
星辰闪烁用英语怎么说 星辰闪烁英语翻译

更新时间:2024-03-31 22:10:46作者:寂寞如雪

星辰闪烁英语翻译是"the stars",还经常被译作limonium sinuatum,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到63个与星辰闪烁相关短语翻译和用法。

星辰闪烁用英语怎么说 星辰闪烁英语翻译

1. "Betiful Stars of Ursa Major"

2. "shining high o'er o garden...

3. The star exits... the play is ended

4. The stars were shining bght.

5. Crescent moons and starbsts.

6. Scintillation... that's not bad. Aw, that s.

7. Like Alice wonderland country, as dreams in the sky se-bar inkling stars, a breeze thugh, ama stkes. . .


8. Follow that star beyond the hozon.

9. ♪ Falling Skies 3x01 ♪ On Thin ice Oginal Air Date on June 9, 2013 == sync, corrected by elderman ==

10. What about the moon and the stars?

11. it tns on and off, Makes me crazy.

12. Previously on Falling Skies...

13. You have the moon, you have the tide, you have the stars.

14. Ancient people didn't have electcity, the sky would be so dark and the stars would be so bght.

