

更新时间:2024-02-12 11:53:27作者:自考教育网



1. 什么是experimentation?



2. Experimentation的发音


3. 发音要点

- 第一个音节[ik]为短元音[i],发音时舌头放平,嘴唇微微张开。

- 第二个音节[sper]为长元音[e:],发音时舌头抬起,嘴唇张开成笑脸状。

- 第三个音节[i]为短元音[i],发音时舌头放平,嘴唇微微张开。

- 第四个音节[men]为长元音[e:],发音时舌头抬起,嘴唇张开成笑脸状。

- 最后一个音节[tay-shun]为复合辅音[tʃən],发出“shun”的声音时舌头抵住上颚。

4. 拼读练习


- 将单词拆分为音节,然后逐个发音。

- 反复朗读单词,注意重音位置。

- 尝试将单词与其他单词搭配成短语或句子,比如“conduct an experimentation”、“scientific experimentation”等。

5. 结束语



1. 词性:名词

2. 词义:指进行实验或试验的行为或过程,也可以指实验的结果。

3. 细节解释:

- 实验是指为了验证某种假设或理论,通过系统性的方法进行的研究或测试。而experimentation则更强调实验的行为或过程,即进行实验的过程及其中所涉及到的各种操作和探索。

- 实验通常是科学研究中不可或缺的一部分,它可以帮助人们发现新知识、验证假设、解决问题等。而experimentation则更广泛地应用于各个领域,比如艺术、商业、技术等,它也可以带来创新和改变。

- 在某些情况下,experimentation也可以指尝试新事物、冒险尝试等。例如,“他们正在进行对未知领域的大胆experimentation”。

- 在一些专业领域中,如心理学和医学等,experimentation也有特定的含义。它可以指临床试验、心理实验等具体形式的研究方法。

- 总而言之,experimentation是一个广泛且重要的概念,在不同语境下可能有不同的含义。但它都与尝试、探索、创新等相关,是推动进步和发展的重要手段


1. 什么是experimentation


2. 如何使用experimentation

在科学领域,experimentation通常指进行实验以验证假设或检测某种现象。例如:“The scientists conducted a series of experiments to test their theory.”(科学家们进行了一系列实验来验证他们的理论。)

在日常生活中,我们也可以用experimentation来表示尝试新事物或方法。例如:“I'm not afraid of experimentation, I love trying new things.”(我不怕尝试新事物,我喜欢尝试新鲜事物。)

3. 双语例句

1) The team used experimentation to find the best solution to the problem.(团队利用实验来找到解决问题的最佳方案。)

2) The company encourages experimentation and innovation among its employees.(公司鼓励员工进行实验和创新。)

3) We need to conduct more experimentation before we can draw any conclusions.(我们需要进行更多的实验才能得出结论。)

4) The artist's work is a result of years of experimentation and exploration.(这位艺术家的作品是多年实验和探索的结果。)

5) The chef's culinary creations are a result of his constant experimentation in the kitchen.(这位厨师的烹饪创作是他在厨房不断尝试的结果。)


1. Trial and error: 试错法,指通过多次尝试来获得最佳结果的方法。

2. Testing the waters: 探索性尝试,用于描述对新领域或想法进行初步测试的过程。

3. Playing around with: 玩弄,用于形容对某个想法或方法进行实验性尝试。

4. Taking a stab at: 尝试一下,指尝试做某件事情或解决某个问题。

5. Pushing the boundaries: 挑战极限,用于描述不断探索新领域或突破旧有限制的行为。

6. Trial and success: 试验成功,指通过不断尝试最终获得成功的过程。

7. Bold experimentation: 大胆实验,用于形容勇于尝试新方法或想法的行为。

8. Risk-taking: 冒险精神,指愿意冒险尝试新事物的态度和行为。

9. Innovative exploration: 创新探索,用于描述寻找新领域或解决问题时采取创新方法的行为。

10. Dare to experiment: 敢于实验,在面对未知时勇敢地进行实验


1. Trial and error

- Meaning: The process of trying different methods or techniques to achieve a desired result.

- Example: The company used trial and error to find the most effective marketing strategy.

2. Testing

- Meaning: The act of conducting experiments to gather data and information.

- Example: The scientists are currently testing the effects of the new drug on patients.

3. Exploration

- Meaning: The act of investigating or examining something in order to gain knowledge or understanding.

- Example: The team's exploration of different design options led to a breakthrough in their project.

4. Investigation

- Meaning: The process of carefully examining something in order to uncover facts or solve a problem.

- Example: The police are conducting an investigation into the robbery that took place last night.

5. Research

- Meaning: Systematic study and investigation in order to discover new knowledge or information.

- Example: The university is known for its groundbreaking research in the field of medicine.

6. Analysis

- Meaning: Careful examination and study of something in order to understand its nature or structure.

- Example: The data analysts spent weeks conducting analysis on the market trends before making any recommendations.

7. Experimenting

- Meaning: Trying out new ideas, methods, or techniques in order to see if they are effective.

- Example: The chef enjoys experimenting with different ingredients and flavors to create unique dishes.

8. Innovation

- Meaning: Introducing new ideas, methods, or products that bring about significant change or improvement.

- Example: This company is known for its constant innovation and development of cutting-edge technology.

9. Trial-and-error

- Meaning: A method of problem-solving by trying various solutions until one is found that works.

- Example: After several rounds of trial-and-error, they finally found a solution to fix the technical issue.

10. Hypothesis testing

- Meaning: A scientific method of testing a proposed explanation or theory through experimentation.

- Example: The researchers conducted several experiments to test their hypothesis about the effects of sleep on memory retention


