

更新时间:2024-02-12 11:41:53作者:自考教育网



1. experienced的拼音为 [ɪk'spɪərɪənst]。

2. experienced是形容词,意为“有经验的,熟练的”。


3. experienced可以用来描述一个人在某个领域或某项活动中具有丰富的经验和知识。

4. 例如,我们可以说:“She is an experienced teacher.”(她是一位经验丰富的老师。)

5. 在职场上,拥有丰富的工作经验往往是求职者受到青睐的重要因素之一。

6. 另外,experienced也可以用来指某种感受或情绪已经被经历过了。例如:“I have experienced great joy in my life.”(我在生活中曾经历过巨大的快乐。)

7. 过去分词形式为experienced,现在分词形式为experiencing。

8. 单词experience是experienced的名词形式,意为“经验”或“体验”。

9. 与experienced相关的常用搭配有:highly experienced(高度有经验的)、well-experienced(经验丰富的)、experienced professional(有经验的专业人士)等。

10. 总而言之,experienced强调一个人具备丰富、熟练的知识和技能,并能够应对各种情况


1. experienced的含义


2. 发音及词源


3. 同义词及反义词

experienced的同义词包括:seasoned, skilled, proficient, expert等。反义词则有:inexperienced, novice, inexperienced等。

4. 用法示例

(1) She is an experienced teacher with over 20 years of teaching experience.


(2) We need an experienced guide to lead us through the dangerous mountain.


(3) The company is looking for experienced candidates for the management position.


5. 注意事项


(1) experienced通常用来形容人,而不是物品或抽象概念。

(2) experienced一词通常带有正面的意义,表示一个人具有丰富的经验和能力。

(3) experienced也可以用作名词,指代具有丰富经验的人


1. experienced的含义


2. experienced的用法

- 作为形容词,experienced可以直接修饰名词,如:an experienced doctor (一位有经验的医生)、an experienced teacher (一位经验丰富的老师)。

- 也可以与介词in连用,表示在某个领域或者某项技能上具有经验,如:experienced in sales (在销售领域有经验)、experienced in cooking (擅长烹饪)。

- 还可以作为动词experience的过去分词形式,表示“经历过”的意思,如:I have experienced many challenges in my life (我在生活中经历过很多挑战)。

3. experienced与其他同义词的区别

- experienced和expert都可以表示“专家”的意思,但是expert更强调专业知识和技能方面的高超水平。例如:an experienced lawyer (一位资深律师) vs an expert lawyer (一位专业律师)。

- experienced和seasoned都可以表示“老练”的意思,但是seasoned更偏重于经验丰富和熟练的程度。例如:a seasoned traveler (一位经验丰富的旅行者) vs an experienced traveler (一位有经验的旅行者)


1. Experienced in the field – 在这个领域有经验

例句:Our team is experienced in the field of marketing, with over 10 years of experience.

2. Highly experienced – 高度经验丰富的

例句:We are looking for a highly experienced candidate to fill this position.

3. Experienced professional – 经验丰富的专业人士

例句:Our company only hires experienced professionals to ensure high-quality work.

4. Experienced employee – 经验丰富的员工

例句:We value our experienced employees and provide them with opportunities for growth within the company.

5. Hands-on experience – 实践经验

例句:Our internship program offers hands-on experience in the field of engineering.

6. Extensive experience – 广泛的经验

例句:The candidate must have extensive experience in project management.

7. Valuable experience – 宝贵的经验

例句:Working abroad can provide valuable experience and broaden your perspective.

8. Previous experience – 以前的经历/工作经验

例句:Previous experience in customer service is preferred for this position.

9. Rich experience – 丰富的经验

例句:The company's success is attributed to its team's rich experience and expertise.

10. In-depth knowledge and experience – 深厚的知识和经验

例句:Our consultants have in-depth knowledge and experience in various industries, providing valuable insights for our clients


1. 近义词示例:

- Skilled: skilled一词指一个人具备了某种特定技能或经验,与experienced一样,都强调了个人的能力和经验。例如:He is a skilled engineer.(他是一位有经验的工程师。)

- Competent: competent一词指一个人具备了某种特定的能力或知识,可以胜任某项工作或任务。与experienced相比,competent更加强调个人的能力和素质。例如:She is competent in handling difficult situations.(她在处理困难情况方面很有能力。)

- Proficient: proficient一词指一个人具备了某种技能或知识,并且可以熟练地运用它们。与experienced相比,proficient更加强调个人的技能水平。例如:He is proficient in three languages.(他精通三种语言。)

2. 反义词示例:

- Inexperienced: inexperienced一词指一个人缺乏经验或知识,在某个领域中还不够成熟或老练。与experienced相比,inexperienced表达了缺乏经验和知识的意思。例如:She is still inexperienced in the field of marketing.(她在营销领域仍然缺乏经验。)

- Novice: novice一词指一个刚开始从事某项工作或活动的人,通常缺乏经验和知识。与experienced相比,novice强调了一个人对某项工作或活动的新手状态。例如:He is a novice in the field of photography.(他在摄影领域是个新手。)

- Unskilled: unskilled一词指一个人缺乏特定的技能或知识,在某个领域中没有经验或能力。与experienced相比,unskilled表达了缺乏技能和知识的意思。例如:The job requires skilled workers, not unskilled ones.(这份工作需要熟练工人,而不是没有技能的人。)


