
打砂用英语怎么说 打砂的英语翻译

更新时间:2024-03-03 09:44:20作者:残花冷月

打砂在英语中翻译是" ack",还网络中常译为"beat",在《中小学生词典》中,共找到78个与打砂相关短语翻译和用法。

打砂用英语怎么说 打砂的英语翻译


1. Silicas and and High-pe Silica bck is almost in the same situation.

2. Go, Masa, i'll be back in a minute.

3. Collary Sand Contl Techmques with Modified Fane Resin Sand Consolidation Agent

4. You with the kitty litter, okay?

5. Fight night! Fight night! Fight...

6. - i ted to get you some sand dabs. - No sand dabs, huh? No sand dabs.

7. Think about Misa's happiness.

8. We have no time. i'm desperate.

9. Cannon fire is as flying sand to me! Bullets are mere raindps!

10. And into the kitty litter.

11. Cores may also be made at this time. These cores are made of bonded sand that will be bken out of the cast part after it is complete.


12. Don't forget the pde of the Suna Suna Clan you got as sub-leader, and become a fine pncess! Suna:

13. Beating, beating, beating, beating...

