
usda是什么意思 usda的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-03-03 08:50:19作者:旧夏天

词的意思:USDA是美国United States Department of Agriculture的缩写,是美国的一个部门,主要负责美国国家农业、食品和营养政策的制定、执行和监督。

usda是什么意思 usda的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:USDA有许多部门,其中包括农村发展局(Rural Development)、动物和植物卫生检查局(Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service)、粮食(Food Safety and Inspection Service)等。

相关短语:USDA approved(USDA认证)、USDA organic(USDA有机认证)





1. The USDA is responsible for overseeing agriculture and rural development in the United States.(美国负责监督美国的农业和农村发展。)

2. The USDA provides a wide range of services to farmers and ranchers.(美国为农民和牧场主提供了广泛的服务。)

3. The USDA conducts research on various aspects of agriculture in order to improve productivity and efficiency.(美国开展各种农业研究,以提高生产率和效率。)




例句:Now you've probably garnered that I don't love the USDA, and I don't have any idea what to do with their pyramid, this upside-down pyramid with a rainbow over the top, I don't know. (听我讲了这么多,大家也可能知道我对美国不怎么感冒了, 他们制定出的金字塔让我匪夷所思。我搞不明白倒金字塔上为什么有一道彩虹。)


例句:The U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) jointly create each edition. (每个版本都是由美国和公共健康服务部联合制作完成的。)


例句:And that is what the USDA allows in our food supply. (但这却是美国在食品供应中允许的物质。)


例句:USDA says, in Iowa, that for every bushel of corn we produce, we're losing 44 pounds of topsoil on average. (翻译:在爱荷华州, USDA 说, 哪一为每蒲式尔 玉黍蜀,我们生产, 我们正在损失 44 磅 上层土一般说来。)


1. And that is what the USDA allows in our food supply. (翻译:但这却是美国在食品供应中允许的物质。)

2. USDA says, in Iowa, that for every bushel of corn we produce, we're losing 44 pounds of topsoil on average. (翻译:在爱荷华州, USDA 说, 哪一为每蒲式尔 玉黍蜀,我们生产, 我们正在损失 44 磅 上层土一般说来。)

3. So, when the USDA finally acknowledged that it was plants, rather than animals, that made people healthy, they encouraged us, via their overly simplistic food pyramid, to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, along with more carbs. (翻译:所以当美国最终承认 是植物,而不是动物,使得人们更加健康, 他们建议我们,通过参照他们构建的过于简陋的食品金字塔, 一天吃五份的水果和蔬菜, 和更多的碳水化合物。)

4. From there, he headed up Food Safety and Inspection at the USDA. (翻译:从那里,他带领在 食品安全和检验 在 USDA。)

5. USDA researchers have found that if it's not handled properly, produce can lose up to half its nutrients in transit. (翻译:美国的研究人员发现,如果得不到妥善的处理,农产品在运输的过程中将会有一半的营养流失。)

6. And that is what the USDA allows in our food supply. (翻译:但这却是美国在食品供应中允许的物质。)

7. The idea was that if a plant repeatedly failed these tests, that the USDA would shut the plant down because they obviously had an ongoing contamination problem. (翻译:这种制度规定: 如果有厂房反复多次无法通过检测 就会以持续性的食品污染问题为由)

8. So, the USDA sends this food for you to prepare for kids. (翻译:所以美国把这些食物 送来给孩子准备)

9. "Acreage contraction especially in the higher-yielding corn belt, is likely to put some downward pressure on yield gains, " USDA said. (翻译:“由于大豆播种面积下降,特别是在玉米高产地区,大豆单位产量的上升可能会面临阻力,”美国说。)

10. USDA forecasts of Chinese milk powder demand next year indicate a 24% increase in demand for WMP and a 9% increase for SMP. (翻译:美国预计中国奶粉在未来xx年的需要量预示对全脂奶粉的需要量将增长24%,对脱脂奶粉的需要量将增长9%。)

11. Aunt jemima said usda has to look at the pyramids! (翻译:洁麦玛姑妈说 得在金字塔上找答案!)

12. For years during the Bush administration, the chief of staff at the USDA was the former chief lobbyist to the beef industry in Washington; (翻译:... 在执政期间 美国的长)

13. If Congress isn't ready to take that step, it could at least give USDA the power to act and the FDA the funding it needs to do its job. (翻译:如果国会不准备作出行动,那么它应该至少授权美国,给食品及药物管理局拨款,让它们来行使该行使的职能。)

14. The town sits smack in the middle of a USDA food desert stretching miles in every direction. (翻译:无论从哪个方向来看,该镇都恰好坐落于 USDA 所定义的食品沙漠范围之内。)

15. It's an experimental breeding program at the USDA Bee Lab in Baton Rouge, and this queen and her attendant bees are part of that program. (翻译:这是位于巴吞鲁日的美国 蜜蜂实验室的一个试验性育种计划, 这只蜂后和她的工蜂是这个计划的一部分。)



