
offset upset是什么意思

更新时间:2023-05-20 19:17:37作者:ら抑宁

offset upset是什么意思

offset upset的意思是"偏位锻粗件",还经常被翻译为偏位锻粗件,发音是[offsetupset],offset upset常被用作名词,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到81个与offset upset相关的例句。

Offset upset的中文翻译


例句:What could you possibly have to be upset about? (还生个什么闷气 What could you possibly have to be upset about?)


offset upset一般作为名词使用,如在offset upset forging(偏位锻粗锻件)、offset(①抵消②胶印③偏移 )、eccentric upset(偏心锻粗件)等常见短语中出现较多。

offset upset forging偏位锻粗锻件
eccentric upset偏心锻粗件
epigastric upset[中医] 心嘈
external upset向外锻粗锻件;外加厚
flow upset气流分离
gastric upset嘈杂
get upset感到不安
hot upsetun. 热顶锻\n[网络] 热镦锻


1. That will upset me. You don't want to upset me. (翻译:那样我会很难过的 你也不想我难过的,是不是?)

2. I told him he didn't need to kill Casey. (翻译:Boyle还是很心烦 Boyle is still upset.)

3. Well, is it me or do you two seem a tad upset? (翻译:or do you two seem a tad upset?)

4. We accept targeted contributions to offset costs. (翻译:同等水平下给个第一第二的有什么不对啊? 要不以后谁出钱给你赞助呢)

5. SAC Pouran is reasonably upset. (翻译:Pouran特别主管探员气愤也是正常的 SAC Pouran is reasonably upset.)

6. The one that has you so upset. (翻译:那件让你倍感担忧的事 The one that has you so upset.)

7. But Dennis will be so upset. (翻译:但是丹尼斯会很伤心的 Possessed? But Dennis will be so upset.)

8. Oh, Kamal will be so upset. (翻译:Kamal will be so upset.)

9. Well, she was upset, naturally. (翻译:她很难过 这是很自然的事 Well, she was upset, naturally.)

10. Planeta Offset Printing machine; (翻译:印刷机; )

11. Tool offset is an important function in numerical control machine. Reasonally using tool offset function affects on numerical control process. (翻译:刀具补偿是数控机床上重要的功能,合理使用刀具补偿功能在数控加工中有着重要的作用。)

12. If you're upset, I feel it and become upset too. (翻译:如果你放松不了,我也不行, 我和你感受一样)

13. My intention was not to upset you. (翻译:我本意是不想让你担心的 My intention was not to upset you.)

14. I was upset that this thing had gotten up between us. (翻译:我们之间变成这样 我很难过 I was upset that this thing had gotten up between us.)

15. You're upset at yourself for even getting upset. (翻译:-我也是 就会很讨厌为了这种事心烦的自己)



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