
abcdefghijk是什么意思 abcdefghijk的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-03-24 04:50:43作者:眉睫

'abcdefghijk' 不是一个合法的单词,它只是一个由英文字母组成的字符串。因此,它没有词义、词性、词组搭配、短语等语法特征。但是,我们可以对它进行发音拼写、字母组合等方面的介绍。


abcdefghijk是什么意思 abcdefghijk的中文翻译、读音、例句

'abcdefghijk' 可以被分解为 11 个字母,每个字母都有一个独特的发音和拼写。根据英语字母的发音规则,它可以被拼读为 [eb.si:.di.i:.et.ka]。其中,每个字母的发音如下:

a [e],b [bi:],c [si:],d [di:],e [i:],f [ef],g [di:],h [et],i [a],j [de],k [ke]。


'abcdefghijk' 由 11 个字母组成,这些字母可以按照不同的顺序组合成不同的单词或短语。例如,'hedge'(树篱)、'jig'(舞蹈)等。但是,'abcdefghijk' 本身不是一个合法的单词或短语。

以下是7个与 'abcdefghijk' 相关的中英文翻译例句:

1. The pword must contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one digit, and must not contain any special characters such as 'abcdefghijk'.(密码必须包含至少一个大写字母,一个小写字母和一个数字,不能包含任何特殊字符,如 'abcdefghijk'。)

2. Can yoemember the order of letters in 'abcdefghijk'?(你能记住 'abcdefghijk' 中字母的顺序吗?)

3. The teacher asked the students to write down all the words that can be made from the letters of 'abcdefghijk'.(老师让学生写下所有可以由 'abcdefghijk' 中的字母组成的单词。)

4. The system administrator used 'abcdefghijk' as the default pword for all new user accounts.(系统管理员将 'abcdefghijk' 作为所有新用户账户的默认密码。)

5. The company's security policy prohibits the use of easily guessable pwords, such as 'abcdefghijk' or '123456'.(公司的安全政策禁止使用容易猜测的密码,如 'abcdefghijk' 或 '123456'。)

6. The children were learning the English alphabet and they recited 'abcdefghijk' several times.(孩子们正在学习英文字母表,他们反复朗诵 'abcdefghijk'。)

7. We need to generate a random string of letters and numbers, but we must exclude the letters 'abcdefghijk' to avoid confusion.(我们需要生成一个随机的字母和数字字符串,但是我们必须排除字母 'abcdefghijk',以避免混淆。)







例句:JK left office feeling certain he would come back. (儒塞利诺・库比契克去职时感到他一定会回来。JK left office feeling certain he would come back.)


例句:How talk about team adam, a group of fiercely determined and (- 这是我亲爱的Hi -Hat - 你们好)


1. HEY, JESSIE. I'M BOBBY. I'M HERE FOR THE AUDITION. (翻译:- Hi, Jessie, 我是Bobby。)

2. You, uh... you waiting on someone? (翻译:Hi uh... You waiting on someone?)

3. Hi Quincy. Hi Maestro Zander. Hi Mark. (翻译:Hi 昆西,Hi, 詹德大师,Hi 马克。)

4. -Hi. Excuse me, Anne Marie. (翻译:HI,anne marie, 借过 hi.)

5. Uh, tell her hi from an old friend (翻译:tell her hi from an old friend)

we just have time to say hi and get going. (翻译:we just have time to say hi and get going.)

7. Hi Quincy. Hi Maestro Zander. Hi Mark. (翻译:Hi 昆西,Hi, 詹德大师,Hi 马克。)

8. Hi, Miss Desjarden. You look very pretty. (翻译:Hi, Desjarden 你看起来很漂亮)

9. Want to buy a cool tee for your girlfriend? (翻译:Hi. Want to buy a cool tee for your girlfriend?)

10. Where are your cowboy boots? (翻译:- Hey. - Hi. 你的牛仔靴呢?)

11. Hi. Yeah, Charley Peppitone, please. It's his sister. (翻译:hi,请找Charley Peppitone,我是他妹妹)

12. Hey, do you have a minute? (翻译:嗨 有空吗 Hi, do you have a minute?)

13. [ Man ] Isn't New York part of the United States yet? (翻译:- Hi, Hope. - Hi, Mike. How are you?)

14. Hi, my name is Otto Sinclair. (翻译:Hi, 我叫Otto Sinclair. 我是从1)

15. FG: Because I want to get a standing ovation like everybody, so ... (翻译:盖瑞:我也是常人嘛,想体验一下站起来接受掌声的感觉,所以—— )

