
the new world是什么意思 the new world的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-03-24 07:02:42作者:じ☆ve尛儍苽

the new world是什么意思 the new world的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:the new world order (新世界秩序),the new world economy (新世界经济)。


发音拼写:[ nju w:ld]


1. Columbus discovered the new world in 1492.(哥伦布于xx年发现了新。)

2. America was once known as the new world.(美国曾被称为新。)

3. The new world economy has emerged with the rise of emerging markets.(随着新兴市场的崛起,新世界经济已经出现。)

4. The new world order after the Cold War is still being explored and established.(冷战后的新世界秩序仍在探索和建立中。)

5. The discovery of the new world had a great impact on the development of human history.(新的发现对人类历史的发展产生了巨大的影响。)


读音:/nju wld/


1. The discovery of America by Columbus marked the beginning of the new world. (哥伦布发现美洲标志着新世界的开始。)

2. The development of science and technology has greatly changed the way we live in the new world. (科技的发展大大改变了我们在新世界中的生活方式。)

3. In the new world, people are more aware of environmental protection and sustainable development. (在新世界中,人们更加意识到环境保护和可持续发展的重要性。)

the new world的意思是"新、发现新",其次还有"网络"的意思,单词读音音标为[thenewworld],the new world来源于英语,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到65个与the new world相关的例句。

The New World的释义


例句:How have you been living? A sheep farmer, stock breeder, in the New World. (你靠什么谋生 How have you been living? in the New World.)


例句:The front line of a new kind of war, a Cold War. (world . 一统天下 The front line of a new kind of war, a Cold War.)


例句:Love has taken me to a new world. (Love has taken me to a new world. Come on, my girl.)


例句:If you love me as I love you then let us leave these woods tonight and make a new life together in a new world. (翻译:如果你爱我象我爱你一样今晚我们就离开树林 If you love me as I love you then let us leave these woods tonight 在新世界开始我们的新生活 and make a new life together in a new world.)


the new world一般作为名词使用,如在New World(新世界(指西半球或南、北美洲及其附近岛屿))、New World anteater([网络] 新世界食蚁兽)、new world anteaters([网络] 新世界食蚁兽\n(new world anteater 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

New World新世界(指西半球或南、北美洲及其附近岛屿)
New World anteater[网络] 新世界食蚁兽
new world anteaters[网络] 新世界食蚁兽\n(new world anteater 的复数)
New World beaver[网络] 新世界海狸
new world beavers[网络] 新世界海狸\n(new world beaver 的复数)
New World blackbird[网络] 新世界黑鸟
new world blackbirds[网络] 新世界黑鸟\n(new world blackbird 的复数)
New World chat[网络] 新世界聊天
new world chats[网络] 新世界聊天\n(new world chat 的复数)
New World goldfinch[网络] 新世界金翅雀


1. Love has taken me to a new world. (翻译:Love has taken me to a new world. Come on, my girl.)

2. If you love me as I love you then let us leave these woods tonight and make a new life together in a new world. (翻译:如果你爱我象我爱你一样今晚我们就离开树林 If you love me as I love you then let us leave these woods tonight 在新世界开始我们的新生活 and make a new life together in a new world.)

3. - The world ends at the Hudson. (翻译:- Native new yorker? - The world ends at the Hudson.)

4. The art world is a small world. (翻译:骗子圈很小 The art world is a small world.)

5. No man ever needed a new world more. (翻译:你比谁都更需要一个新环境 No man ever needed a new world more.)

6. ♪ Are the wonders of this world ♪ (翻译:Are the wonders of this world)

7. Your world is now my world... (翻译:你的世界现在归我了 Your world is now my world...)

8. It must be won by young men that you may fashion a new world from your victory. (翻译:应该是年轻人打赢这场仗 It must be won by young men that you may fashion 你们的胜利才能带来新世界 a new world from your victory.)

9. Then this sedition has already travelled to the New World. (翻译:这些言论已经传播到新世界了 Then this sedition has already travelled to the New World.)

10. Like the New New Testament? (翻译:like the new new testament?)

11. For 20 years I have held in my heart the dream of a new world. (翻译:xx年来我的心中都在梦想一个新世界 For 20 years I have held in my heart the dream of a new world.)

12. We were all new to this world. (翻译:我们都是这个世界的新住民 we were all new to this world.)

13. Yet all of this New World is built on land stolen from the red man. (翻译:这些都是建立在从红种人偷来的土地上 Yet all of this New World is built on land stolen from the red man.)

14. Got a new life Got a new plight,yeah (翻译:.. got a new life got a new plight,yeah..)

15. While we build this New World there is no time for the love of the poets. (翻译:当我们建造这个新世界的时候没有时间谈情说爱 While we build this New World there is no time for the love of the poets.)

