

更新时间:2024-02-12 14:07:15作者:自考教育网




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5. 同义词:


6. 例句:

① The extent of the damage caused by the hurricane was devastating.


② To what extent do you think technology has changed our lives?


③ We are still unaware of the full extent of the problem.



1. extent的含义


2. extent的读音


3. extent同义词

extent的同义词包括:range, scope, degree, level, size, magnitude等。这些词都可以用来表示某事物或情况所达到的程度、范围或大小。

4. extent例句

(1) What is the extent of the damage caused by the hurricane? (这场飓风造成了多大程度的损害?)

(2) The extent of his knowledge on this subject is impressive. (他对这个主题的知识广博令人印象深刻。)

(3) The government has not yet determined the full extent of the problem. (政府尚未确定问题的全部范围。)

(4) The river extends to a great extent along the border of the two countries. (这条河流沿着两国边界延伸很长一段距离。)

(5) She extended her hand to help the old man stand up. (她伸出手帮助老人站起来。)

5. extent的用法

(a) 作为名词时,extent通常用来表示某事物或情况的程度、范围或大小。它可以作为主语、宾语、表语或定语。


- The extent of the damage caused by the earthquake is still being assessed.


- The extent of his knowledge on this subject is impressive.


- The extent of the problem is beyond our control.


- To what extent can we rely on these statistics?


(b) 作为动词时,extent通常用来表示延伸、扩展或伸展。它可以与介词to连用,构成短语extend to,表示“延伸到;扩展到”。


- The road extends all the way to the top of the mountain.


- The company plans to extend its business to overseas markets.



1. The extent of the damage caused by the hurricane was devastating. (飓风造成的损失程度是毁灭性的。)

2. We don't know the full extent of the problem yet. (我们还不知道问题的全部范围。)

3. The extent to which he lied shocked everyone. (他撒谎的程度让所有人都感到震惊。)

4. The extent of her knowledge on this subject is impressive. (她在这个主题上的知识广博令人印象深刻。)

5. To what extent are you willing to go to achieve your goals? (为了实现你的目标,你愿意走多远?)

同义词:scope, range, magnitude

1. The scope of the project was much larger than we anticipated. (这个项目的范围比我们预期的要大得多。)

2. The range of products offered by this company is impressive. (这家公司提供的产品范围令人印象深刻。)

3. The magnitude of the earthquake was felt throughout the region. (地震的规模在整个地区都能感受到。)


1. Scope

- Definition: the extent or range of something

- Example: The scope of the project is limited to the local area.

2. Degree

- Definition: the amount or level to which something happens or is present

- Example: The extent of the damage caused by the hurricane was devastating.

3. Magnitude

- Definition: the great size or importance of something

- Example: The magnitude of the earthquake was measured at 7.0 on the Richter scale.

4. Breadth

- Definition: the distance from one side to another; width

- Example: The breadth of knowledge required for this job is extensive.

5. Limit

- Definition: a point beyond which something does not or may not extend or pass; boundary

- Example: There are limits to how much we can help you with your project.

6. Range

- Definition: a variety of things within a particular set, category, or area

- Example: The range of products offered by this company is impressive.

7. Scale

- Definition: a graduated range of values forming a standard system for measuring or grading something

- Example: The scale of this map shows all major cities in the country.

8. Size

- Definition: how big or small something is

- Example: The size of this room is perfect for hosting parties.

9. Proportion

- Definition: a part, share, or number considered in relation to a whole

- Example: The proportion of students who passed their exams was higher than expected.

10. Amplitude

Definition - :the maximum extent of a vibration or oscillation, measured from the position of equilibrium; magnitude

Example - :The amplitude of sound waves can greatly affect our perception and enjoyment of music


1. 指出程度:to a great extent(在很大程度上),to some extent(在某种程度上),to a certain extent(到一定程度上)

例句:To a great extent, her success can be attributed to her hard work and determination.(在很大程度上,她的成功可以归功于她的努力和决心。)

2. 达到极限:to the fullest extent(最大限度地),to the utmost extent(极限地)

例句:She pushed herself to the fullest extent to achieve her goals.(她尽最大努力去实现自己的目标。)

3. 范围:within the extent of(在...范围内),beyond the extent of(超出...范围)

例句:The damage caused by the earthquake is within the extent of our predictions.(地震造成的损害在我们预测的范围内。)

4. 程度:in some/many/all/any/no/small/large/considerable/extreme/great/greater/much/a certain degree/extent/measure等

例句:In some degree, we are all responsible for our own happiness.(在某种程度上,我们都应该为自己的幸福负责。)

5. 覆盖面:across/from one end to the other/wide/narrow/full/large/small in extent等

例句:The forest fire spread across a wide extent, causing massive destruction. (森林火灾蔓延到了广阔的范围,造成了巨大的破坏。)

6. 范围限制:within/outside the extent of one's authority等

例句:The decision is outside the extent of my authority, I cannot approve it.(这个决定超出了我的权限,我无法批准。)

7. 程度衡量:to the same extent as/to a lesser/greater extent than等

例句:She loves her children to the same extent as she loves her husband.(她对孩子的爱和对丈夫的爱一样深。)

8. 超过限度:beyond one's extent/limits/means等

例句:She spent beyond her means and ended up in debt.(她超出了自己的经济能力,最终负债累累。)

9. 达到程度:to an equal/greater/lesser extent等

例句:The two brothers resemble each other to an equal extent.(这两个兄弟长得很像。)

10. 展开程度:to a certain/limited/unlimited/full/extensive/proportionate/farther/further/highest/maximum etc.extent等

例句:The company has expanded its business to a considerable extent in recent years.(这家公司近年来已经在很大程度上扩张了业务。)



