
anon是什么意思 anon的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-05-31 14:04:35作者:滥情通缉

anon是什么意思 anon的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 含义:'anon' 可以表示“即将”、“不久之后”的意思。此外,它还可以用作“未知、匿名”的缩写词。


- I will be back anon. (我马上回来。)

- The book will be finished anon.(这本书不久就会完成了。)

- The message was sent from an anon user. (这个信息是由匿名用户发送的。)

2. 用途:'anon' 可以用作副词或缩写词,可以用在各种情境中,比如在写作、网上交流、对话等。


- She promised to finish the task anon.(她承诺不久就完成这项任务。)

- I received an anon email this morning.(今天早上我收到了一封匿名邮件。)

- Anon is a common abbreviation used in online forums.(Anon是在线论坛中常用的缩写词。)

3. 起源:'anon' 最初是英语中的一个古老单词,意思是“立刻、立即”。它的缩写词 'anon.' 开始被广泛使用是在19世纪末。


- The doctor said he would be with you anon.(医生说他马上来看你。)

- Shakespeare's plays often use the word 'anon'.(莎士比亚的戏剧经常使用单词 'anon'。)

4. 用法:'anon' 是一种不太正式的用语,比如在口语交流、在线聊天等场合中经常出现。


- I will send you the report anon.(我马上给你发报告。)

- Anon is a popular term among online gamers.(Anon 是在线游戏玩家中很流行的用语。)

5. 多义性:'anon' 不仅可以表示时间上的“即将”、“不久之后”,还可以表示未知、匿名的含义,所以在不同的语境下可能会有不同的解释。


- The letter was signed 'anon'.(这封信是匿名的签名。)

- Anon was the name given to the unknown author of a famous poem.(一首著名诗歌的作者被称为 Anon。)



1. I will be back anon. (我很快会回来。)

2. Please wait here anon. (请在这里等一下。)

3. The train will be arriving anon. (火车即将到站。)

4. The food will be ready anon. (食物很快就会准备好。)

5. I will inform you of the results anon. (我会很快告诉你结果。)

6. She will be here anon. (她很快就会到这里。)

7. He will finish his work anon. (他马上就会完成工作。)

8. We will leave this place anon. (我们即将离开这个地方。)

9. Please submit your ignment anon. (请尽快提交作业。)




1. And anon, as he beheld her, he fell in love with her beauty.


2. He promised to return anon, but we haven't seen him for months.


3. Anon, the sun will rise and we must be ready to face the new day.





例句:But Simon's wife's mother lay sick of a fever, and anon they tell him of her. (西门的岳母正在发烧躺着,他们立刻告诉。)


例句:"We shall have thee there anon ! " said the witch-lady, frowning, as she drew back her head. (“我们下一次再在那儿见吧!”那巫婆皱着眉头说罢,就缩回了脑袋。)


例句:But it could be a case of too abundant, too anon. (然而,这可能成为一个业务范围扩张过大、速渡过快的案例。)


例句:There's a time when eaglet becomes lanneret , you can buy it anon . (翻译:小鹰也有变成雄鹰的时候啊,以后你会买得起的。)


anon一般作为副词、名词、动词使用,如在ever and anon(不时地)、still and anon(经常,时常,不时地)、See you anon([网络] 希望很快能见到你;再会)等常见短语中出现较多。

ever and anon不时地
still and anon经常,时常,不时地
See you anon[网络] 希望很快能见到你;再会


1. But it could be a case of too abundant, too anon. (翻译:然而,这可能成为一个业务范围扩张过大、速渡过快的案例。)

2. There's a time when eaglet becomes lanneret , you can buy it anon . (翻译:小鹰也有变成雄鹰的时候啊,以后你会买得起的。)

3. The people do admit you, and are summoned to meet anon upon your approbation. (翻译:已经接受了您 他们就要再召集一次会议 通过您的任命)

4. You shall see him anon. (翻译:你将很快见到他。)

5. But ever and anon his childish prattle recurred to what impressed his imagination even more deeply than the wonders of creation. (翻译:不过毕竟他只是一个孩子,所以他的唠叨就又回到了比创造的奇迹更为深入的想象的话题上了。)

6. Be large in mirth, anon, we'll drink a measure the table round. (翻译:大家好好地乐乐吧 呆会儿咱们要围在桌边痛饮一场)

7. while ever and anon, like the spirit of a departed sound, the shrill and piercing shriek of a female voice seemed to be ringing in my ears. (翻译:然而一个女人凄厉的尖叫却像声音之精灵时时响在我的耳边。)

8. I will . Good night , Mr. Carraway . See you anon . (翻译:我一定可以。晚安,卡罗威先生。改天见吧。)

9. I would ever and anon return to take my stand there and gaze upon it, wondering what there was left in place of what had gone. (翻译:我不时回来站在那里向它凝视,想知道还有什么东西替代了那已消失的。)

10. I shifted him away and laid good 'scuse upon your ecstasy bade him anon return and here speak with me, the which he promised. (翻译:我把他打发走了,把你昏迷开脱得一干二净... ...叫他回头来这儿跟我谈话,他答应再来)

11. Anon [later] he caught the word Peter. (翻译:不一会儿,他听到了“彼得”这个词。)

12. If any anon fails to be inspired by the target, she can remove her own computer from the volunteer botnet, reducing its effect. (翻译:而如果有任何一位无名氏对攻击目标不感兴趣的话,他便可以将自己的计算机从志愿者僵尸网络中脱离出来,以减少这次攻击的效力。)

13. According to AFP, an anon Afghani official claims this was a result of an elaborate trap! (翻译:按照法新社的报道,一个匿名的阿富汗官员声称这是一场精心策划的陷阱。)

14. Look forward to meeting you anon. (翻译:英雄警员拯救家庭 希望很快与你见面,再见)

