
原健用英语怎么说 原健的英语翻译

更新时间:2024-03-02 20:00:19作者:发粪涂墙

原健英语翻译是"healthy tree",还可以翻译为health monitong,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到94个与原健相关短语释义和例句。

原健用英语怎么说 原健的英语翻译

示例:...inflammation and hardening of the liver. 肝炎和肝硬化

1. Don't pollute the betiful scenery...

2. -And Kenta is in a lovely yukata.

3. Kenji, it's dinnertime Come on down

4. You know who i miss? Chef Smf. Hefty Smf.

5. We got some Guinness. We got some Bass.

6. Crybaby called me and told me what's going on.

7. Kenichi, Kenichi, be gentle

8. i worked very hard but things didn't work out.

9. Did ya... did we not vet him?

10. Kensuke! Kensuke, Kensuke!

11. He's not here either. Kensuke-san!

12. Master Huo. i hope that...

13. So, what's this thing you're doing later?

