
biad是什么意思 biad的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-03-31 21:04:47作者:芷菱


1. Beijing Institute of Architectural Design (北京建筑设计院)

biad是什么意思 biad的中文翻译、读音、例句

BIAD 可以指北京建筑设计院,是中国最大的建筑设计机构之一。以下是5个相关例句:

- BIAD has completed numerous landmark buildings in China, including the Beijing National Stadium (Bird's Nest). (BIAD已经完成了许多中国的标志性建筑,包括北京国家体育场(鸟巢)。

- The new airport terminal was designed by a team of architects from BIAD. (新机场航站楼是由BIAD的一组建筑师设计的。)

- BIAD has won many awards for its innovative and sustainable designs. (BIAD因其创新和可持续的设计赢得了许多奖项。)

- With over 60 years of experience, BIAD has become a leading authority in architectural design. (在60多年的经验积累下,BIAD已成为建筑设计领域的领先权威。)

- BIAD collaborated with international architects on the design of the new headquarters for the China Development Bank. (BIAD与国际建筑师合作设计了中国开发银行的新总部。)

2. Bachelor of Industrial and Applied Design (工业与应用设计学士学位)

BIAD 可以指工业与应用设计学士学位,是一种艺术与设计领域的学士学位。以下是5个相关例句:

- After completing my BIAD degree, I was able to secure a job as a product designer. (完成BIAD学位后,我成功地找到了一份产品设计师的工作。)

- The BIAD program focuses on developing practical design skills for real-world applications. (BIAD课程专注于培养实际应用的实用设计技能。)

- Students in the BIAD program have the opportunity to work with industry partners and gain valuable hands-on experience. (BIAD项目的学生有机会与行业合作伙伴合作,并获得宝贵的实践经验。)

- The BIAD curriculum includes courses on design thinking, product development, and manufacturing processes. (BIAD课程包括设计思维、产品开发和制造流程等课程。)

- Graduates of the BIAD program are well-equipped to pursue careers in fields such as industrial design, product development, and manufacturing. (BIAD项目的毕业生具备在工业设计、产品开发和制造等领域追求职业生涯的能力。)

3. Business Intelligence and Analytics Dashboard (商业智能与分析仪表板)

BIAD 可以指商业智能与分析仪表板,是一种用于可视化和分析业务数据的工具。以下是5个相关例句:

- Our company uses a BIAD to track key performance indicators and make data-driven decisions. (我们公司使用BIAD来跟踪关键绩效指标并做出数据驱动的决策。)

- The BIAD displays real-time data on sales, expenses, and customer behavior. (BIAD显示销售、支出和客户行为的实时数据。)

- With the BIAD, we can quickly identify trends and patterns in our business data. (通过BIAD,我们可以快速发现业务数据中的趋势和模式。)

- The BIAD allows us to drill down into specific areas of our business and uncover insights that we might have otherwise missed. (BIAD可以让我们深入了解业务的具体领域,并揭示我们可能会错过的见解。)

- The BIAD has helped us streamline our reporting processes and improve our overall data accuracy. (BIAD帮助我们简化了报告流程,并提高了总体数据准确性。)





例句:The construction of synergetic production platform in BIAD; (也包括生产建设说明和工艺图纸。)


例句:Conception and reason of architectural creation Speeches by peoples from CADRG, BIAD and ECADI in forum on architectural creation (建筑创作的理念和理由:中国院、北京院、华东院建筑创作论坛发言摘要)


例句:Welcome to the UCE Birmingham Institute of Art and Design (BIAD). (欢迎来到我们伯明翰艺术与设计学院。)


1. Welcome to the UCE Birmingham Institute of Art and Design (BIAD). (翻译:欢迎来到我们伯明翰艺术与设计学院。)

2. Zhu XiaoDi is the party secretary and president of the Beijing Institute of Architectural Design (BIAD). (翻译:朱小地是北京建筑设计研究院的和院长。)

3. Development of Postgraduate study and research within BIAD (翻译:伯明翰艺术设计学院研究生学习与研究的发展)

4. Building a internationalized professional team Interviewing Shao Weiping, executive architect in Chief of BIAD (翻译:打造国际化的职业团队:访北京市建筑设计研究院执行总建筑师邵韦平)

