
peta是什么意思 peta的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-03-10 11:06:43作者:探险家

1. 意义:PETA是People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals(动物权利组织)的缩写,该组织致力于推广动物保护、禁止动物等。


peta是什么意思 peta的中文翻译、读音、例句

- PETA is one of the most well-known animal rights organizations in the world. (PETA是全球最著名的动物权利组织之一。)

- PETA advocates for the ethical treatment of animals across various industries. (PETA倡导在各行各业中道德对待动物。)

2. 行动:PETA经常通过、广告等形式,呼吁人们停止对动物的残忍行为。


- PETA members will be protesting outside the restaurant that serves foie gras. (PETA成员将在那家供应鹅肝酱的餐厅外。)

- PETA recently released a controversial ad campaign against the use of wool in fashion. (PETA最近发布了一场涉及用羊毛制作时装的有争议广告活动。)

3. 政策:PETA试图通过推行多项政策,改善动物的生存环境。


- PETA is calling for stricter regulations on the treatment of farm animals across the country. (PETA要求全国在对待农场动物方面加强监管。)

- PETA is lobbying for the page of laws banning the use of animals in circuses. (PETA正在游说通过禁止马戏团使用动物的法律。)

4. 贡献:PETA已经做出了许多积极的贡献,包括推动动物保护政策、教育公众等。


- PETA's campaign to end animal testing has resulted in several major cosmetic companies going cruelty-free. (PETA推动停止动物测试的活动使得许多大型化妆品公司开始推行无残酷实验。)

- PETA is working with schools to promote plant-based food options as a healthier and more sustainable choice. (PETA与学校合作,推广植物性食品作为更健康、更可持续的选择。)

5. 争议:PETA的立场和行为经常引发争议和争议。


- PETA's recent campaign featuring celebrities posing has been criticized as being exploitative. (PETA最近以名人照为特色的广告活动被指控剥削性质。)

- PETA's extreme actions, such as throwing fake blood on fur-wearers, have been labeled as too radical by some. (PETA的极端行为,例如向穿着皮草的人泼洒假血,被一些人指责为过于激进。)

Peta不是一个国家的语言,它是国际动物权利组织People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals(PETA)的缩写。PETA致力于保护动物权益,反对使用动物用于实验、、食品、时装等领域,促进人类对待动物的更加尊重和关爱。


1. PETA strongly condemns the use of animals in circuses.(PETA强烈谴责马戏团中使用动物。)

2. PETA advocates for veganism, which means avoiding all animal products in diet.(PETA倡导素食主义,即在饮食中避免所有动物产品。)

3. PETA has launched a campaign against fur industry.(PETA发起了反对皮草产业的活动。)

4. PETA encourages people to adopt pets from shelters instead of buying them from breeders.(PETA鼓励人们从动物收容所领养宠物,而非从养殖场购买。)

5. PETA has exposed the cruel treatment of elephants in some zoos.(PETA揭露了一些动物园内对大象的残忍对待。)

6. PETA has protested against the use of animals in cosmetics testing.(PETA反对将动物用于化妆品测试。)

7. PETA has launched a campaign to end the use of animals in military experiments.(PETA发起了一项活动,旨在终止将动物用于军事实验。)

8. PETA has criticized the use of animals in entertainment industry.(PETA批评了将动物用于业的现象。)

9. PETA has released a video exposing the mistreatment of cows in the dairy industry.(PETA发布了一段视频,揭露了奶制品产业对牛的。)


1. Peta is an organization that advocates for animal rights.


2. The unit of measurement for data storage, petabyte, is abbreviated as PB, derived from peta-.





例句:The folks from the group People for theEthical Treatment of Animals known as PETA say there is really no difference between eating a dogor a pig—it is all equally cruel. (善待动物组织的工作人员说,吃狗肉和吃猪肉其实没有区别——都是非常残忍的。)


例句:I'm calling PETA. This is major animal cruelty right now. (我要打电话给动物保护协会 这可是动物的酷刑啊)


例句:Don't call PETA, Schmidt. These guys can crawl under doors, into crevices, bags, completely undetected. (Schmidt. completely undetected.)


例句:PETA criticised Gore for being a "meat-eating environmentalist" and urged him to go vegetarian. (翻译:善待动物组织批评戈尔是一位“肉食主义的环保主义者”并要求他去做素食主义者。)


1. Don't call PETA, Schmidt. These guys can crawl under doors, into crevices, bags, completely undetected. (翻译:Schmidt. completely undetected.)

2. PETA criticised Gore for being a "meat-eating environmentalist" and urged him to go vegetarian. (翻译:善待动物组织批评戈尔是一位“肉食主义的环保主义者”并要求他去做素食主义者。)

3. I also call PETA just for fun, and they don't like it, but they confirm it. (翻译:我玩笑性的打给善待动物组织 - 他们不喜欢,但他们也证实了 )

4. Changes of Pigment , Soluble Sugar and Protein Content of Peta during Florescence and Senescence of Osmanthus fragrans Lour . (翻译:桂花开花进程中花瓣色素、可溶性糖和蛋白质含量的变化。)

5. Going back to, you know, OSHA and PETA and the Humane Society: what if OSHA got it wrong? (翻译:那些,职业安全与卫生署、善待动物组织,和动物权益组织 如果职业安全与卫生署错了呢?)

6. First thing in the morning, I need you to focus on that PETA event. (翻译:在早上的第一件事,我需要 您可以集中精力,PETA事件上。)

7. Then bringing my winter furs to the dry cleaners to get the red PETA paint out. (翻译:然后再把皮草 送去干洗店洗掉善待动物组织给我身上泼的红漆)

8. declare announce Whatever PETA says, he proclaims, is all lies and nonsense. (翻译:他表示,不管反动物组织怎么说,都是骗人的,!)

9. People for the Ethical treatment of Animals, or PETA, issued a statement Thursday decrying the cruel treatment. (翻译:动物保护组织的人在周四发表了一份声明,谴责了这种动物的可耻行为。)

10. The CCF last week released the latest Peta euthanasia figures it had obtained from the state of Virginia. (翻译:消费者自由中心上周公布了佩塔最新的动物安乐死的数字,是从弗吉尼亚州那里取得的。)

11. Daphna Nachminovitch, director of PETA's domestic animal department, said the group would not endorse stealing a pet bunny. (翻译:时速nachminovitch主任绵羊的畜禽署表示,该集团将不会赞成偷一只宠物兔宝宝。)

12. I support and identify with groups like PETA... but unfortunately, I'm a self-diagnosed anemic. (翻译:我支持和认同那群派特A... 但不幸的事,我有贫血症。)

13. White House official said the White House had contacted PETA , or People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, about the poster . (翻译:白宫一名官员称,白宫已就海报事宜联系了善待动物协会。)

14. But PETA, known for its attention-grabbing campaigns, did not appear to be backing down. (翻译:然而,以爱搞引人注目的宣传活动而闻名的善待动物协会貌似并让步的意思。)

15. She's been a member of PETA basically forever, and Miley better watch out, because in '04 Alicia was voted "Sexiest Female Vegetarian. " (翻译:她已经是善待动物组织的一员,麦莉小童鞋要注意了,艾丽西娅xx年被投票选为“最素食者”。)

