
burma是什么意思 burma的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-03-24 14:44:43作者:一个言


burma是什么意思 burma的中文翻译、读音、例句


词组搭配:Burma Road(缅甸公路),是在第二次世界大战期间援助中国的重要物资运输通道。




1. Burma has a rich cultural and religious heritage. (缅甸有丰富的文化和遗产。)

2. The Burmese government has been criticized for its human rights abuses. (缅甸因侵犯受到批评。)

3. The national animal of Burma is the chinthe, a mythical creature resembling a lion. (缅甸的国家动物是chinthe,一种类似狮子的神话生物。)

4. Burma is famous for its teak wood, which is used in furniture and boat building. (缅甸以其柚木而闻名,用于家具和船舶建造。)

5. Many tourists visit Burma to see the ancient temples in Bagan. (许多游客前往缅甸参观巴干的古老寺庙。)





1. She went on a trip to Burma last year.(她去年去了缅甸旅行。)

2. The Burmese government has been facing international pressure to improve its human rights record.(缅甸一直面临着国际压力,要求其改善记录。)




例句:One of the stories I did was in Kutupalong, on the border of Burma and Bangladesh. (我做的其中一个故事在库图巴朗, 在缅甸和孟加拉国的边境上。)


例句:His boss once again paused and said, "Oh, but we can't do anything about human rights in Burma because we don't have any trade relations with Burma." (他的老板又一次停住, 说,“哦,我们不能对缅甸问题 做任何事情, 因为我们跟他们没有贸易关系。” )


例句:Vietnam's Mekong, Burma's Salween and the Yangtze and the Yellow, both of which flow into China. (越南的湄公河,缅甸的怒江雅鲁藏布江和黄河,都流经中国。)


例句:Today nearly 400 million people are Buddhists, from Burma and Korea to China and now the West. (翻译:我们要分清,是吗? 是的,绝对有必要, 它们不是一回事)


burma一般作为名词使用,如在Lower Burma([地名] 下缅甸(地区) ( 缅 ))、Union of Burma([网络] 缅甸联邦;缅甸国名之英文名自)、unions of burma([网络] 缅甸联邦;缅甸国名之英文名自\n(union of burma 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

Lower Burma[地名] 下缅甸(地区) ( 缅 )
Union of Burma[网络] 缅甸联邦;缅甸国名之英文名自
unions of burma[网络] 缅甸联邦;缅甸国名之英文名自\n(union of burma 的复数)
Upper Burma[地名] 上缅甸(地区) ( 缅 )


1. Vietnam's Mekong, Burma's Salween and the Yangtze and the Yellow, both of which flow into China. (翻译:越南的湄公河,缅甸的怒江雅鲁藏布江和黄河,都流经中国。)

2. Today nearly 400 million people are Buddhists, from Burma and Korea to China and now the West. (翻译:我们要分清,是吗? 是的,绝对有必要, 它们不是一回事)

3. In southern Burma there is a national minority oppressed by years of militarized power. (翻译:在缅甸南部有一个少数民族 长年被军事政权所压迫)

4. They've more in common with the mountain people of Laos, Vietnam and Burma than they do with the Chinese. (翻译:他们与老挝、越南、缅甸的山民相同之处较多, 而与中国人的相同之处更少。)

5. The first aircraft to be overhauled was a PBY Catalina followed by every type of aircraft operated in Indian and Burma. (翻译:第一架飞机的大修是pby卡塔林之后,每一种类型的飞机在印度和缅甸。)

6. It's held every two years in Burma. (翻译:TED Evil每两年在缅甸举行一次。)

7. It was caused by a megathrust event as the India plate moved beneath the Burma microplate. (翻译:它是由印度板块在缅甸微板块下移动时发生的大型逆冲事件引起的。)

8. Burma runs yaba factories along Burma-Bangladesh border: Col. Md Bashirul Islam, Sector Commander of BGB (翻译:孟加拉边警部门指挥官:缅甸在缅孟边境一带经营亚巴加工厂)

9. Most have now returned to Burma. (翻译:大多数人现在已经回到了缅甸。)

10. And Tokyo also demanded that Britain close the Burma Road to the Chinese city then known as Chungking. (翻译:和东京还要求英国关闭滇缅公路向中国然后作为重庆市知名。)

11. Than Shwe: Unmasking Burma's Tyrant. By Benedict Rogers. (翻译:丹瑞:撕破面具的缅甸暴君本尼迪克特.罗杰斯著. )

12. It may be something that is perhaps more serious -- as I said, human rights in Burma. (翻译:它或许比你想象的更为严肃 像缅甸的问题 )

13. The BGF and the Burma army regard us as the enemy, if they want to think like this we are prepared to fight. (翻译:克伦边境自卫武装和缅军把我们当作敌人,如果他们想这样想,我们准备战斗。)

14. Than Shwe: Unmasking Burma's Tyrant. By Benedict Rogers. (翻译:丹瑞:撕破面具的缅甸暴君本尼迪克特。罗杰斯著。)

15. Pandora is the name of a secret bank account established to pay services of a famous general and corruption in Burma. (翻译:潘朵拉是一个银行的秘密帐户名称 用来支付给缅甸的一个著名又的将军)

