

更新时间:2024-02-12 14:02:17作者:自考教育网





1. 找准重音:extension的重音在第二个音节,即“ten”上,所以要注意读出重音。

2. 重复练习:多次重复练习extension这个单词的发音,可以帮助你更加熟悉它的发音。

3. 发出清晰的“n”和“s”音:在读出extension时,要特别注意清晰地发出“n”和“s”这两个辅音的音。

4. 注意舌头位置:当读出extension时,舌头应该放在牙齿后面,不要太靠前或太靠后。

5. 听力练习:除了自己练习外,还可以通过听力练习来熟悉正确的发音,并且模仿录制者的发音。


1. Synonym: expansion

Example: The company plans to continue its expansion into new markets.

2. Synonym: prolongation

Example: The extension of the project deadline was necessary due to unforeseen circumstances.

3. Synonym: enlargement

Example: The extension of the shopping mall attracted more customers.

4. Synonym: continuation

Example: The extension of the contract was agreed upon by both parties.

5. Synonym: stretch

Example: The extension of the road will ease traffic congestion in the area



首先,“extension”的基本含义是“延伸、扩展”,它可以指物体的长度、时间的延长或者概念的扩大。例如,“The extension of the bridge is 100 meters.”(这座桥的延伸长度是100米。) “The deadline for the project has been extended by two weeks.”(这个项目的截止日期被延长了两周。) “The extension of the term ‘family’ now includes same-sex couples.”(现在,“家庭”这个词的含义已经扩大,包括同性伴侣关系。)

除了基本含义外,作为一个名词,“extension”还有其他几种常见用法。比如,在计算机领域中,“extension”指的是文件后缀名,用来表示文件类型。例如,“.docx”代表Word文档,“.jpg”代表图片文件。“Extension number”则是电话分机号码,在打电话时需要输入以接通特定部门或者人员。“Hair extensions”则是假发,用来增加头发长度和密度。

另外,“extension”的同义词还有“expansion”、“prolongation”、“enlargement”等,它们都有“扩大、延长”的意思。例如,“The expansion of the company's business has brought in more profits.”(公司业务的扩大带来了更多的利润。) “The prolongation of the meeting was necessary to discuss all the issues.”(会议的延长是必要的,以讨论所有问题。) “The enlargement of the photo revealed hidden details.”(照片的放大显示了隐藏的细节。)



1. extension的含义


2. extension怎么读


3. extension同义词

- Expansion:也表示“扩展、延伸”的意思,与extension在某些场景中可以互换使用。

- Prolongation:强调“延长”的概念,在某些情况下可以替代extension。

- Elongation:与prolongation类似,也是指“延长、拉长”的意思。

- Continuation:主要强调“继续进行”的概念,在某些情况下可以和extension互换使用。

4. extension如何使用


- The company has filed for an extension of the deadline.(公司已经申请了延期)

- This software supports multiple file extensions.(这个软件支持多种文件格式)


- You can easily extend the functionality of this program by adding new extensions.(你可以通过添加新的扩展来扩展这个程序的功能)

5. extension例句

- He asked for an extension on his essay deadline.


- The city plans to extend the subway line to the outskirts.


- The company has released a new file extension for their latest software.



1. Extension of time: 延长时间

例句:The contractor requested an extension of time to complete the project.

2. File extension: 文件扩展名

例句:Make sure to include the correct file extension when saving your document.

3. Hair extensions: 假发、发延

例句:She got hair extensions to add length and volume to her hair.

4. Telephone extension: 分机号码

例句:Please dial the telephone extension for the department you wish to speak with.

5. Extension cord: 延长线、延长电线

例句:We needed an extension cord to reach the outlet for our Christmas lights.

6. Extension ladder: 伸缩梯子

例句:The firefighters used an extension ladder to rescue the people trapped on the second floor.

7. Extension course: 延期课程、继续教育课程

例句:I am taking an extension course in marketing to improve my skills for my job.

8. Domain extension: 域名后缀

例句:There are many different domain extensions available, such as .com, .org, and .net.

9. Deadline extension: 截止日期延长

例句:Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have decided to grant a deadline extension for this project.

10. Lease extension: 租约延期

例句:We signed a lease extension for another year so we can stay in our apartment longer.

11. Knee extension: 膝关节伸展运动

例句:Physical therapy includes knee extensions to help strengthen your leg muscles after surgery.

12. Contract extension: 合同延期、续约

例句:The company offered him a contract extension with a higher salary.

13. Extension agent: 农业技术推广员

例句:The extension agent helped the farmers in the community improve their crop yields.

14. Extension university: 远程大学、成人教育学院

例句:She completed her degree through an extension university while working full-time.

15. Thigh extension: 大腿伸展运动

例句:The physical therapist recommended thigh extensions to improve her range of motion after her injury.

16. Hair extension salon: 发延美发店

例句:She went to the hair extension salon to get longer and fuller hair for her wedding.

17. Extension table: 扩展桌子

例句:We can add more guests to our dinner party by using an extension table.

18. Browser extension: 浏览器扩展程序

例句:There are many useful browser extensions that can enhance your internet browsing experience.

19. Extension tube: 延长管、延长筒

例句:Photographers use an extension tube to get closer shots of small objects without losing focus.

20. Leg extension machine: 腿部伸展机器

例句:He uses the leg extension machine at the gym to strengthen his quadriceps muscles


1. Expansion

例句:The extension of the deadline for the project allowed us more time to complete it.

2. Elongation

例句:The extension of the road was necessary to ease traffic congestion in the area.

3. Prolongation

例句:The company requested a prolongation of the contract to finish the project.

4. Continuation

例句:The extension of the meeting was necessary to discuss all the agenda items.

5. Enlargement

例句:The extension of the building will provide more space for additional classrooms.

6. Addition

例句:The extension of the menu with new dishes attracted more customers to the restaurant.

7. Supplement

例句:The extension of the book includes additional chapters on recent developments in the field.

8. Expansionism

例句:The country's expansionism policy led to conflicts with neighboring nations.

9. Augmentation

例句:The extension of staff during peak season helped improve customer service.

10. Increase

例句:The extension of working hours resulted in an increase in productivity and profits for the company



