
stay on是什么意思 stay on的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-03-31 22:58:46作者:逍遥浪子

1. 词的意思:'stay on' 意为继续留在某个地方或保持某个状态。

stay on是什么意思 stay on的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 词性:'stay' 是动词,'on' 是介词。

3. 常用场景:'stay on' 可以用于各种场合,例如工作、旅行、学习等。比如,你可以说 "I need to stay on top of my work schedule"(我需要掌控好我的工作计划),或者 "We're staying on the beach for a week"(我们要在海滩上待上一周)。

4. 词组搭配:'stay on' 还可以与其他词组搭配使用,例如 'stay on track'(保持在正确的方向),'stay on time'(按时完成),'stay on task'(专注于任务)等。

5. 相关短语:与 'stay on' 相关的短语包括 'stay put'(待在原地),'stay the course'(保持不变),'stay in touch'(保持联系)等。

6. 发音拼写:'stay' 的发音为 /ste/,'on' 的发音为 /n/。注意,在口语中,'stay on' 可以被简化为 'staying'(例如 "I'm staying at the hotel")或 'stayed'(例如 "I stayed in bed all day")等形式。

stay on的意思是“保持在某个位置或状态”,或者是“继续做某件事情”。可作为及物动词或不及物动词使用。


读音:[ste n]


1. Please stay on the line until your call is answered.(请不要挂断电话,等待接听。)

2. Can you stay on at work until I finish this project?(你能不能在工作上继续待到我完成这个项目?)

3. He decided to stay on as CEO for another year.(他决定继续留任CEO职位xx年。)

4. The doctor advised her to stay on her medication.(医生建议她继续服用药物。)

stay on在英语中代表"继续停留"的意思,在日常中也代表"继续停留"的意思,读音为[stayon],stay on来源于英语,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到67个与stay on相关的句子。

Stay on的词典翻译


例句:- Xander, wanna stay and help? (wanna stay and help?)


stay on一般作为名词使用,如在stay(停留 )、stay at(停留在…)、stay by(〈美口〉呆在…的旁边,留在…旁边)等常见短语中出现较多。

stay at停留在…
stay by〈美口〉呆在…的旁边,留在…旁边
stay for应邀在…家留下;为…而逗留;等待
stay to为…而留下,留下来(吃饭等)
stay with与...并驾齐驱
to stay[网络] 呆;留;保持
dog stayun. 顶板支梁\n[网络] 支条;门闩支条;人孔
duration of stay停留时间


1. Everybody stay where you are. (翻译:everybody stay where you are.)

2. ♫ Makes me wanna stay and fight ? (翻译:Makes me wanna stay and fight)

3. Till this gets cleaned up, I suggest you stay there. (翻译:I suggest you stay there.)

4. Hunter, Hunter, OK, talk to me! AMBER: (翻译:- Stay away from me!)

5. ("stay too long" by plan b playing) (翻译:《Stay Too Long》 《停留太久》)

6. * Just trying to stay on the ground... * (翻译:* Just trying to stay on the ground... *)

7. See the women stay back here! (翻译:See the women stay back here!)

8. ? Makes me wanna stay and fight ? (翻译:Makes me wana stay and fight)

9. We'll find someplace safe. (翻译:- Not here. - Stay down.)

10. - If you're dead, you better stay dead. - Yeah. (翻译:you better stay dead.)

11. Okay, just stay calm, just stay calm. (翻译:噢 冷静 冷静点好么 Okay, just stay calm, just stay calm. - 你还好么?)

12. # If you my enemy, then stay away # (翻译:# If you my enemy, then stay away #)

13. The secret will stay with me. (翻译:The secret will stay with me.)

14. Then, can I stay with you? (翻译:Then, can I stay with you?)

15. [ Overlapping questions ] Give her a smooch! REPORTER: (翻译:Stay! Give her a smooch!)

