

更新时间:2024-02-12 11:07:41作者:自考教育网



1. 什么是expansion?



2. 怎么读?


3. 同义词有哪些?


4. 例句有哪些?

a. The company plans to invest in the expansion of its production facilities.


b. The city's rapid expansion has led to a shortage of housing.


c. The expansion of the universe is a topic of great interest among scientists.



1. 怎么读:[ikˈspænʃən],重音在第二个音节上。

2. 同义词:expansion的同义词包括growth、increase、extension等。

3. 例句:

- The company's expansion into new markets has been very successful.


- The expansion of the universe is a topic of great interest to scientists.


- We need to plan for the expansion of our business in the coming years.



1. expansion的意思


2. expansion作为名词的用法


例句:The company is planning a major expansion of its business.(这家公司计划大规模扩张业务。)


例句:The expansion of the universe is a widely debated topic among scientists.(宇宙的膨胀是科学家们广泛讨论的话题。)


例句:The government's policies have led to an expansion of the economy.(政府的政策导致了经济的增长。)


例句:The book provides an expansion of the author's original theory.(这本书提供了作者原始理论的拓展。)

3. expansion作为动词的用法


例句:The balloon expanded as it filled with air.(气球充满气后变得更大。)


例句:The company is expanding its product line to include new technology.(这家公司正在扩大产品线,增加新的技术。)


例句:The professor expanded on the topic during his lecture.(教授在讲课时对这个话题进行了拓展。)

4. expansion的同义词


5. expansion的例句

(1)The city's rapid expansion has led to overcrowding in many areas.


(2)The expansion of the company's customer base has been impressive.


(3)The government announced plans for the expansion of the national park.


(4)She expanded on her ideas during the meeting, providing more details.



1. Growth - "The company's expansion into new markets led to significant growth in profits."

2. Enlargement - "The expansion of the business required a larger office space."

3. Extension - "The expansion of the highway has reduced travel time for commuters."

4. Increase - "There has been a significant increase in the company's expansion efforts."

5. Development - "The city's expansion plans include the development of new residential areas."

6. Expansionary - "The government's expansionary policies have led to economic growth."

7. Diversification - "The company's expansion into different industries has diversified their portfolio."

8. Spread - "The rapid expansion of the virus has caused concern among health officials."

9. Broadening - "The company's expansion strategy includes broadening their target market."

10. Amplification - "The amplification of social media platforms has contributed to the expansion of online businesses."


1. Expansion of business/industry: 扩展业务/行业

例句:The company is planning an expansion of its business into international markets.

2. Economic expansion: 经济扩张

例句:The country's economic expansion has led to an increase in job opportunities.

3. Population expansion: 人口增长

例句:The city's population expansion has resulted in a higher demand for housing.

4. Expansion plan/strategy: 扩张计划/策略

例句:The company has a well-defined expansion plan to enter new markets.

5. Rapid expansion: 快速扩张

例句:The rapid expansion of the company caught many investors by surprise.

6. Expansion project: 扩建项目

例句:The government has approved an expansion project for the airport.

7. Expansion potential: 扩张潜力

例句:This region has great expansion potential for the tourism industry.

8. Expansion phase/stage: 扩张阶段

例句:The company is currently in the early stages of its expansion phase.

9. Expansion into new markets: 进军新市场

例句:Our company is looking at possible expansions into new markets in Asia.

10. Capacity expansion: 生产能力扩大

例句:The factory is undergoing a capacity expansion to meet the increasing demand for its products



