
sarcastic是什么意思 sarcastic的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-03-10 12:02:31作者:安若夕



sarcastic是什么意思 sarcastic的中文翻译、读音、例句



- sarcastic remark: 讽刺的话语

- sarcastic tone: 讽刺的语调

- sarcastic humor: 讽刺幽默

- sarcastic laugh: 讥讽的笑声


- be sarcastic about: 对……讽刺挖苦

- a sarcastic person: 讽刺的人




1. His sarcastic comments made her feel embarred. (他的嘲讽评论让她感到尴尬。)

2. The article was written in a sarcastic tone that left readers feeling offended. (这篇文章以讽刺的语调写成,让读者感到被冒犯了。)


sarcastic在英语中代表"讽刺的 、挖苦的"的意思,在日常中也代表"嘲笑的"的意思,读音为[s:'kstik],sarcastic在英语中经常以形容词形式出现,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到65个与sarcastic相关的例句。



例句:Moving as fast, boldly and recklessly as a trillion-dollar fat-fingered stock-market transaction, the film has the drive, luxe and sarcastic wit of the snazziest Hollywood movies. (像价值上万亿美元的股市交易一样迅速、耀眼和鲁莽,这部电影具备了最为时尚的好莱坞电影中的干劲、奢华和讥讽等元素。)


例句:I know you were being sarcastic just then but it really is quite dazzling. (我知道你被讽刺 就在这时... ...但它确实相当耀眼。)


例句:Don’t forget that each people gets the government it deserves!” At a time when a sarcastic remark could constitute treason, this language was unprecedented. (别忘了,每个公民都有权 得到想要的!” 在那个讽刺都能构成叛国罪的年代, 这样激进的话语无疑是前所未有的, )


例句:Do some cat stuff real quick. Be sarcastic or lick yourself. (翻译:来点加菲猫的动作 嘲讽一点或者舔舔你自己)


sarcastic一般作为形容词使用,如在sarcastic humor([网络] 讽刺式幽默感)等常见短语中出现较多。

sarcastic humor[网络] 讽刺式幽默感


1. Don’t forget that each people gets the government it deserves!” At a time when a sarcastic remark could constitute treason, this language was unprecedented. (翻译:别忘了,每个公民都有权 得到想要的!” 在那个讽刺都能构成叛国罪的年代, 这样激进的话语无疑是前所未有的, )

2. Do some cat stuff real quick. Be sarcastic or lick yourself. (翻译:来点加菲猫的动作 嘲讽一点或者舔舔你自己)

3. - Unless you're being sarcastic. (翻译:-除非你是说反话 -当然是啊 {\3cH202020})

4. No more sarcastic remarks or physical attacks aimed at my boss. (翻译:不再怨天尤人,也不再和我的老板PK。No more sarcastic remarks or physical attacks aimed at my boss.)

5. I really can't work out whether your being sarcastic, or your really really dim? (翻译:希望你能够破解成功 我一直非常非常信任你)

6. The last time I asked you, I think I was just a little sarcastic but you know we need all the help we can get. (翻译:我们上次谈话 我想我的口气有点嘲讽 不过你知道 我们需要所有能得到的协助)

7. he enquired in a furiously sarcastic e-mail that was so long it must have taken half the day to tap out on his BlackBerry. (翻译:这封邮件如此之长,想必他肯定花了半天的时间,不停地敲打自己的黑莓。)

8. Also there is a more sarcastic way, which is not recommended, that is, put a thumbtack into the tire. (翻译:还有一种更损的方式,不值得推荐,那就是在车胎上按上个图钉。)

9. It was the Hutt equivalent of raising a sarcastic eyebrow. (翻译:这对赫特人来说,相当于讽刺地一挑眉毛。)

but I just came out of a budget meeting with our incredibly abrasive, dismissive and sarcastic vice president. (翻译:不好意思来迟了 我刚开完一个预算会议... ...跟我们那位无礼粗暴、盛气凌人 苛刻伤人的副总统一起开的)

11. I'm pretty baked right now, but I think you're being sarcastic. (翻译:我现在受宠若惊 怎么感觉你这是在挖苦我)

12. Yeah, it wouId've worked out too if you kept your beautiful sarcastic mouth shut. (翻译:对 如果你闭紧你那喜欢讽刺的嘴 我们本可以成功的)

13. And we knew enough to have a very sarcastic attitude toward the tour they gave us. (翻译:我们知道够 我们可能是讽刺 - - 在参观期间。)

14. Yes, there is your 'boite' at last: take it into a corner, you genuine daughter of Paris, and amuse yourself with disembowelling it, said the deep and rather sarcastic voice of Mr. (翻译:是的,你的‘boite’终于到了,把它拿到一个角落去,你这位地道的巴黎女儿,你就去掏你盒子里的东西玩儿吧。)

15. He could be really cutting, and relentless, and ruthless, and sarcastic. (翻译:他当时写得犀利又狠毒 特别残忍 擅长讽刺)



