

更新时间:2024-02-12 13:14:50作者:自考教育网



1. export的词性



2. export的词义解释


3. export的读音

英 [ˈekspɔːt]

美 [ˈɛkspɔrt]

4. export的同义词

- merchandise:商品,货物

- shipment:运输,装载物品

- cargo:货物,船货

5. export的例句

- China is one of the world's largest exporters of goods.


- We need to increase our exports to boost the economy.


6. export和import的区别


7. export和trade的关系


8. export和domestic的对比


9. export和import的重要性




1. 发音:export [ɪkˈspɔːt],重音在第一个音节上。

2. 读法:export可以分解为两个部分,ex-和-port。ex-发音为[ɛks],意为“出”,port发音为[pɔːt],意为“运输”。因此,export的整体意思就是“出口”。

3. 同义词:如果你想要表达“出口”的意思,还可以使用其他同义词来替换export。比如说:

- Ship: [ʃɪp],“运输”或“船运”,也可以指代“出口”。

- Sell abroad: [sɛl əˈbrɔːd],“向国外销售”,也是指出口产品。

- Trade: [treɪd],“贸易”或“交易”,也可以指代国际贸易中的出口环节。

4. 例句:下面给大家举几个例句来帮助大家更好地理解export的用法:

- China is one of the world's largest exporters of goods.(中国是世界上最大的商品出口国之一。)

- The company exports its products to over 50 countries.(该公司将产品出口到50多个国家。)

- The export of natural resources is an important source of income for many developing countries.(自然资源的出口是许多发展中国家的重要收入来源。)


1. export的意思是出口,指将产品或服务从一个国家出售到另一个国家。它是一个由“ex-”和“port”两个词组合而成的动词,意为“向外运送”。

2. export的读音为[ikˈspɔːt],其中的“x”发音为[ks],需要注意的是,它的第二个字母“p”的发音与普通英语单词中不同,应该发音为[ˈpɔːt]。

3. export的同义词有:ship, send out, transport等。例如:We need to ship the goods to our overseas customers.(我们需要把货物运送给海外客户。)

4. 以下是export在双语例句中的用法:

- The company's main business is to export electronic products to Europe and America.


- China has become one of the world's largest exporters of goods.


- The government has implemented policies to encourage more companies to export their products.


- Our country has a variety of agricultural products that are in high demand for export.


- The company has successfully exported its new technology to several countries.


- The export of natural resources has greatly contributed to the country's economy.



1. 出口 (chukou)

例句:China's export industry has been booming in recent years.

2. 贸易 (maoyi)

例句:International trade relies heavily on exports and imports.

3. 销售 (xiaoshou)

例句:The company's main source of income comes from the export of goods.

4. 运出 (yunchu)

例句:The country's natural resources are being exported to other countries for profit.

5. 导出 (daochu)

例句:The software company plans to export their products to new markets.

6. 输出 (shuchu)

例句:The country is trying to increase its output and export more goods.

7. 售出 (shouchu)

例句:The company's products are not only sold domestically, but also exported to other countries.

8. 外销 (waixiao)

例句:The demand for this product is high, making it a popular item for export.

9. 出售 (chushou)

例句:The government is considering exporting some of its land for commercial use.

10. 转卖 (zhuangmai)

例句:Some companies buy products in bulk and then export them at a higher price for profit


1. Export Definition and Meaning

- Definition: to send goods or services to another country for sale or trade

- Meaning: the act of sending goods or services to another country for the purpose of selling or trading them

2. Synonyms for Export

- Ship out

- Sell abroad

- Trade overseas

- Send out

- Market internationally

3. Example Sentences with "Export"

- The company's main source of income comes from its export business.

- China is known for its export of cheap goods all over the world.

- The government has implemented policies to boost the country's export industry.

- The company is looking to expand its export market in Europe.

- The export of agricultural products is a major contributor to the country's economy.

4. Related Words and Phrases

- Import: bringing goods or services into a country from another country for sale or trade

- Synonyms: bring in, buy from abroad, importation, inbound trade

- Example Sentence: The government has imposed high tariffs on imported goods to protect local industries.

- Trade: buying and selling goods and services between countries

- Synonyms: commerce, exchange, transaction, barter

- Example Sentence: The two countries have signed a trade agreement that will benefit both economies.

- Globalization: the process of international integration through increased economic, cultural, and political interactions between countries

- Synonyms: internationalization, interdependence, interconnectedness

- Example Sentence: Many companies have taken advantage of globalization by expanding their operations to other countries.

5. Common Phrases with "Export"

- Export market: the market where goods or services are sold in other countries

- Example Sentence: The company is struggling to penetrate the European export market due to strict regulations.

- Export license: a document issued by the government allowing a company to export certain goods or services

- Example Sentence: The company had to apply for an export license before shipping the products to their international clients.

- Export restrictions: limitations imposed by the government on the export of certain goods or services

- Example Sentence: The government has lifted export restrictions on certain agricultural products to boost the country's economy.

- Export quota: a limit set by the government on the quantity of goods or services that can be exported

- Example Sentence: The export quota for this year has been exceeded, causing a shortage of goods in the local market.

6. Idioms with "Export"

- Export one's wares: to sell one's products in other countries

- Example Sentence: The company is looking to expand its business by exporting its wares to new markets.

- Export-driven economy: an economy that relies heavily on exports for its growth and development

- Example Sentence: The country has transformed into an export-driven economy over the past decade, resulting in significant economic growth.

- Export surplus/deficit: the difference between a country's total exports and imports

- Example Sentence: The country's trade deficit has widened due to a decrease in export earnings.

7. Phrasal Verbs with "Export"

- Export out of/to/from/into something: to send goods or services out of/to/from/into a particular place or country

- Example Sentence: The company exports most of its products out of China.

- Other examples:

- We need to find new markets to export our goods into.

- The company is looking for ways to increase its exports from India.

- The government is trying to attract foreign investors to export their services into our country



