

更新时间:2024-02-12 15:35:31作者:自考教育网


The pronunciation of fabric

1. Fabric的含义



2. Fabric的发音


3. Fabric的同义词


4. Fabric的例句

(1) The dress is made of a soft and comfortable fabric.


(2) The curtains are made of a heavy fabric to block out the light.


(3) This furniture is upholstered with a durable fabric.


(4) The textile industry produces various types of fabric for different purposes.


How to pronounce fabric

1. Fabric的意思是什么?


2. 如何正确发音fabric?


3. fabric的同义词有哪些?


4. fabric在句子中的例句有哪些?

- This dress is made of high-quality fabric.


- The factory produces different types of fabrics.


- She has a talent for fabricating beautiful quilts.


5. 如何正确使用fabric?


- Trust is the fabric of any successful relationship.



6. 如何区分fabric和material?


7. 如何正确使用fabric作为动词?


- The artist fabricated a sculpture out of recycled materials.


- The company fabricates high-quality furniture.


Usage and examples of fabric

Fabric – What is it and How to Use It: A Guide for Beginners

Fabric, a commonly used term in the fashion and textile industry, refers to any material that is made through weaving, knitting, or crocheting fibers together. It can be made from a variety of materials such as cotton, silk, wool, or synthetic fibers like polyester and nylon. In this guide, we will explore the meaning of fabric, how to pronounce it correctly, and some synonyms and examples of its usage.

1. What does fabric mean?

Fabric can be defined as a cloth or material made by weaving or knitting threads together. It is used to make clothing, accessories, and household items such as curtains and bed sheets. The word fabric comes from the Latin word "faber" which means "to make."

2. How do you pronounce fabric?

The correct pronunciation of fabric is "fab-rik." The emphasis should be on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for fabric

- Textile: This term refers to any type of woven or knitted material.

- Material: This is a more general term that can refer to any substance used to make something.

- Cloth: This word specifically refers to a piece of fabric that has been woven.

- Materiality: This term refers to the quality or state of being physical or tangible.

4. Examples of fabric usage

- "I love the soft feel of this cotton fabric."

- "The dress was made from a luxurious silk fabric."

- "We need to choose the right type of fabric for these curtains."

- "The designer used an unconventional material for this collection."

- "The materiality of this artwork adds depth and texture."

In conclusion, fabric is an essential part of our daily lives and understanding its meaning and usage can help us appreciate its importance even more. So next time you're shopping for clothes or home decor items, remember these tips and impress your friends with your fabric knowledge!

Phrases using fabric

1. "Cut from the same fabric" - 指同一种类型或相似的人或事物

例句:We may have different backgrounds, but we are cut from the same fabric when it comes to our values.

2. "Fabric of society" - 社会结构和价值观

例句:Education is an important part of the fabric of society.

3. "Fabricate a story" - 编造故事

例句:The suspect tried to fabricate a story to cover up his crime.

4. "In the fabric of time" - 时间的编织中,指过去的一段时间

例句:The event was just a small thread in the fabric of time, but it had a lasting impact on me.

5. "Torn fabric" - 破损的布料,指破碎的关系或社会结构

例句:The scandal has torn apart the fabric of our community.

6. "Fabric softener" - 柔顺剂,指使布料柔软光滑的产品

例句:This new fabric softener leaves your clothes feeling extra soft and smelling great.

7. "Woven into the fabric" - 编织进…的结构中,指融入到某种情况或环境中

例句:Her love for music is woven into the fabric of her daily life.

8. "Fabricate evidence" - 伪造证据,制造假象

例句:The lawyer was accused of fabricating evidence to win the case.

9. "Silk fabric" - 丝绸面料,指某种材料制成的布料

例句:The dress was made from the finest silk fabric, giving it a luxurious feel.

10. "Fabric of reality" - 现实的结构,指事实和真相

例句:Sometimes, we create our own illusions and ignore the fabric of reality

Synonyms of fabric with examples

1. Definition of fabric

Fabric refers to any material that is made by weaving, knitting, or felting fibers together. It can be used to make clothing, linens, upholstery, and other household items.

2. Pronunciation of fabric

Fabric is pronounced as "fab-rik" with the stress on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms of fabric

- Material: This is a general term that can refer to any substance used to make something.

Example: The dress was made from a soft and lightweight material.

- Cloth: This is a more specific term for a woven or knitted fabric.

Example: The curtains were made from a sheer cloth.

- Textile: This refers to any type of woven or knitted material.

Example: The textile industry has been booming in recent years.

- Materiality: This term is used to describe the quality or state of being material or physical.

Example: The materiality of the garment was evident in its high-quality stitching.

4. Examples of fabric in use

- She wore a dress made from luxurious silk fabric.

- The tablecloth was made from a durable cotton fabric.

- The upholstery on the couch was worn and torn due to its cheap synthetic fabric.

- The artist used different types of fabric to create a unique textile artwork.

In conclusion, fabric is a versatile and essential part of our daily lives. From clothing to household items, there are various synonyms for this commonly used material. So next time you come across the word "fabric," you'll know that it could refer to materials such as cloth, textiles, or even materiality!



