
badlands是什么意思 badlands的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-03-24 08:40:42作者:红颜殆

1. 词释:Badlands指的是一片貌似“荒凉”的土地,通常指灌木丛生、地面崎岖不平的沙漠或荒野地带。

2. 地理分布:Badlands主要分布于北美洲,特别是美国西部地区。比如,South Dakota的Badlands National Park、Montana的Makoshika State Park以及加拿大的Dinosaur Provincial Park都是Badlands著名景点。

badlands是什么意思 badlands的中文翻译、读音、例句

3. 文化意义:Badlands也是一种文化符号,例如在电影中,Badlands指的是“恶霸区”或“黑帮聚集地”等。此外,Badlands也是一支知名的美国摇滚乐队。

4. 生态环境:由于Badlands地区常年缺水,气候干燥,因此该地区生态系统很脆弱,特别是土地侵蚀和水资源的严重缺乏,对于当地的野生动物和植物都是一个巨大的挑战。

5. 旅游资源:Badlands也是一个著名的旅游景点,每年吸引着大量的游客前往探险。游客可以骑马、徒步、骑自行车等多种方式游览Badlands的美景。


1. Hikers must be well prepared when they visit the Badlands National Park, because the terrain is rugged and the weather can be unpredictable.(当游客前往Badlands国家公园时,必须做好充分准备,因为那里的地形崎岖,天气也难以预测。)

2. The Badlands region is known for its unique geological formations, including colorful red rocks and deep canyons.(Badlands地区以其独特的地质形态而闻名,其中包括色彩斑斓的红色岩石和深峡谷。)

3. Many Hollywood movies have been filmed in the Badlands area, due to its dramatic scenery and rugged terrain.(由于Badlands地区的壮观景象和崎岖地形,许多好莱坞电影都在那里拍摄。)

4. The Badlands is home to many unique species of plants and animals, including bighorn sheep and prairie dogs.(Badlands是许多独特的植物和动物的家园,包括大角羊和草原狗。)

5. Visitors to the Badlands can choose to stay in a variety of accommodations, including campgrounds, hotels, and cabins.(前往Badlands的游客可以选择各种不同的住宿方式,包括露营地、酒店和小木屋。)

badlands的中文翻译是“荒漠地带”(hungm dzhi)。

读音为 bd.lndz。


1. The badlands are often characterized by the erosion of sedimentary rocks which have been shaped by water and wind.


2. The badlands of North Dakota are a unique and stunning landscape, showcasing the beauty and harshness of nature.





例句:Adaptability of Pennisetum purpureum to eroded badlands of granite and its effects of soil and water conservation (象草在花岗岩侵蚀劣地的适应性及其水土保持效应)


例句:Colonel, if she's in the badlands -- we're gonna need a search party. (- 上校 如果她在荒无人烟的地方 - 我得组织搜救队)


例句:But to go further back in time and find the earliest dinosaurs, scientists come to places like the high desert badlands of New Mexico. (但是更往前的话 寻找最早期的恐龙 科学家来到 新墨西哥的高地沙漠)


1. But to go further back in time and find the earliest dinosaurs, scientists come to places like the high desert badlands of New Mexico. (翻译:但是更往前的话 寻找最早期的恐龙 科学家来到 新墨西哥的高地沙漠)

2. - And 40 riders about to head into the first turn here at Cowboy Badlands MX Park. (翻译:- 40骑士即将一头扎进了第一轮在这里 在牛仔荒地MX公园。)

3. Cowboy Badlands MX Park here at Beaumont, Texas. (翻译:牛仔荒地MX公园在这里得克萨斯州博蒙特。)

4. And climate change means the badlands are growing. (翻译:气候变化意味着荒芜之地的增加。)

5. Roosevelt spent much of the next two years on his ranch in the Badlands of Dakota Territory. (翻译:在接下来的两年时间里,他在达科他荒地上的大农场度过。)

6. I am sick of all the guns and the Badlands and gypsies trying to eat us! (翻译:我讨厌所有的枪 和荒地 和吉普赛人想吃掉我们!)

7. But, besides being intellectually and scientifically interesting, it's also very different than the other things I do, because you get to hike around in the badlands. (翻译:在智力上和科学上有趣的同时, 寻找恐龙也是与众不同的, 它和我所作的其他事不同,因为我会在不毛之地远足。)

8. With seven billion peripatetic Homo sapiens on the planet, it was perhaps inevitable that one of them would eventually trod on the grave of the magnificent titan buried beneath the badlands of Southern Patagonia. (翻译:伴随着70亿在地球上走来走去的人 不可避免的 有人最终会踏在这些巨大生物的坟墓上 在巴塔哥尼亚南部的荒地下 )

9. Many families head on north over the Badlands of Dakota. (翻译:许多家庭向北挺进 越过达科他州的荒芜之地)

10. So, you always find dinosaurs in deserts or badlands, areas that have very little plant growth and have flash floods in the spring. (翻译:所以你总是 在沙漠或者荒地, 那些很少有植物生长, 春天又会发大水的地方,才能找到恐龙。)

11. But, besides being intellectually and scientifically interesting, it's also very different than the other things I do, because you get to hike around in the badlands. (翻译:在智力上和科学上有趣的同时, 寻找恐龙也是与众不同的, 它和我所作的其他事不同,因为我会在不毛之地远足。)

12. Life in the Badlands is difficult. But animals do survive. (翻译:要想在这片荒地中生活是很困难的,但有些动物却在此生存,这就是著名的土拨鼠,这些小哺乳动物生活在相互联通的地下道中。)

13. Grainfields spill their color across the badlands of the Missouri Breaks, a lonesome swatch of eastern Montana where the Great Plains roll to an abrupt and wild end. (翻译:绿油油的粮田把它们的色彩洒过密苏里大峡谷的荒地。大峡谷是蒙大拿州东部一块孤寂的土地,大草原一直延伸到陡峭的和荒野的尽头。)

14. Jack, I think you just bought us a trip across the Badlands. (翻译:杰克,我想你刚买了我们 在荒芜之地的旅行。)

15. They reafforested a wide stretch of badlands. (翻译:他们在一荒地上重新造林。)

