
点头哈腰用英语怎么说 点头哈腰英语翻译

更新时间:2024-03-10 15:36:33作者:残阳☆如血

点头哈腰英语有两种说法,可以翻译为 bow and sc,还经常被译作bow and sc,在《英语A实用语法词典》中,共找到42个与点头哈腰相关短语翻译和用法。

1. kowtow to(向…叩头;行叩头礼;向…点头哈腰,向…卑躬屈膝,向…低三下四)

2. Not accept blame and bow and say:

点头哈腰用英语怎么说 点头哈腰英语翻译

3. - Just a "hi" aund the neighborhood?

4. it just went ght to my head.

5. Shut up. Besides, why are you bowing down to her?

6. Nod yo head if you agree.

7. Not many options for low lives like us.

8. Would you still bend that over?

9. Now, tell me if you nodded yo head.

10. She's got a slight headache.

11. "Well, maybe, wink, wink, nod, nod,

12. i'm getting a little headache.

