

更新时间:2024-02-12 07:34:13作者:自考教育网


The meaning of exact

1. 精确的含义:exact一词源自拉丁语“exactus”,意为“精准的、准确的”。在英语中,它通常用来形容某件事或概念非常精确和准确。


2. 发音:exact的发音为/ɪɡˈzækt/,读作“ig-zakt”。

3. 同义词:accurate、precise、correct、exactitude。

4. 例句:

- Can you give me the exact time of the meeting? (你能告诉我会议的精确时间吗?)

- The scientist's experiments were conducted with exact precision. (科学家的实验非常精确。)

- It is important to be exact when giving instructions. (给出指令时要保持准确。)

How to pronounce exact

1. What does "exact" mean?

Exact means to be precise and accurate, without any mistakes or errors. It can also refer to something that is done in a very careful and detailed manner.

2. How do you pronounce "exact"?

The word "exact" is pronounced as /ɪɡˈzækt/ in American English and /ɪɡˈzækt/ in British English.

3. Synonyms for "exact"

Some synonyms for "exact" include precise, accurate, correct, meticulous, and thorough.

4. Example sentences using "exact"

- Can you give me the exact time of the meeting?

- He was able to provide an exact description of the suspect.

- The scientist's research was exact and thorough.

- She always wants things done in an exact way.

- The painting was an exact replica of the original

Usage and examples of exact

1. What does "exact" mean?

"Exact" means to be precise and accurate, without any mistakes or errors. It can also refer to something that is completely true or correct.

2. How do you pronounce "exact"?

"Exact" is pronounced as [ig-zakt], with the stress on the second syllable.

3. Synonyms for "exact"

Some synonyms for "exact" include precise, accurate, correct, and perfect.

4. Examples of using "exact"

- I need the exact measurements for this recipe, otherwise it won't turn out right.

- The detective was able to give an exact description of the suspect.

- The teacher expects us to use exact language in our essays.

- It's important to be exact when filling out important forms.

- The scientist's findings were exact and could not be disputed.

5. Can you give me an exact number?

This phrase is commonly used when asking for a specific or precise number, rather than an approximate one.

6. Don't worry, I'll take care of it with exact precision.

This phrase emphasizes the importance of being precise and accurate in completing a task or solving a problem.

7. He's known for his exact attention to detail.

This phrase highlights someone's ability to pay close attention and ensure that everything is correct and accurate.

8. In order to get the exact answer, you must use the correct formula.

This sentence emphasizes the importance of using precise and accurate methods in order to achieve an exact result.

9. Can you tell me exactly what happened?

The word "exactly" is often used when seeking a complete and precise explanation or description of something.

10. His timing was not exact, so he missed his flight.

In this example, "exact" refers to being on time down to the minute or second

Phrases with exact

1. "Exact meaning" - 精确的意思

例句:Can you explain the exact meaning of this word to me?

2. "Exact pronunciation" - 准确的发音

例句:I'm not sure about the exact pronunciation of this word, can you help me?

3. "Exact synonym" - 同义词

例句:The word "precise" is an exact synonym for "exact".

4. "Exact translation" - 精确的翻译

例句:I need to find the exact translation of this phrase in English.

5. "Exact match" - 完全匹配

例句:The search results showed an exact match for my query.

6. "Exact copy" - 完全复制品

例句:This painting is an exact copy of the original masterpiece.

7. "Exact time" - 准确的时间

例句:Please tell me the exact time of the meeting so I can be there on time.

8. "Exact location" - 精确的位置

例句:The map shows the exact location of the hidden treasure.

9. "Exact date" - 准确的日期

例句:I can't remember the exact date we met, but it was definitely in October.

10. "Exact measurement" - 准确的测量值

例句:The scientist recorded the exact measurement of the temperature at that moment

Synonyms for exact and their examples

1. Accurate

- Definition: free from error or defect; conforming exactly to truth or to a standard

- Example: The measurements were accurate to the nearest millimeter.

2. Precise

- Definition: marked by exactness and accuracy of expression or detail

- Example: The instructions were very precise, leaving no room for confusion.

3. Correct

- Definition: conforming to an approved or conventional standard; free from error or fault

- Example: Please make sure all the information is correct before submitting the form.

4. Exactitude

- Definition: the quality of being precise and accurate; strict conformity to a particular standard or measure

- Example: The scientist's experiments were praised for their exactitude and attention to detail.

5. Rigorous

- Definition: extremely thorough, exhaustive, or accurate in execution or performance

- Example: The company has rigorous quality control measures in place to ensure the best products for their customers.

6. Meticulous

- Definition: showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise

- Example: The artist was known for his meticulous brushstrokes, creating incredibly detailed paintings.

7. Unerring

- Definition: always right or accurate; making no mistakes; perfect

- Example: Her unerring memory allowed her to recall every detail of the event with accuracy.

8. Faultless

- Definition: without fault or error; perfect

- Example: The chef's cooking was faultless, earning him a Michelin star for his restaurant.

9. Explicit

- Definition: fully and clearly expressed or demonstrated; leaving nothing implied

- Example: The contract stated explicitly that any changes must be approved by both parties in writing.

10. Verbatim

- Definition: using exactly the same words as were originally used

- Example: He recited the poem verbatim, impressing everyone with his memory and delivery

In conclusion, exact is a very useful word that can be used in various contexts. Its meaning is clear and precise, and its pronunciation is easy to remember. By using exact in your speech and writing, you can convey your ideas accurately and effectively. So next time you're looking for a suitable word to describe something precisely, remember to use exact!

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