
turbo是什么意思 turbo的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-03-10 14:14:34作者:ゞ泪痕★

词义:Turbo 是一个名词,指的是一种旋转机械,可以通过压缩空气或燃料来增加发动机的输出功率。

turbo是什么意思 turbo的中文翻译、读音、例句


词组搭配:turbo charge (涡轮增压), turbo engine (涡轮发动机), turbocharger (涡轮增压器), turbojet (涡喷发动机), turboprop (涡轮螺旋桨), turboshaft (涡轴发动机)




1. 这款汽车搭载了涡轮增压发动机,可以提供更强的动力。

The car is equipped with a turbocharged engine that provides more power.

2. 涡轮增压器使发动机的性能更加优越。

The turbocharger provides superior performance to the engine.

3. 我们需要一台带有涡轮发动机的飞机才能到达那个远方的城市。

We need a plane with a turbo engine to reach that distant city.

4. 这架飞机采用了涡轮螺旋桨发动机,可以飞行更远的距离。

The plane has a turboprop engine that allows it to fly longer distances.

5. 航空公司正在研发一种新型涡轴发动机,以提高飞机的效率。

The airline is developing a new type of turboshaft engine to improve the efficiency of their planes.

6. 涡喷发动机因其高速和高效而被广泛用于军事和商业领域。

The turbojet engine is widely used in military and commercial applications for its speed and efficiency.

7. 这款车的涡轮增压性能卓越,使得它在赛道上具有巨大的竞争力。

The car's turbocharged performance is exceptional, giving it a huge competitive edge on the racetrack.




1. The car has a turbo engine that delivers a lot of power. 这辆车有一个涡轮增压发动机,可以输出很大的动力。

2. My computer has a turbo on that speeds up the processing. 我的电脑有一个turbo按钮,可以加快处理速度。

3. He likes to take part in turbo-charged races. 他喜欢参加涡轮增压赛车比赛。

4. She wore a turbo necklace that caught everyone's attention. 她戴着一个涡轮项链,吸引了所有人的注意力。

5. The factory produces turbochargers for various types of engines. 工厂生产各种类型的发动机涡轮增压器。

6. The new model has a turbocharged engine that saves fuel. 新款车型有涡轮增压发动机,可以节约燃料。

7. He replaced the turbo in his car for better performance. 他更换了汽车涡轮以提高性能。

8. This rollercoaster has a turbo drop that will make your heart race. 这个过山车有一个涡轮坠落点,让你的心跳加速。

9. The athlete wore turbo ss that improved his speed. 运动员穿着涡轮鞋,提高了他的速度。





1. This car has a turbo engine which gives it an extra boost when accelerating.


2. Many modern airplanes use turbofan engines for better fuel efficiency.





例句:For Turbo charged and supercharged vehicles, it must be placed at the throttle body, after the turbo and intercooler. (为增压和增压车辆时,必须放置在节气门体后,涡轮增压和中间。)


例句:Only yours is a turbo... and silver gray. (只有你的才是涡轮轿车... 而且是银灰色的。)


例句:According to David, it's all about memory, not turbo perception. (据大卫讲,其实这就是个记忆的事情,跟“大脑高速运行”的看法无关。)


例句:I wanted a Doppler Weather Radar 2000 Turbo. (翻译:我却只想要个 2000型多普勒气象观测雷达)


turbo一般作为名词使用,如在drilling turbo(涡钻)、turbo alternator(轮[交流]发电机,透平交流发电机组)、turbo argyrostomus(银口蝾螺)等常见短语中出现较多。

drilling turbo涡钻
turbo alternator轮[交流]发电机,透平交流发电机组
turbo argyrostomus银口蝾螺
turbo blower离心式鼓风机
Turbo Boost睿频加速
turbo brunneus虎斑蝾螺
Turbo on[网络] 打开推进器;按钮
Turbo C[网络] 跟我学高级语言系列丛书;编程软件;常用的编辑命令
turbo carn. 涡轮发动机汽车


1. According to David, it's all about memory, not turbo perception. (翻译:据大卫讲,其实这就是个记忆的事情,跟“大脑高速运行”的看法无关。)

2. I wanted a Doppler Weather Radar 2000 Turbo. (翻译:我却只想要个 2000型多普勒气象观测雷达)

3. Turbo has taken to knocking on the door with his beak, we let him in and he comes in here. (翻译:涡轮学会了用他的喙敲门。我们让他进来,他就进来了。)

4. One time, I'm alongside this Turbo with doctor plates. (翻译:有一次我和一辆挂着 医生名牌的Turbo车并肩行驶)

5. And I brought you back your Turbo Rider comic book. (翻译:而且我还把你的极爆骑士漫画带回来了 And I brought you back your Turbo Rider comic book.)

6. All I had to do was retract the turbo drive from the subsection of the main lift. (翻译:我要做的就是... 将涡轮驱动的主要分部进行提升和回缩)

7. While the turbo handpiece is fast and efficient, it's difficult or impossible to shape or carve metal with. (翻译:虽然涡轮机头是快速,高效,很难或不可能的形状或雕刻的金属处理。)

8. But the rent's too expensive! (翻译:但是Turbo... 价钱太贵了,一个月三千...)

9. Turbo has taken to knocking on the door with his beak, we let him in and he comes in here. (翻译:涡轮学会了用他的喙敲门。我们让他进来,他就进来了。)

10. Its weaponry consists of a gunnery station with dual turbo lasers, as well as other "secret" armaments. (翻译:其武器装备包括一个带有双涡轮激光炮的炮台和其他“秘密”武器。)

11. That's what a lot of people said about turbo trading in financial exchanges 20 years ago. (翻译:曾有很多人对涡轮交易的看法就是这样 也就是在xx年前的金融交易所里。)

12. Where my mellow Ozone and Turbo teach They're a combination that can't be beat! (翻译:旋风和马达在那里 教导他们团结一致所向披靡的道理)

13. So the correct regulation of axial interval of turbo rotor and stator determine turbodrill working life . (翻译:所以涡轮定、转子轴向间隙的正确调节决定了涡轮钻具的工作寿命。)

14. Well, you prefer a watch to... a Lancia Thema Turbo, 16 valves. (翻译:哦,比起一辆兰西亚主旋律16汽门涡轮轿车 你更喜欢一只表啊)

15. Well, I brought you back your, um, um, turbo, uh, glove thing. (翻译:我把你的 呃 Well, I brought you back your, um, 极爆手套带来了 um, turbo, uh, glove thing.)



