew stronger, their insecurities and doubts about each other began to fade away.

7. Reappear - 再次出现

例句:After years of being apart, they unexpectedly ran into each other and all their old feelings started to reappear, causing their past misunderstandings to fade away.

8. Arise - 出现,产生

例句:A new opportunity arose for her, making all her previous worries and problems fade away in comparison.

9. Intensify - 加剧,增强

例句:As the storm intensified outside, all sounds from inside seemed to fade away in comparison.

10. Survive - 存活,幸存

例句:Despite facing numerous challenges and obstacles, she managed to survive and make all her fears and doubts fade away in the process

fade away是一个常用的短语,意思是逐渐消失或消散。它的同义词还有disappear, vanish等。相反地,它的反义词有appear, emerge等。希望通过本文的介绍,您对fade away有了更深入的了解,并且能够在日常生活中更加准确地运用它。最后,我是网站的编辑小明,如果您喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多有趣的知识和信息。谢谢阅读!


