
delegated是什么意思 delegated的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-09-21 11:00:34作者:薄荷绿ζ

1. 词性和词义


delegated是什么意思 delegated的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 语法用法


3. 派生词


4. 应用场景



1. The CEO delegated the task of presenting the quarterly report to the CFO.(CEO把呈现季度报告的任务委派给了CFO。)

2. The manager delegated the responsibility of training new employees to the senior staff.(经理将培训新员工的责任委派给了高级工作人员。)

3. The president delegated the authority to the vice president during his absence.(总统在其缺席期间将权力委派给了副总统。)

4. The committee delegated the task of choosing a venue for the conference to its planning sub-committee.(委员会将选择会议场地的任务委派给了其规划小组委员会。)

5. The organization delegated the task of fundraising to a professional company.(该组织将筹款的任务委派给了一家专业公司。)



1. The manager delegated the task to his istant.


2. She was delegated to represent the company at the conference.


3. The authority delegated to him was limited.





例句:I've delegated or automatized many of my regular errands, to the point where I rarely do errands anymore. (我把很多日常杂事分配给别人或者自动化,以至于不需要在亲自去完成。)


例句:Providers support two kinds of delegated Web uis. (提供者支持两种类型的委托Web ui。)


例句:Mr. Martinson has delegated me to say he is indisposed. (Martinson先生授权于我 来告知他身体不适...)


例句:American foreign policy can only be delegated so far, and crises only wished away for so long. (翻译:美国的危机长久以来层出不穷,而外交政策授权的范围却极其有限。)


1. Mr. Martinson has delegated me to say he is indisposed. (翻译:Martinson先生授权于我 来告知他身体不适...)

2. American foreign policy can only be delegated so far, and crises only wished away for so long. (翻译:美国的危机长久以来层出不穷,而外交政策授权的范围却极其有限。)

3. And I think part of that is that they never delegated understanding. (翻译:我觉得原因之一是他们没有把理解派上用场。)

4. And I think part of that is that they never delegated understanding. (翻译:我觉得原因之一是他们没有把理解派上用场。)

5. The management of the project is no longer delegated to a project manager, with the customer representative disengaging from the process. (翻译:将管理项目的责任单独指派给项目经理,整个过程中没有客户代表的参与,这种项目管理的方式也变了。)

6. In Hammam Sousse, twelve public Spaces have been delegated for campaign posters. (翻译:在哈曼索斯,有十二个公众栏板贴上了选举的海报。)

7. I've been delegated to organize the Christmas party. (翻译:我被选派来组织圣诞聚会。)

8. She delegated the job to one of her minions. (翻译:她把这份工作委派给她的一个下属。)

9. He failed to lead from the centre; he failed to champion his own policies; and he delegated too much to an unpopular Congress. (翻译:他未能发挥力量;未能捍卫自己的政策;而且将过多权力下放给了不得人心的国会。)

10. Was one of the tasks delegated to you by my client the compiling of all financial information (翻译:我的当事人是否把整理案中 -所有财务类信息的任务交给了你)

11. With a delegated implementation approach, the component delegates to a renderer that does the encoding and decoding. (翻译:使用委托实现方式,组件委托渲染器进行编码和解码。)

12. Therefore, Spinola delegated us to speak with the President. (翻译:因此,斯皮诺拉委托我们 Therefore, Spinola delegated us 与谈谈。to speak with the President.)

13. Officials have now been delegated to start work on a draft settlement. (翻译:官员们现已被委派开始准备一份拟定协议。)

14. - It delegated to the bankers the right to create 90% of our money supply based on only fractional reserves which they could then loan out at interest. (翻译:创造我们货币供应量的90% 他们并且可以借出生利)

15. Monsieur Poirot is a detective, officially delegated to investigate this case by me. (翻译:波洛先生[法语]是位侦探 我以名义委托他调查这案子)

