

更新时间:2024-02-12 16:17:58作者:自考教育网



What does facility mean?

1. 简单解释:facility是指设施、设备或便利条件。[1]

2. 发音:[fəˈsɪləti],注意第一个音节的重音。[2]

3. 同义词:amenity、convenience、resource等。[3]

4. 例句:

- The hotel has excellent facilities, including a gym, pool, and spa.


- The city is known for its modern facilities and efficient public transportation.


- The company is planning to upgrade its production facilities to increase efficiency.


How to pronounce facility?


Facility的同义词包括amenity、convenience、equipment等。例如,The hotel has excellent facilities for guests to use. (这家酒店有出色的设施供客人使用。)

除了作为名词使用外,facility还可以作为形容词,意为"容易做到的、灵巧的"。例如,She has a facility for languages and can speak five fluently. (她擅长语言,能流利地说五种语言。)

Usage and examples of facility

1. Definition of facility

Facility is a noun that refers to a building, equipment or service that is provided for a particular purpose. It can also refer to the ease with which something can be done.

2. How to pronounce facility

Facility is pronounced as [fuh-sil-i-tee].

3. Synonyms for facility

Some synonyms for facility include:

- Amenity: something that makes life easier or more pleasant

- Convenience: something that adds comfort or ease to a situation

- Resource: a source of help or support

- Capability: the ability to do something easily and effectively

4. Examples of usage

- The new office building has state-of-the-art facilities for its employees.

- The hotel offers excellent facilities such as a gym, spa, and swimming pool.

- The hospital has top-notch medical facilities and equipment.

- The university has modern research facilities for its students.

- The city provides public transportation as a facility for its citizens.

5. Idiomatic expressions using facility

- With great facility: with ease or skillfulness

Example: He completed the task with great facility, impressing his boss.

- Have the facility of doing something: have the ability or opportunity to do something

Example: As an international student, she has the facility of studying abroad.

- In/into full facility: in full operation or use

Example: The factory is now in full facility after undergoing renovations.

6. Common collocations with facility

- Sports/Recreational Facility: a place where people can engage in sports or leisure activities

Example: The town's new recreational facility includes a swimming pool, tennis courts, and a playground.

- Educational Facility: a building used for educational purposes such as schools, colleges, and universities

Example: The country needs more educational facilities to accommodate its growing population.

- Healthcare Facility: an institution where medical services are provided such as hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes

Example: The government is investing in more healthcare facilities to improve access to healthcare for its citizens.

7. Conclusion

In summary, facility refers to a building, equipment or service that serves a specific purpose. It can also mean the ease with which something can be done. Some synonyms for facility include amenity, convenience, resource, and capability. It is commonly used in idiomatic expressions and collocations related to different types of facilities such as sports facilities, educational facilities, and healthcare facilities

Phrases with facility

1. "With ease and facility" - 毫不费力地

例句:She completed the task with ease and facility.

2. "State-of-the-art facility" - 最先进的设施

例句:The company invested in a state-of-the-art facility to improve production.

3. "Facility management" - 设施管理

例句:The university hired a team of experts for facility management.

4. "In-house facilities" - 内部设施

例句:The hotel boasts a variety of in-house facilities for guests to enjoy.

5. "Facility upgrade" - 设施升级

例句:The gym is undergoing a facility upgrade to meet the demands of its members.

6. "Facility fee" - 设施费用

例句:The resort charges a daily facility fee for access to its amenities.

7. "Facilities at your disposal" - 你可以使用的设施

例句:As a guest, you have all the facilities at your disposal.

8. "Basic facilities" - 基本设施

例句:The apartment complex offers basic facilities such as a gym and pool.

9. "Multi-purpose facility" - 多功能设施

例句:The community center is a multi-purpose facility used for various events and activities.

10. "Top-notch facilities" - 顶尖的设施

例句:The hospital prides itself on its top-notch facilities and advanced medical equipment

Synonyms of facility with examples

1. Definition of facility

Facility is a noun that refers to a place, equipment, or service that is provided for a particular purpose. It can also mean ease or skill in doing something.

2. Synonyms of facility

- Amenity: This word refers to something that makes life easier or more pleasant, such as a swimming pool or fitness center in a hotel.

Example: The hotel offers various amenities including a spa, gym, and business center.

- Capability: Capability means the ability to do something well or the potential for it.

Example: The new software has enhanced our team's capability to manage projects efficiently.

- Resource: Resource is used to describe something that can be used to achieve a goal.

Example: The library is an excellent resource for students looking for reference materials.

- Convenience: Convenience implies something that is easy and suitable for someone's needs.

Example: The apartment's location provides convenience for those who work in the city center.

- Aptitude: Aptitude refers to natural ability or talent in a particular area.

Example: He has an aptitude for languages and can speak five fluently.

- Facility synonym with different meaning:

In some contexts, facility can also mean an ability or skill in doing something easily or without effort. In this case, some synonyms are:

- Proficiency: Proficiency describes the level of skill or knowledge someone has in a particular area.

Example: She has shown great proficiency in playing the piano since she was young.

- Dexterity: Dexterity means being skilled and quick with one's hands.

Example: The surgeon's dexterity allowed him to perform the delicate operation successfully.

3. Examples of using facility synonyms:

1) He has great proficiency in using technology and can troubleshoot any computer problem easily.

2) She showed her dexterity by effortlessly completing the intricate embroidery design.

3) The hotel boasts various amenities such as a fitness center and spa, making it a popular choice for tourists.

4) The new employee's aptitude for sales has helped increase the company's revenue.

5) The convenience of having a supermarket within walking distance is one of the reasons we chose this neighborhood.

6) The company's resources, including its experienced staff and advanced equipment, have contributed to its success.

7) His capability in managing multiple projects simultaneously has impressed his colleagues.

8) The community center provides various facilities for residents, such as a playground and meeting rooms

facility是一个常用的英语单词,它的意思是“设施”或者“便利设施”。它的读音是[fəˈsɪləti],请大家多加练习,正确运用。在日常生活中,我们可以用facility来描述各种各样的场所、设备和服务。比如,“The hotel has excellent facilities, including a gym and swimming pool.”(这家酒店拥有极好的设施,包括健身房和游泳池。)除了常用短语外,facility还有许多同义词,比如amenity、convenience等,它们都可以用来表示“便利”、“方便”。最后,在这里我也想向大家介绍一下自己,我是这个网站的编辑,如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我哦!祝愿大家在学习英语过程中能够轻松掌握更多有趣的单词和表达方式。谢谢阅读!


