

更新时间:2024-02-12 14:09:10作者:自考教育网



"Externally"的拼音是 [ɪkˈstɜːnəli],它是由单词 "external" 和后缀 "-ly" 组成的。在英语中, "-ly" 通常被加到形容词后面,表示副词的意思。所以, "externally" 的意思就是 "外部地" 或者 "从外部来看"



1. 外部的意思:externally是由外部(external)和-ly构成的副词,读作[ɪkˈstɜːnəli]。它的意思是“从外部来看”、“表面上看起来”、“外观上”的意思。

2. 轻松发音:虽然这个单词看起来有点复杂,但是它的发音其实并不难。只要记住最后一个音节-li的发音就可以了,类似于“里”或者“利”的发音。

3. 一种俏皮方式:如果你想要在和朋友交流时使用这个单词,可以尝试将它拆分成两个部分,然后加上一些俏皮话。比如,“我今天穿得很好看吗?externally怎么样?”或者“他表面上看起来很热情,但是实际上externally冷漠。”这样做不仅能够让你的语言更有趣,也能够帮助你更好地理解这个单词。

4. 反问效果:如果你想要强调某件事情只是表面现象,并且并非真实情况,可以使用externally作为反问句。比如,“他表面上看起来很自信,但是实际上externally缺乏自信心。”这样的句子能够让人产生一种反差效果,让听者更加关注你想要表达的内容。

5. 举例子:最后,为了更好地帮助你理解externally这个单词,我来举一个例子。比如,有人可能会说“他表面上看起来很干净,但是实际上externally并不爱洗澡。”这个例子就很好地展示了externally的含义——只是表面现象,并不代表真实情况


1. 用法:externally是一个副词,意为“从外部来看”、“表面上”、“外在地”。它通常用于表示某种情况或事物的外部特征或表现。

2. 例句:

- She may seem confident externally, but deep down she is actually quite insecure.


- The company's financial situation may appear stable externally, but internally it is facing many challenges.


- Externally, the new phone looks very similar to the previous model, but there are actually many improvements under the hood.



1. "On the outside" - 意为在外部,表示从外部的角度来看。

例如:"Externally, the building looks impressive with its modern architecture and sleek design."

2. "From an external perspective" - 意为从外部的角度来看,强调外部的观点或看法。

例如:"From an external perspective, the company's financial performance may seem promising, but internally, there are many underlying issues."

3. "Outwardly" - 意为表面上,表示外表或表象。

例如:"Outwardly, she appeared calm and collected, but internally, she was struggling with anxiety."

4. "Outside influence" - 意为外界影响,指来自外部的影响力。

例如:"The decision was not made solely by the company's management, but also had an outside influence from their major investors."

5. "External factors" - 意为外部因素,指对某一情况或问题产生影响的外部因素。

例如:"The success of this project depends on both internal efforts and external factors such as market demand and competition."


1. Externally meaning

Externally means on the outside or outer part of something. It refers to things or factors that are external or outside of a particular situation or context.

2. Outwardly meaning

Outwardly is another word that can be used in place of externally. It means towards the outside or external appearance of something. It can also refer to things that are visible from the outside but may not necessarily reflect what is happening internally.

3. Externally defined

When something is externally defined, it means that its definition comes from an external source rather than being determined by internal factors. In other words, it is defined by something outside of itself.

4. Externally sourced

Similar to externally defined, externally sourced refers to something that comes from an external source rather than being generated internally. This term is often used in business and refers to resources or materials that are obtained from outside suppliers.

5. Peripherally meaning

Peripherally is another synonym for externally and has a similar definition as outwardly. It means relating to the outer edges or boundaries of something and can also refer to things that are not central or essential to a situation.

6. Superficially meaning

Superficially can be used in place of externally when talking about appearances or surface-level observations. It means on the surface or shallowly and does not necessarily imply a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

7. Extrinsically meaning

Extrinsically means coming from an external source rather than being inherent or internal to something. This term can also refer to things that are influenced by factors outside of their control.

8. Tangentially meaning

Tangentially is another synonym for externally and has a similar definition as peripherally. It means relating to something in an indirect way, often referring to things on the outskirts rather than at the core.

9. Outside meaning

Outside can be used as a synonym for externally when talking about things that are external to a particular situation or context. It can also refer to things that are not included or part of something else.

10. Externally determined

Externally determined means that something is influenced or decided by factors outside of itself rather than being self-determined. This term is often used in psychology and refers to behaviors that are shaped by external forces


