

更新时间:2024-02-12 12:45:17作者:自考教育网


The pronunciation of "exploited"

1. What does "exploited" mean?

- "Exploited" is a verb that means to take advantage of someone or something in an unfair or selfish way. It can also refer to using resources or opportunities for personal gain without considering the consequences for others.


2. How do you pronounce "exploited"?

- The correct pronunciation of "exploited" is /ɪkˈsplɔɪtɪd/ (ik-sploit-id). It is pronounced with the stress on the second syllable and the final syllable "-ed" is pronounced as /ɪd/ (id).

3. Synonyms for "exploited"

- Some synonyms for "exploited" include: taken advantage of, manipulated, used, abused, oppressed, victimized, and utilized.

4. Example sentences

- The workers were being exploited by their employer who paid them below minimum wage.

- The natural resources of the country were being exploited by foreign companies.

- She felt like she was being exploited by her friends who only wanted to use her connections.

- The artist's talent was often exploited by her manager who took a large percentage of her earnings.

- He was accused of exploiting his position as a government official for personal gain.

5. Tips for using "exploited"

- When using "exploited", it is important to consider the context and make sure it is not being used in a derogatory manner towards marginalized groups or individuals.

- Be careful not to confuse "exploited" with similar words such as "exploded", which means to burst or break open suddenly.

- It can also be helpful to use synonyms or rephrase sentences to avoid repetition when writing about exploitation.

In conclusion, "exploited" is a verb that means taking advantage of someone or something for personal gain. Its correct pronunciation is /ɪkˈsplɔɪtɪd/ (ik-sploit-id) with the stress on the second syllable. Some synonyms for "exploited" include taken advantage of, manipulated, and used. When using this word, it is important to be mindful of its context and avoid using it in a derogatory manner

How to pronounce "exploited"

Have you ever come across the word "exploited" and wondered how to pronounce it? Well, you're not alone. This word has caused confusion for many English learners, but fear not, we're here to guide you through it.

Firstly, let's break down the word into syllables: ex-ploi-ted. The emphasis is on the second syllable, "ploi", which is pronounced like "ploy". The first syllable is pronounced like "ex", as in the word "expert". The final syllable, "ted", is pronounced like "tide".

Now that we have the individual sounds down, let's put them together. The correct pronunciation of "exploited" is [ik-sploi-tid]. It may take some practice to get it just right, but don't worry, with time and effort you'll be able to say it with ease.

So what does this word actually mean? Well, according to the dictionary, it means to use someone or something unfairly for your own advantage. It can also refer to being taken advantage of or mistreated.

Some synonyms for this word include: manipulate, misuse, abuse, and take advantage of. For example: She felt exploited by her boss who made her work long hours without proper compensation.

On a lighter note, let's look at some fun examples of using this word in everyday conversation:

1. "I can't believe they're exploiting their employees like that!"

2. "She always exploits her charm to get what she wants."

3. "Don't let yourself be exploited by others."

In conclusion, now that you know how to pronounce and understand the meaning of this word, you can confidently use it in your conversations and writing. Keep practicing and expanding your vocabulary - who knows what new words you'll discover next!

Usage and examples of "exploited"

1. "exploited"的意思是被利用、剥削或滥用。它可以指某个人、群体或资源被利用来获得利益,也可以指某种情况下的不公平对待。

2. 读音为/ɪkˈsplɔɪtɪd/,重音在第二个音节。

3. "exploited"的同义词包括:misused, taken advantage of, abused, manipulated等。

4. 以下是一些例句,帮助你更好地理解"exploited"的用法:

- The factory workers were exploited by their employers and were not paid a fair wage.

- The natural resources of this country have been exploited for the benefit of a few wealthy individuals.

- Children should not be exploited for cheap labor.

- She felt like her talents were being exploited by her boss who constantly took credit for her work.

- The government promised to stop the exploitation of marginalized communities, but little has been done to address the issue

Phrases with "exploited"

1. Exploited: What Does It Mean?

- Definition: to use someone or something unfairly for your own advantage

- Example sentence: The company exploited its employees by not paying them a fair wage.

- Synonyms: take advantage of, manipulate, abuse, utilize

2. Fully Exploited: How to Pronounce It?

- Pronunciation: /ˈɛksplɔɪtɪd/

- Syllables: ex-ploit-ed

- Tips for pronunciation: The stress is on the second syllable. Make sure to pronounce the "t" at the end.

3. Exploited Synonyms and Antonyms


- Utilized

- Manipulated

- Abused

- Misused


- Protected

- Respected

- Valued

- Cherished

4. Common Phrases with "Exploited"

Some common phrases that use "exploited" are:

- Be exploited for (e.g. She was exploited for her talents.)

- Exploit someone/something (e.g. He was exploiting his connections to get ahead.)

- Exploit a situation (e.g. The company exploited the economic crisis to increase profits.)

- Exploit potential (e.g. The new program aims to exploit the students' potential.)

5. Other Ways to Say "Exploited"

There are many ways to express the meaning of "exploited" without using the word itself:

- Taking advantage of someone/something

(e.g. The politician was accused of taking advantage of his position for personal gain.)

- Using someone/something unfairly

(e.g. The boss was notorious for using his employees unfairly.)

- Manipulating someone/something

(e.g. The coach was accused of manipulating his players into signing unfair contracts.)

6. Examples of "Exploited" in Context

Here are some examples of how "exploited" can be used in different contexts:

- The company was accused of exploiting its workers by paying them below minimum wage.

- The government is taking steps to prevent natural resources from being exploited by foreign companies.

- The artist felt exploited by the record label, which took most of her earnings.

- The documentary exposed how indigenous communities are being exploited for their land and resources.

7. Tips for Avoiding Exploitation

If you want to avoid being exploited or exploiting others, here are some tips to keep in mind:

- Always treat others with respect and fairness.

- Be aware of power imbalances and try to use your influence for good.

- Educate yourself on labor laws and workers' rights.

- Think about the consequences of your actions on others before taking advantage of a situation.

8. Conclusion

In conclusion, "exploited" refers to using someone or something unfairly for personal gain. It is important to be aware of this behavior and strive towards fair treatment and respect for others. By understanding the meaning, pronunciation, synonyms, and common phrases with "exploited", we can effectively communicate and avoid exploitation in our daily lives

Synonym examples of "exploited"

1. Exploited - Meaning and Definition

Exploited is a verb that means to take advantage of someone or something in an unfair or selfish way. It can also refer to using resources or opportunities for personal gain without regard for the consequences.

2. Synonyms for "exploited"

- Utilized: This word means to make use of something effectively or practically.

Example: The company utilized its resources to increase profits.

- Manipulated: It refers to controlling or influencing someone or something in a clever or unfair way.

Example: The politician manipulated the media to gain public support.

- Abused: This word means to treat someone or something with cruelty, violence, or disrespect.

Example: The workers were abused by their employers who didn't provide them with basic rights.

- Misused: It refers to using something in the wrong way, often resulting in harm or damage.

Example: The funds were misused by the organization, leading to financial losses.

- Exploited can also be used as an adjective, and some synonyms for this usage are:

- Used: This word means that someone has been taken advantage of for personal gain.

Example: The child was used by his parents for begging on the streets.

- Taken advantage of: It refers to being unfairly used for one's own benefit.

Example: The elderly woman felt taken advantage of by her caregiver who stole from her.

3. Examples of "exploited" in a sentence

- The workers were exploited by their employers who paid them below minimum wage and denied them basic rights such as breaks and overtime pay.

- The natural resources were exploited by greedy corporations, leading to environmental degradation and loss of biodiversity.

- Children should not be exploited for cheap labor, but rather given access to education and a safe environment to grow up in.

4. Other forms of "exploit"

- Exploitation (noun): the action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their labor or resources.

Example: The exploitation of child labor is a serious issue that needs to be addressed.

- Exploitative (adjective): referring to the act of taking advantage of someone or something in an unfair way.

Example: The company's exploitative practices were exposed by a whistleblower.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, "exploited" is a word that carries a negative connotation and refers to taking advantage of someone or something for personal gain. Some synonyms for this word include utilized, manipulated, abused, and misused. It is important to recognize and address instances of exploitation in order to create a fair and just society


