

更新时间:2023-05-20 19:20:31作者:易山





例句:So on this side here, A/dpA we have d mu A / dpA. (所以在这边,我们有d )


例句:Guidance director Lin Hsien-mu teaches the children Paiwan customs and traditions. (教导主任林仙木经常讲授排湾族的文化与传统。)


例句:My destination is the Thien Mu Pagoda that has stood here for 400 years. (我的目的地是 天姥寺。天姥寺历史已经有xx年了。)


1. My destination is the Thien Mu Pagoda that has stood here for 400 years. (翻译:我的目的地是 天姥寺。天姥寺历史已经有xx年了。)

2. Mu Guiying is leading all soldiers... to fight outside the town. (翻译:战情激烈 穆桂英带领全军出城 与敌军兵戎相接)

3. Tang Mu Bopu is a spirit of high tension businessmen, in their daily life on their own torture. (翻译:汤姆波普是一个精神高度紧张的商人,每天都生活在自己对自己的折磨上。)

4. Average grain output per mu has reached 1300 jin. (翻译:平均亩产量达到了1300斤。)

5. Similarly, Ida nadi also crosses over at each chakra but on the opposite side. (翻译:同样的,左脉也是穿越每一个轮但方向和右脉是相反的。)

6. Subsequently, the Mu Zimei Storm, let blog concept to the general public in China. (翻译:其后的木子美风波,让博客概念在中国走向大众。)

7. But we've just figured it out our expressions for mu A and mu B, our chemical potentials of each constituent in the ideal liquid mixture. (翻译:们刚刚计算出,A和B的表达式,在理想液体混合物中,每种组分的化学势。)

8. "Ke", "mu", "ro", and the uppercase English key on the left side. (翻译:KE,MU,RO,还有左边的英文全角变换键)

9. But Qian Mu mentioned he might have hunnish blood as well. (翻译:但是钱穆说他可能也有匈奴血统。)

10. The early experiences in Japan of Mu mutian are quite representative of Modern Chinese Writers. (翻译:穆木天早期留日经历在中国现代作家中极具代表性。)

11. Seeing what happened to Master Mu-un, it made me think a lot. (翻译:看到武云师傅所发生的事情 我想了很多,可现在...)

12. Nedo Nadi was the most versatile fencer in history, uniquely winning an Olympic title with each of the three weapons at the same Games. (翻译:上最多才多艺的击剑运动员,他是唯一一位在同一届奥运会击剑的三个不同比赛项目中都金牌的运动员。)

13. In the 19th century, the Atlantis myth became conflated with mu and Lemuria. (翻译:十九世纪,亚特兰蒂斯的神话变得与姆和利莫里亚合并起来。)

14. Meanwhile the pions quickly decay into mu mesons, or muons, which penetrate to the ground. (翻译:同时,介子会快速衰变成缈子抵达地面。)

15. Nadi is awaiting his universe, just as CM awaited his in the distant past. (翻译:纳迪正期待着他自己的宇宙,就像遥远的过去CM所期待的一样。)



zurich是什么意思 zurich的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义/含义:Zurich是瑞士最大的城市,也是瑞士的金融和经济中心,因此这个单词通常与金融相关的话题联系在一起。2. 语音/发音:Zurich的发音为/ˈz(j)ʊərɪk/,其中“z”发音与“ts”相似,但更为轻

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2023-04-08 11:14
