

更新时间:2024-02-12 11:18:41作者:自考教育网




1. expected的含义


2. expected怎么读


3. expected同义词

Expected的同义词包括:anticipated, predicted, projected, foreseen等。它们都可以用来表示预期或期待某种结果。

4. expected例句

(1) We expected a large turnout for the event, but we were pleasantly surprised by the huge crowd.


(2) The company's profits were lower than expected this quarter.


(3) The weather forecasters predicted heavy rain, but it turned out to be a sunny day.



1. 期望的读音是/ɪk'spɛktɪd/,重音在第二个音节。

2. expected的发音类似于“ex-pek-tid”,其中e和a都是短元音,而i和t的发音较轻。

3. 同义词包括anticipated、predicted、foreseen等。

4. 例如:“I expected him to arrive on time, but he was late again.”(我期望他能准时到达,但他又迟到了。)

5. 或者:“The expected outcome of the experiment was not what we had hoped for.”(实验的预期结果并非我们所希望的。)


1. expected的意思

expected是一个形容词,意为“预期的,期望的”。它可以用来描述某件事情或情况符合或不符合预期。例如:“The exam results were not as expected.”(考试结果并非如预期)“The company's profits were higher than expected.”(公司利润高于预期)

2. expected的读音


3. expected的同义词

- Anticipated:意为“预料到的”,可以用来替换expected表达相同的含义。例如:“The anticipated success of the project”(项目预料到的成功)

- Predicted:意为“预测出的”,也可以用来表示与expected相同的含义。例如:“The predicted outcome of the election”(选举结果被预测出来)

- Foreseen:意为“被预见到的”,也是一个可以替换expected的同义词。例如:“The foreseen consequences of climate change”(气候变化被预见到的后果)

4. expected的例句

- The weather forecast for tomorrow is not as expected, it might rain all day.(明天天气预报并非如预期,可能会一整天下雨。)

- The company's performance this quarter was better than expected, we might even exceed our target profits.(这个季度公司表现比预期要好,我们甚至可能会超过目标利润。)

- The expected outcome of the experiment was not achieved, we need to rethink our approach.(实验的预期结果没有达到,我们需要重新考虑方法。)

- The expected arrival time of the train is 7:30pm.(火车预计到达时间为晚上7点半。)

- The expected behavior in a classroom is to listen to the teacher and participate in discussions.(在课堂上的预期行为是听老师讲课并参与讨论。)


1. Anticipated:预期的,期望的

例句:The expected result of the experiment was not achieved.


2. Predicted:预测的,预言的

例句:The predicted outcome of the election came true.


3. Projected:预计的,推断的

例句:The projected cost of the project was much higher than expected.


4. Estimated:估计的,估算出来的

例句:The estimated time of arrival is 8 PM.


5. Foreseen:可预见的,提前看到的

例句:The foreseen challenges were successfully overcome.


6. Envisioned:设想出来的,想象中的

例句:The envisioned future for the company is bright and prosperous.


7. Expectedly:符合预期地,按照预料地

例句:As expectedly, the team won the championship.


8. Presumed:假定的,推定为

例句: The presumed cause of death was a heart attack.


9. Assumed: 假设的,认为是真实或存在

例句: The assumed identity of the spy was finally revealed.


10. Supposed:被认为,想象出来的

例句:The supposed benefits of the new policy were not seen immediately.



1. To be expected:预料之中的,符合预期的

例句:As the team had been performing well, their victory was to be expected.

2. Expected outcome:预期结果

例句:The expected outcome of the experiment was not achieved.

3. Expected behavior:预期行为

例句:The students were reminded of the expected behavior during the school trip.

4. As expected:如预料的那样

例句:As expected, the concert was sold out within minutes.

5. Expectedly:如预料地,符合预期地

例句:The movie was expectedly a box office success.

6. Expected delivery date:预计交货日期

例句:The company promised to deliver the product by the expected delivery date.

7. High expectations:高期望值

例句:With high expectations from her parents, she felt pressured to excel in her studies.

8. Meet expectations:达到期望值,符合预期

例句:The new product failed to meet expectations and received negative reviews from customers.

9. Beyond expectations:超出预期

例句:The sales for the new product went beyond expectations and exceeded all targets.

10. Unrealistic expectations: 不切实际的期望值

例句: The boss had unrealistic expectations for his employees, causing them unnecessary stress


